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Hand Washing Or Rather The Lack Of It

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what a topic,

thais just out the stone age, thais dont do this before they serve my food, thai this and thai that,

if you really are that botherd stay at home it just might be safer

but dont forget can you remember the big mac employee who wanked into a burger, think it was in scunthorpe,

and you say thais are bad...

its the same all over the world, just some of you like to come on here and make such a fukcing big thing out of nothing, just to have a go at the thais,


oh come on Jake I think something is seriously amiss with basic health and safety training of employees in the upmarket condo I live in when none of the kitchen staff are seen to be washing their mitts after using the toilet

how much effort does it take for the manager to put a couple of signs up in the toilet and download some basic kitchen hygeine information to be photocopied and given to the staff?

if u read my first post u would see that to be fair i said that other races and cultures have issues with basic hygeine but I put that down to laziness because basic hygeine is usually taught in schools and the home in the West....so I am still waiting for an answer on whether it is down to laziness,ignorance or dont care attitude......perhaps u can enlighten us?


My 5 yr old seems to understand that washing your hands with soap and water is how to get them clean. He has both learned this at school as well as at home. Even when we are outside the home he is very quick to use soap when washing his hands at the hand washing stations are local fast food places (like kfc).

His mother on the other hand doesn't seem to understand the difference between washing and getting wet. No matter how often I explain to her how soap works I find her rinsing her hands off in water and then thinking they are now clean. At first I thought it was laziness but I'm starting to think it's just how they were raised from birth. Some of these things are best taught at a young age as it's hard to convince someone who has been doing it "their" way for 30 years that how they are doing it is wrong.

That said, I think that SARS had a very positive effect on this topic. Much more attention was put on cleaning your hands and alcohol hand gel stations popped up everywhere. For a while I actually saw folks using them regularly but now they just seem to be another fixture on the wall. I am happy that they are there as both my son and I appreciate how they can be found all over the malls and tend to use them when entering and exiting.


Urine is generally clean of bugs...not very nice going into your food but it won't kill you.

Speak to the manager if it bothers you that much....maybe he will be proactive in that regard...but I doubt it.

Personal hygiene issues are usually formed in childhood....I see the same in the UK and other places.

If it offends you then cook all your food at home.

Then your Thai friends can start a thread here asking how to help their farang pal with his OCD issues! :D


It's more ignorance than anything else, a few months back their was an outbreak of foot&mouth

disease in Thailand, where many schools were closed down fearing an epidemic outbreak.

Next thing i see on Thai news channel are many school children all lined up being taught how to wash there


This just shows the mind set of acting after the problem arises.


im just being honest, and i live in the sticks, when we do go out to eat, ive seen them wash there hands plenty of times, it could just be your place,

and to answer your question i would maybe put it down to ignorence, like smokie says have a word with the manager and point it out in a nice way that in the western world chefs wash there hands a lot,

mind you saying that when ive seen them on british tv, they just seem to have a tea towel in there belt and wipe there hands on that all the time, must be lots of bacteria on there?

just my thoughts, jake


No surprise, Thais are barely coming out from the stone age rolleyes.gif

That's a completely unwarranted and overtly racist comment, adding nothing of value to the thread. You're talking out of your ar$e, so that gives you plenty of choices where to shove the soap. wai.gif


what a topic,

thais just out the stone age, thais dont do this before they serve my food, thai this and thai that,

if you really are that botherd stay at home it just might be safer

but dont forget can you remember the big mac employee who wanked into a burger, think it was in scunthorpe,

and you say thais are bad...

its the same all over the world, just some of you like to come on here and make such a fukcing big thing out of nothing, just to have a go at the thais,


Almost correct, jake. That McD's was in Shorpe.... the offending employee was in there somewhere whistling.gif

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