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Video: Obama In Tonight's Late Show With David Letterman


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People have been saying that Romney has no chance for many months now and the race is still almost even. With unemployment at over 8%, a 16 trillon debt and Obama's Middle East policy in tatters, he has a darn good chance of winning

Ah so unemployment is slowly falling in the right direction?

Way less Americans killed and way less money wasted. That's a ME policy tatters?

On a note of interest to all Michael Lewis spent many days with the POTUS and speaks on GPS to Fareed Zakaria. He sounds extremely impressed in a thoughful way and, importantly for me, said Obama has no false front.....which separates him from Willard straight away!

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People have been saying that Romney has no chance for many months now and the race is still almost even. With unemployment at over 8%, a 16 trillon debt and Obama's Middle East policy in tatters, he has a darn good chance of winning

Ah so unemployment is slowly falling in the right direction?

Four people are giving up and dropping out of the workforce for every new job created. That is not the right direction.

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I like Biden. He's actually very sharp, charismatic and a good speaker. Late night talk show hosts like to poke fun at him because he makes a slight gaffe every 8 months or so. It's like looking at a lion and saying it's a hare because it has a chipped claw on its paw. I don't yet know Ryan.

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People have been saying that Romney has no chance for many months now and the race is still almost even. With unemployment at over 8%, a 16 trillon debt and Obama's Middle East policy in tatters, he has a darn good chance of winning

Ah so unemployment is slowly falling in the right direction?

Way less Americans killed and way less money wasted. That's a ME policy tatters?

On a note of interest to all Michael Lewis spent many days with the POTUS and speaks on GPS to Fareed Zakaria. He sounds extremely impressed in a thoughful way and, importantly for me, said Obama has no false front.....which separates him from Willard straight away!

Doesn't it make one wonder where Fareed plagiarized his work from though?

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After Romney's true colours slipped out, all Obama had to do was turn up and smile to be honest.

Romney is rightfully going to get slaughtered for his comments, and you can't even argue that they were taken out of context.

This election is virtually over. Obama is going to destroy Romney in the debates, the only saving grace is that Ryan will probably run rings around Biden, but people are not voting for vice president.

Biden is a streetfighter. His strategy will be to connect with the bllue collar and eldery voters. Slips of the tongue and Yogi Berra type statements humanize him. His job is to grab as many of those voters as possible. Something a young whipper snapper like Ryan can't do. No one likes to see an old guy get ridiculed or beat up on.

Biden will deliver because he is easier to connect to at an emotional level. Most everyone has a relative like him in the family and can understand him. All Biden has to do is to keep up with Ryan and he'll have done his job. The experienced uncle taking on the sharp kid. Family dynamics in action.

I agree that Ryan will need to be careful. He is obviously head and shoulders above Biden IQ-wise and understanding the issues. But, you're right, no one wants to see their funny uncle with Alzheimers beaten up on in public. Ryan will have to be very careful to put Biden in his place (in the corner wearing the dunce hat) while showing respect. It will be tricky.

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Issues be damned. There's going to be a lot people going into the polling booth and when they see a certain name they're going to think of that poor dog in a box strapped to the roof of a car traveling 50 mph, so scared it has the shites.

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Issues be damned. There's going to be a lot people going into the polling booth and when they see a certain name they're going to think of that poor dog in a box strapped to the roof of a car traveling 50 mph, so scared it has the shites.

After Romney's comments, they are going to be thinking "Well at least one person gives a shit about me, and it isn't Romney".

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Issues be damned. There's going to be a lot people going into the polling booth and when they see a certain name they're going to think of that poor dog in a box strapped to the roof of a car traveling 50 mph, so scared it has the shites.

They will also have to consider the fact that Al Qaeda is alive and GM is half dead. whistling.gif

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Issues be damned. There's going to be a lot people going into the polling booth and when they see a certain name they're going to think of that poor dog in a box strapped to the roof of a car traveling 50 mph, so scared it has the shites.

After Romney's comments, they are going to be thinking "Well at least one person gives a shit about me, and it isn't Romney".

At least the Romneys didn't have rover for their dinner entree.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Still, Romney's Foreign Policy credentials continue to dribble further round the U-bend:

Further secret filming showed the presidential candidate completely dismiss Middle East peace talks.

He said: "I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say there's just no way.

"You move things along the best way you can. You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognise that this is going to remain an unsolved problem -- and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it."

I'd say this is Romney stating the Emperor has no clothes on, which everyone knows but nobody till now had the spine to spell out. A conviction politician versus the human weather vane, the choice could hardly be clearer, lucky for Obama that the MSM are working 24/7 to dig the dirt on his opponent while giving him a free pass.

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Obama had time to go on the Letterman show but apparently no time in his schedule to meet Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss what to do about the existential threat a U.S ally faces from a genocidal and insane Iranian regime who are very close to obtaining a nuclear bomb.

Obama's perspective and evaluation of certain situations might be differ from yours. what's there to discuss anyway? Obama knows what "Bibi" wants coffee1.gif

I'm sure Obama's perspective does indeed differ from mine.


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People have been saying that Romney has no chance for many months now and the race is still almost even. With unemployment at over 8%, a 16 trillon debt and Obama's Middle East policy in tatters, he has a darn good chance of winning

Ah so unemployment is slowly falling in the right direction?

Four people are giving up and dropping out of the workforce for every new job created. That is not the right direction.

That's a nasty sounding selective statistic that's been going round.

What does "created" mean exactly in this context?

More importantly how many are entering employment compared to how many leaving since the depth of the crisis which was dumped on Obama (which crisis sadly but undoubtedly set up the conditions for people to leave the workforce all together which Republicans are now complaining about)? Obviously more are entering as unemployment's down from 10% to 8%.

Once again, it's clear where the blame lies. Look at a ten year unemployment chart and you,ll see that when Obama came in unemployment was absolutely rocketing already. The rise continued, gradually reducing in momentum to zero a year later. Are you seriously blaming Obama for the mistakes of previous administrations and conditions?

Look at


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Cut the silly attempt at spin. That statistic was put out in the government jobs report. It is simply a fact and nothing else. cheesy.gif

Ah you answered before I added my last paragraph so I'll repeat it:

Once again, it's clear where the blame lies! Or at least where it doesn't lie.. Look at a ten year unemployment chart and you,ll see that when Obama came in unemployment was absolutely rocketing already and had been for some time. The rise continued, gradually reducing in momentum until peaking a year later. Are you seriously blaming Obama for what are the obvious mistakes of previous administrations and conditions?

Look at it here and adjust to ten years


No spin....which is a fine accusation from someone comparing apples ("created" jobs) with oranges (dropped out of workforce).....that one must have come from Republican Party Creativity Dept.

Just measured fact, people entering or leaving employment, apples and apples....and it's falling.

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No American President since WWII has ever been re-elected with a jobless rate this high and with the economy in this much trouble. Voters have always had a tendency to give the other side a try when things are even close to this bad. If Obama is re-elected it will just prove three things. Today's Americans are disengaged and it is now just a popularity contest, the media controls who wins by who they mostly promote, and finally, the Republicans were not able to put up a strong enough candidate.

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Obama had time to go on the Letterman show but apparently no time in his schedule to meet Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss what to do about the existential threat a U.S ally faces from a genocidal and insane Iranian regime who are very close to obtaining a nuclear bomb.

Obama's perspective and evaluation of certain situations might be differ from yours. what's there to discuss anyway? Obama knows what "Bibi" wants coffee1.gif

I'm sure Obama's perspective does indeed differ from mine.


It's abundantly clear that members of this administration couldn't even lie straight in bedbah.gif

Al-Qaeda Attack Harms Claims of Libya War 'Victory'


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Once again, it's clear where the blame lies! Or at least where it doesn't lie..

More spin. Obama has had four years to clean up the mess like he said that he would.

So you think that you throwing out a misleading apples and oranges "statistic" is OK but my posting an officially compiled chart and suggesting an interpretation is "spin".

Perhaps in my interpretation?

OK you tells what the chart says....


again, you"ll note the rocket launch in unemployment starting way per Obama and being halted in a year then dropping.

As you're so critical do Obama the courtesy of telling us how you would have arrested unemployment's rise in less han that year. Thankyou.

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I hate to have to say 'told you so' after election day, so I'll say it before the election: Obama's going to win, by a large margin.

Romney 8% points behind Obama this morning, according to NPR.

If you think the Obama haters are cranking out the garbage now, wait until Michelle Obama announces her intentions, sometime before 2016. Rush Limbaugh will be frothing at the mouth, and Donald Trump will devote all his calories to demanding she show the birth certificates for all her ancestors, going back seven generations.

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Issues be damned. There's going to be a lot people going into the polling booth and when they see a certain name they're going to think of that poor dog in a box strapped to the roof of a car traveling 50 mph, so scared it has the shites.

They will also have to consider the fact that Al Qaeda is alive and GM is half dead. whistling.gif

Half dead? Well it seems to be a rather potent semi dead entity then;

GM earned $7.6 billion in 2011, and another $3.25 billion in the first half of 2012, largely on the strength of its leaner North American operations.

GM is reporting results sooner this year. a week before the election. Analysts expect that GM will again show a large-enough profit in North America that will more than offset a loss in Europe.

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8/15/2012 @ 6:24PM |782,025 views

General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy -- Again

President Obama is proud of his bailout of General Motors. That’s good, because, if he wins a second term, he is probably going to have to bail GM out again. The company is once again losing market share, and it seems unable to develop products that are truly competitive in the U.S. market.


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Romney 8% points behind Obama this morning, according to NPR.

Not according to all the other polls.thumbsup.gif

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 46% of the vote. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. See daily tracking history. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll

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It's sad that a US president appears on some shallow entertainment fluff and most people think its totally normal. It's getting more and more like the film 'Idiocracy' every year.

Actually, it wasn't "entertainment fluff" at all. It was carefully crafted and conceived by both Obama camp and Letterman. I downloaded the entire show, and it was ENTIRELY an interview with Obama, on what is normally a late night comedy entertainment show. This was obviously Letterman's campaign contribution to Obama, picked carefully to coincide with the release of Romney's huge gaffe of 47% of Americans being deadbeats. Between Leno and Letterman, they draw millions of people and that is a good platform if you can get it. Letterman basically spoon-fed Obama rehearsed questions and let Obama roll. I think it was quite a coup for Obama.

Romney appeared on Leno briefly, but nobody is going to give Romney a whole show! it would put everyone to sleep at late night. biggrin.png

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Letterman basically spoon-fed Obama rehearsed questions and let Obama roll. I think it was quite a coup for Obama.

I'm sure all those people sitting at home with no jobs and no money were very impressed by the man who is responsible yucking it up with Letterman instead of doing his job. tongue.png

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