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Pesticide Free, Organic Vegetables, Free Range Grazing Livestock, Exist In Cm?


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Did anyone see the undercover investigation on Channel 7 News about a month ago? It ran for a week on the evening news. They purchased "organic fruit and vegetables" all over Thailand; including from markets in Chiang Mai. They tested the produce at an independent laboratory and the average "pesticide free" vegetable contained 15 chemicals! Due to slander/libel laws they could not give the names but on the Chiang Mai segment, the news truck clearly passed by Muang Mai Market, and a market near Chiang Mai University.

The best thing you can do is soak your vegetables in Sodium Bicarbonate for 20 minutes and then rinse with drinking water. Many restaurants now have signs stating that they wash their vegetables in Sodium Bicarbonate.

Where does one purchase Sodium Bicarbonate, and what is it called in Thai?

I purchased mine yesterday at Rimping supermarket in Meechok, they had 300g for 15 baht. They also had Arm&Hammer brand which was more costly at about 29 baht for 250gram.

Not sure how much of this stuff am I suppose to use to be effective. About 50 grams per half bucket of water be enough?

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  • 1 year later...

How can anyone believe that organic food is really organic. . As a 30 year plus resident it's, who do you trust? For me it's very difficult to believe in the organic movement let alone people who say they grow organic foods or livestock, what's next organic air?

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luckily there is some commited to organic...I can give directions where i buy.... organic veg dellivered,home made cheese and fish from a Acquaponic farm that uses conventional food but at least the water where the fish grow is clean and no use of formalin or other chemicals PM for more

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How can anyone believe that organic food is really organic. . As a 30 year plus resident it's, who do you trust? For me it's very difficult to believe in the organic movement let alone people who say they grow organic foods or livestock, what's next organic air?

you can always grow your own pj if you can trust yourself that is

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luckily there is some that are commited to organic and there is some in chiangmai....i can give directions from where we buy...organic veg,home made cheese and fish from a Aquaponic farm that uses conventional fishfood but at least the water is clean and no use of formaldyhide or other chemicals ..PM for mor

Why don't you just post the directions here, so all interested can see?

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luckily there is some that are commited to organic and there is some in chiangmai....i can give directions from where we buy...organic veg,home made cheese and fish from a Aquaponic farm that uses conventional fishfood but at least the water is clean and no use of formaldyhide or other chemicals ..PM for mor

Why don't you just post the directions here, so all interested can see?

Seconded - please post directions.

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luckily there is some that are commited to organic and there is some in chiangmai....i can give directions from where we buy...organic veg,home made cheese and fish from a Aquaponic farm that uses conventional fishfood but at least the water is clean and no use of formaldyhide or other chemicals ..PM for mor

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luckily there is some that are commited to organic and there is some in chiangmai....i can give directions from where we buy...organic veg,home made cheese and fish from a Aquaponic farm that uses conventional fishfood but at least the water is clean and no use of formaldyhide or other chemicals.

Yes, please do.

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It seems Windhorse cannot promote healthy veg/cheese/eggs/fish because of this forum's self-promotion ban.

Surely the wellbeing of TV members could be placed above commercial interests for once...

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It seems Windhorse cannot promote healthy veg/cheese/eggs/fish because of this forum's self-promotion ban.

Surely the wellbeing of TV members could be placed above commercial interests for once...

Only forum sponsors may promote their own business. This is a very strict forum rule.

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It seems Windhorse cannot promote healthy veg/cheese/eggs/fish because of this forum's self-promotion ban.

Surely the wellbeing of TV members could be placed above commercial interests for once...

Only forum sponsors may promote their own business. This is a very strict forum rule.

Totally understandable.

After all, we can't just allow any hobby farmer to derail the robust ThaiVisa business model, by selling a couple of dozen surplus eggs here.

Anyone got gps coords for this place to put in google maps?

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You can buy organic chicken at from Eden, if they have some export left over. I think most Thai will not understand why they should eat organic veggies anyway, farmer only grow them to feed rich people's supermarket.

There seems to be no controlling organisation or what so ever. There are some farms with guidance from falang. The pun pun restaurants at wat suan dok and santitham grow their own vegetables, you can sell some veggies at the restaurant in santitham too. www.punpunthailand.org What I do is buying from royal project farms/shops and buy "organic" at rimping and some from Aden health shop. I juice a lot and notice no direct harmfull reactions, on the contrary, I feel great..
Meat seems to be more difficult. The fish I choose in my diet is most from the ocean, some frozen foreign brands are good. Avoid the river fish like tub tim
Good luck..

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Actually there is a lot of Thai people involved in the organic farming as well as the natural building and in general environment issues.As much as what is happening in other places worldwide...Once you do get connected to the people involved it will surprise you how many are actively doing things and there are lots of programs from the university in the villages teaching and promoting the value of diverse farming on a family scale ...

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It seems Windhorse cannot promote healthy veg/cheese/eggs/fish because of this forum's self-promotion ban.

Surely the wellbeing of TV members could be placed above commercial interests for once...

Only forum sponsors may promote their own business. This is a very strict forum rule.

Totally understandable.

After all, we can't just allow any hobby farmer to derail the robust ThaiVisa business model, by selling a couple of dozen surplus eggs here.

It is IMO understandable. If windhorse's product is any good, some independent thirdparty would likely post here about it. Look at e.g. the recent White Plate cafe thread. Without such rules I suspect the forum would be quickly filled with irrelevant spam from every Tim, Dick, and Harry wanting to promote their missus great massage shop, their own great bar, or whatever else. Perhaps one of the posters who pm-ed him will follow-up here if the product is good.

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