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why i hate cops

That is how it is back where I am from in the US

none will pass a cop,

So you end up with this long line of traffic behind.

Then someone way back does not know & starts using the oncoming lane to pass

eventually making their way up till they see the cop.

Took me a long time to get use to passing cops here in LOS

I like it :)

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I got a ticket for doing that in Canada, and he threw in a fine for not having insurance papers in the car, even though I was running an errand in a buddy's car and had no idea where he had his papers. I asked the cop if I had been speeding , the cop said no, but you cannot pass in a school zone. This road was a 4 lane one way in a busy downtown core, and I was doing under 30kmh. I passed the cop because he was slowed by the traffic in front of him.

$500, demerits on my license, and a rise in my insurance rates.

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I was in California for less than a month when a cop that was ahead of me pulled over to let me pass, than pulled me over...

ticket 1) no plates (just got bike, it had no plates but was issued a registration slip to display)

ticket 2) driving out of class (dmv states out of country license is valid as long as it is not expired)

ticket 3) failure to change address (i wasnt moving here man, just touring)

Got all 3 dismissed but still had to pay the bastards $25 x 3 = $75 in administration fees. On top of that i had to go take the motorcycle drivers test ($31) to get tickets 2 & 3 dismissed or i'd have to wait to go to court and pay the full bail amount first > $1000. I shouldnt have even gotten the tickets in the first place.

In the words of Eazy Muthafuc_king E and NWA : fuc_k the Police !

I wonder whats going through a cops mind when he KNOWS he's holding up traffic.

Pigs, i cant stand em.

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That was quite horrible to watch because i worried what damage would be done when the camera went around the corner.

I understand people wanting to do crazy things, but should have been better planned.

Shoes you can slip on, always slip off!

Dont know how much pain/damage he is in, but seems to be ok. He is lucky. GLad it wasnt much worse.

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Redneck fun!!

He was still swearing so we're allowed to laugh biggrin.png

Im to fearful of karma coming around and biting me on the ass to make a comment on the way he was moaning. whistling.gif
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