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Looking For A Hard Drive Supplier


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Hello smile.png

Would anybody know of a good supplier or manufacturer of Hard Drives? I know Thailand is the biggest manufacturer of HD but it seams almost impossible to find a supplier that sells it cheap enough! I'm looking for around the ballpark of 50 pieces a month at 2000 baht a piece for 1TB USB 3.0.

Thank you smile.png

Edited by perrychrispy
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Before the floods in Thailand you could buy a Samsung 1Tb from www.thanni.com for 1,700thb now the cheapest 1Tb HD there is WD 3,180thb.

They say that the new Windows 8 O.S. is creating big demand for hard disks from PC manufacturers keeping the prices high after the flood.

For now the goal posts have moved and you may have to reconsider your 'cheap enough price'.

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That's a pretty low order amount for a manufactorer here to even take interest. Thailand is the leader in HD component parts, not the whole assembled HD, specifically the HD motors, with 90% of them used worldwide manufactorered in Ayutthaya. You're looking at 10,000 order minimum to get into that network of suppliers. Thailand is not a small order supplier of HDs. You'll get the same wholesale price from a major manufactorer, like Seagate, in any location in the world, if you are set up as a ligitimate business, and can meet the minimum order requirements for the price breaks you are looking at.

You would do better to try sourcing that small of an order from Alibaba.com

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You didn't say whether you're looking for 2.5" or 3.5". 3.5" would sometimes be significantly cheaper than 2.5" (especially for bigger drives).

Always check some of the US sites first, to get an idea of numbers. Between Newegg and Pricewatch you can get a very good idea of the cheapest you're likely to be able to find a product, then you can work from there. Honestly, volumes of 50/mo wouldn't get you on any manufacturer's radar. You'd be lucky even to get the attention of some of the bigger wholesalers. Small wholesalers and discount retailers are your options.

Anyway - for example

Newegg, currently US$90 for both 2.5 and 3.5 1Tb USB3 drives. It's the USB3 that's the killer, you could get a 1Tb 3.5" USB2 for around $70.

Like I said - of course those are American retail prices but they're usually an excellent barometer.

So, your Chinese supplier at $32 a pop - good luck with that. Have you heard the expression "too good to be true"? For example, these things are fairly well known - http://www.janisian.com/forum/showthread.php?11337-Chinese-Fake-Hard-Drive.

Tread carefully...

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- Western Digital Caviar Blue

- Model: WD10EZEX

- Packaging: Bare Drive

- Interface SATA 6.0Gb/s

- Capacity 1TB

- RPM 7200 RPM

- Cache 32MB Physical Spec

- Form Factor 3.5 inch"

- Warranty 2 Years

- 2418 baht not including shipping, looks like Gregory has a better deal!

Can offer WD 1Tb for 2800 :)

50 pieces a month is a volume of a small dealer shop...

I highly doubt you can find it at 2000 baht anywhere, especially with the cost of shipping factored in.

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- Packaging: Bare Drive

This is a bare drive, like you would install in your PC. On top of that b2,418 you would also need to add an external housing for the drive. They're not very expensive especially USB2 maybe b300-b600 but that drive, plus a USB3 housing to put it in would almost certainly go > b3,000.

Edited by bobl
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