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How Would You Improve Thailand?


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I would also like to try and stop prostitution in Thailand.

With serious jail time and heavy fines for sellers and purchasers, along with compulsory deportation for foreign offenders and their passport stamped 'never to return to Thailand, uses prostitutes' for all the world to see.

But I suspect that wouldn't be popular with many TV members.

Surely you mean provide other alternatives in Thailand so women (and men) are not forced to use prostitution as the means to feed their families. Or educate people that it is not acceptable to allow your daughters to engage in prostitution in order to give the proceeds to the family.

Blacklisting foreigners from entering Thailand for having used the services of a prostitute isnt going to stop prostitution in Thailand, it will just drive it underground where there is even less safety for the women. Or even worse they will be forced to spread their legs for the drunk abusive Thai clientele while they dream of better times where they spent 9 hours a day picking at food at a bar and shouting hello welcaaaam and occasionally servicing a sweaty tourist.


Blacklisting/stopping 'Non' Thais from using this services will only push it all back into the local part of the business. With less pays, less use of condoms, less free time, less money.

Without educating the people, and giving other options for a living, there are no changes possible.

Maybe we should think about, why it looks like, that none of the people in charge, in the past 50 years, tried to change something,

But we need only to look into the west. There it is going backwards: Less money for schools, education systems, less educated people, easier to keep the position for the people on top!

The west is now learning from the developing countries!

Edited by noob7
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Pattaya should be flattened and rebuilt. Maybe try clean up the beach too.

I agree. Remove the road in front of the beach and bring back the beach beer bars, instead of the silly "Family destination" - shopping malls. Clean up Sin City!

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You do know that foreigners partaking of prostitution in Thailand is a drop in the ocean compared to the "domestic market", don't you?

Do do realise you haven't specified who you are talking to, don't you?


Oh, then you should probably re-read my previous reply then as you are obviously mistaken. Pay extra special attention to this line they will be forced to spread their legs for the drunk abusive Thai clientele. Thai clientele = domestic market.

However, your comment would be far better served if directed at the person I was also replying to in reply 57 who thinks prostitution can be 'stamped out' if you'll excuse the pun with some ink in a passport.

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Pattaya should be flattened and rebuilt. Maybe try clean up the beach too.

I agree. Remove the road in front of the beach and bring back the beach beer bars, instead of the silly "Family destination" - shopping malls. Clean up Sin City!

I actually meant get rid of all the go gos and bars but I suppose a start could be to get rid of all the blokes above 40. Looks bloody disgusting all them 60 year olds running around with 20 something girls. Not to mention attracts oeados ect.

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