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Weather Forcasts For Thailand - Useless


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Does Thailand have modern technology for weather forcasting or is it the primary school children who do the guesswork.

I ask this as I try to follow the weather for my wife's family who are all farmers and lately the forecasts have been so very wrong.

I look at the website and tell them if they need to water seeds, vegetables flowers etc and then made to look stupid as very rarely

is the forecast correct.

I use the Thai Visa weather web page which is a joke so tried another web page at www.yr.no but have the same results.

For example over the past 2 days the forcast showed rain practically all day with rainfall anticipated at 23mm on Thursday and

17mm yesterday. What did we have? less than 2mm over the 48 hrs.

Today's Thai Visa forecast was for 3.6mm rain between 1am and 7am. What did we get? No rain!!

With today's technology surely they can do better than this.

Anybody know a fairly accurate weather forcast website?

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I use the Accuweather site. I also have a desk top application that gives me a 5 day forcast. I don't think any of them are 100% The website has a decent radar cover as well. Worth a try I suppose thumbsup.gif

Have also tried that site but just as bad for forcasts for where I am (Buriram).

I accept that a 100% accuracy is not possible but I fail to understand how they can be so wrong and unreliable.

I believe a lot of it is guesswork.

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