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We Thais In America Are Protesting Against Madam Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawat


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The words ring true, the Voice Over is electronic and thus all the pronunciation is incorrect. This has most like been done by a male and used computer generated reading of the words and plugged in a few stills. The message is real enough and I concur. But this is not going to go viral and get the message thru to the Thai's.

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The words ring true, the Voice Over is electronic and thus all the pronunciation is incorrect. This has most like been done by a male and used computer generated reading of the words and plugged in a few stills. The message is real enough and I concur. But this is not going to go viral and get the message thru to the Thai's.

Electronic voice made by Google Translator tool. DtemJai leaves in US but cannot comment the video cause she is not able to speak english.....wink.png

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Well put although a bit exaggerated, but who cares back home, and the reds will call it all 'lies'. Besides you could probably make a similar video about George Bush, but this is a useful video to help explain Thailand's clone to people abroad who are uninformed about the political charade here.

How come when it come to politics George Bush come into play???

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Since the OP has brought Thailand and the USA into the same post, it bears pointing out that Thaksin and Obama are cut from the same cloth, although Thaksin would probably resent the comparison more than Obama. And they aren't alone. Tom Haden and Jane Fonda also come from the same fabric of vote buying as the aforementioned two, to wit, The People;s Republic of Santa Monica.

It is good politics to pander to the impoverished masses because there are millions more of them than there are productive individuals that eschew entitlements as demeaning to their self esteem and responsibility to their communities and the world. Legislating entitlements to buy votes is the cheapest campaign strategy, not only because it is paid for with other people's money, but also because pandering to the deadbeats of the world returns a greater number of votes per campaign dollar spent than the costs involved in marketting an issue driven campaign. It is a lot easier to teach dogs to jump up and down in anticipation of a free lunch than it is to teach a dog to hunt.

This is why the electoral process has outlived its day in a democratic republic. It is all quantitative and not qualitative, just like the original algorithms at Google had to be replaced by the Panda and Penguin updates to right the search ship from listing off course as paid links servers manufactured the quantitative links prized by the old algorithms.

The only way to save democracies is to replace the electoral process with a conscriptive lottery to pull citizens into mandatory service representing their peers for a single two-year term. Any time you allow politics to become a career for others, you have done a disservice to your country. Never mind the details of how the lottery system would work, No need to bother kind folks here with boredom when there is always a free lunch somewhere paid for by somebody else. But in conclusion, so long as voting is the way of keeping a country under control, not by the voters BTW, then in all fairness to voters it should be mandated that anybody receiving entitlements is prohibited from voting due to conflict of interest.

-Sin Nickel

Edited by unanimosity
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It would be interesting to know who the person or people responsible for this production are.

What would be the reaction if it turned out the responsible part(s) were scions of wealthy Bangkok families that gained their wealth through corrupt means and that have a vested interest in various businesses and entities that are opposed to the current administration.

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The call to action at the end of the video is for foreign government to extradite Thaksin to Thailand. Currently their has been no extradition requests made by the Thai government, so they are asking for the impossible. Alternatively this may be the point they are trying to make, if so it's rather obscure.

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It's a shame your people in Thailand can't see,what you and the Thais in America,know the truth of only too well.

This statement is an abuse of the right of free speech. I have witnessed 20 years of the abuse of Thai people by their various governments, military of civil and the fact is that Thailand's current prime minister Yingluck Shinwatra played no part in these events which you want the world to lay at her door.

As for those of the Thai people that hide in America where from they exploit Thailand and her people I have nothing but disdain How many of you left Thailand with your ill gotten gains when your corruption of land issues and foreign illegal loans virtually destroyed the Thai economy in the 1990's.

Edited by indyuk
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It's a shame your people in Thailand can't see,what you and the Thais in America,know the truth of only too well.

. I have witnessed 20 years of the abuse of Thai people by their various governments, military of civil and the fact is that Thailand's current prime minister Yingluck Shinwatra played no part in these events which you want the world to lay at her door.

As for those of the Thai people that hide in America where from they exploit Thailand and her people I have nothing but disdain How many of you left Thailand with your ill gotten gains when your corruption of land issues and foreign illegal loans virtually destroyed the Thai economy in the 1990's.

"This statement is an abuse of the right of free speech"

I think your idea of freedom of speech is more akin to the Redshirts than mine,who's view on freedom of speech is the same as their views on Democracy,only relevant as long as you are in agreement with them! and that's real abuse of freedom of speech!

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Awesome video should go viral.

Nothing awesome about the video. It is a fabricated weak witted compilation of half truths from both sides of the Thai political divide. The Conservative Thais were unable to develop just political system even after three century's of free reign. Now the left of Thai politics prevails. I suspect that the socialists will achieve success in less than half a century.
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Since the OP has brought Thailand and the USA into the same post, it bears pointing out that Thaksin and Obama are cut from the same cloth, although Thaksin would probably resent the comparison more than Obama. And they aren't alone. Tom Haden and Jane Fonda also come from the same fabric of vote buying as the aforementioned two, to wit, The People;s Republic of Santa Monica.

It is good politics to pander to the impoverished masses because there are millions more of them than there are productive individuals that eschew entitlements as demeaning to their self esteem and responsibility to their communities and the world. Legislating entitlements to buy votes is the cheapest campaign strategy, not only because it is paid for with other people's money, but also because pandering to the deadbeats of the world returns a greater number of votes per campaign dollar spent than the costs involved in marketting an issue driven campaign. It is a lot easier to teach dogs to jump up and down in anticipation of a free lunch than it is to teach a dog to hunt.

This is why the electoral process has outlived its day in a democratic republic. It is all quantitative and not qualitative, just like the original algorithms at Google had to be replaced by the Panda and Penguin updates to right the search ship from listing off course as paid links servers manufactured the quantitative links prized by the old algorithms.

The only way to save democracies is to replace the electoral process with a conscriptive lottery to pull citizens into mandatory service representing their peers for a single two-year term. Any time you allow politics to become a career for others, you have done a disservice to your country. Never mind the details of how the lottery system would work, No need to bother kind folks here with boredom when there is always a free lunch somewhere paid for by somebody else. But in conclusion, so long as voting is the way of keeping a country under control, not by the voters BTW, then in all fairness to voters it should be mandated that anybody receiving entitlements is prohibited from voting due to conflict of interest.

-Sin Nickel

Sounds alot like 3rd Reich stuff to me...Chok Dee with THAT garbage!

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The call to action at the end of the video is for foreign government to extradite Thaksin to Thailand. Currently their has been no extradition requests made by the Thai government, so they are asking for the impossible. Alternatively this may be the point they are trying to make, if so it's rather obscure.

You miss the point, or should I say the facts which are; no foreign government saw a case for using the extradition procedure to return Taksin to Thailand. Accordingly Thailand was unable to make a case for extradition and accordingly did not apply. Edited by indyuk
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It's a shame your people in Thailand can't see,what you and the Thais in America,know the truth of only too well.

. I have witnessed 20 years of the abuse of Thai people by their various governments, military of civil and the fact is that Thailand's current prime minister Yingluck Shinwatra played no part in these events which you want the world to lay at her door.

As for those of the Thai people that hide in America where from they exploit Thailand and her people I have nothing but disdain How many of you left Thailand with your ill gotten gains when your corruption of land issues and foreign illegal loans virtually destroyed the Thai economy in the 1990's.

"This statement is an abuse of the right of free speech"

I think your idea of freedom of speech is more akin to the Redshirts than mine,who's view on freedom of speech is the same as their views on Democracy,only relevant as long as you are in agreement with them! and that's real abuse of freedom of speech!

I am not interested in the Red Shirt of Yellow Shirt since neither has respect for Thai law. When I comment here I base my comment on fact. The fact is that Taksin was the only mover and shaker to earn Thailand the respect of the World during my 20 year love affair with this beautiful country. I suspect the Thai do well while lead by Yingluck. Why? because she is more than qualified for her job with a Bsc and a Phd in Public administration, knows what the real problems of Thailand and has years management and investment experience too. You can add to that that she is also the daughter of Thailand's most notable statesmen of these times. Of course you'll will choke on my words and I am sorry for you. Why not try studying Thai history of the past 20 years. If you stick to the facts the real miracle of Thailand will be clear to you. This is because you will come to understand the Red or Yellow politics are a farce orchestrated by people that are slighty insane.
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It's a shame your people in Thailand can't see,what you and the Thais in America,know the truth of only too well.

. I have witnessed 20 years of the abuse of Thai people by their various governments, military of civil and the fact is that Thailand's current prime minister Yingluck Shinwatra played no part in these events which you want the world to lay at her door.

As for those of the Thai people that hide in America where from they exploit Thailand and her people I have nothing but disdain How many of you left Thailand with your ill gotten gains when your corruption of land issues and foreign illegal loans virtually destroyed the Thai economy in the 1990's.

"This statement is an abuse of the right of free speech"

I think your idea of freedom of speech is more akin to the Redshirts than mine,who's view on freedom of speech is the same as their views on Democracy,only relevant as long as you are in agreement with them! and that's real abuse of freedom of speech!

I am not interested in the Red Shirt of Yellow Shirt since neither has respect for Thai law. When I comment here I base my comment on fact. The fact is that Taksin was the only mover and shaker to earn Thailand the respect of the World during my 20 year love affair with this beautiful country. I suspect the Thai do well while lead by Yingluck. Why? because she is more than qualified for her job with a Bsc and a Phd in Public administration, knows what the real problems of Thailand and has years management and investment experience too. You can add to that that she is also the daughter of Thailand's most notable statesmen of these times. Of course you'll will choke on my words and I am sorry for you. Why not try studying Thai history of the past 20 years. If you stick to the facts the real miracle of Thailand will be clear to you. This is because you will come to understand the Red or Yellow politics are a farce orchestrated by people that are slighty insane.

Do enlighten me who is the statesman you refer to: "she is also the daughter of Thailands most notable statesman of these times"

The rest is so much nonsense,it's not worth replying to.

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When I comment here I base my comment on fact.

You can add to that that she is also the daughter of Thailand's most notable statesmen of these times.

Why not try studying Thai history of the past 20 years.

You boast about how factual your comments are, and tell other people they should study up, but can't even get correct something as fundamental and simple as what the relationship is between Thaksin and Yingluck.

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It's a shame your people in Thailand can't see,what you and the Thais in America,know the truth of only too well.

. I have witnessed 20 years of the abuse of Thai people by their various governments, military of civil and the fact is that Thailand's current prime minister Yingluck Shinwatra played no part in these events which you want the world to lay at her door.

As for those of the Thai people that hide in America where from they exploit Thailand and her people I have nothing but disdain How many of you left Thailand with your ill gotten gains when your corruption of land issues and foreign illegal loans virtually destroyed the Thai economy in the 1990's.

"This statement is an abuse of the right of free speech"

I think your idea of freedom of speech is more akin to the Redshirts than mine,who's view on freedom of speech is the same as their views on Democracy,only relevant as long as you are in agreement with them! and that's real abuse of freedom of speech!

I am not interested in the Red Shirt of Yellow Shirt since neither has respect for Thai law. When I comment here I base my comment on fact. The fact is that Taksin was the only mover and shaker to earn Thailand the respect of the World during my 20 year love affair with this beautiful country. I suspect the Thai do well while lead by Yingluck. Why? because she is more than qualified for her job with a Bsc and a Phd in Public administration, knows what the real problems of Thailand and has years management and investment experience too. You can add to that that she is also the daughter of Thailand's most notable statesmen of these times. Of course you'll will choke on my words and I am sorry for you. Why not try studying Thai history of the past 20 years. If you stick to the facts the real miracle of Thailand will be clear to you. This is because you will come to understand the Red or Yellow politics are a farce orchestrated by people that are slighty insane.

This is a litany of pure <deleted>! You claim to be free of reds and yellows and yet your piece of history could be right out of a red shirt manual.

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Majic, I agreed with you right up until you started lauding the Shinawatras. Seriously, they are as bad, or perhaps even slightly worse, than the others. Either way, politics in this country is about as bad as it can get. Root cause? Everyone in this country, except for a tiny minority, are used to everyone lying and cheating as soon as they, their family or their friends are involved, so they do the same and don't even see the problem - except in everyone else apart from themselves, their family and their friends... It's nepotism as a societal system, with a thin, thin varnish of meritocracy on top.

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