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Free Seafood Dinner, This Time For Four Members.

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A no messing around FREE seafood dinner is on offer at a cartain place in Lamai on the evening of Tuesday 2nd October on the year of our Lord 2012. Crab, fish, shrimp and squid done to my menu. I say menu but I do not own the place nor shall I cook because I don't have a work permit. The food shall be cooked as to my 'idea' given outside the place of preperation at a date some time in the past. I need to know by late tomorrow (1st October on the year of our Lord 2012) to suggest buying the FRESH seafood. Please also note that it will include a Crunchie bar for FREE.

Please PM me for the address if you wish to come as posting would contravene the TV T&C's. We are talking about seriously good food here, Thai, not farang Thai.

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"Tuesday 2nd October on the year of our Lord 2012"

So is that this week, or some fictional date you just made up?

I worry,could be TV members are fattened up for sacrificial rites for this auspicius date w00t.gifw00t.gif
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"Tuesday 2nd October on the year of our Lord 2012"

So is that this week, or some fictional date you just made up?

Sounds like a Jehovah Witness thing to me. laugh.png

Read my posting history and you will find that as funny as I do. I had a couple knock on my door I guess 2-3 years ago. Only a couple of people know where I live and it's pretty isolated so a knock on the door is very unusual. First thought was it must be serious and was expecting the owner or one of the locals but 2 Thai's were there in suits banging on about the watchtower. They must have been doing the legwork because following behind was a couple of western guys (also in suits). Anyway, I turned them off the porch and went back inside. Felt very surreal.

I heard a while back the JWs as an official body had been turfed out of Thailand, or was that the Mormons. Either way, good on Thailand if it's true.

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"Tuesday 2nd October on the year of our Lord 2012"

So is that this week, or some fictional date you just made up?

whois the Lord of 2012? i am going to ask Geeves if he still exists.

Anno Domini (AD) Latin, translates to 'the year of our Lord'.

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