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Eight Bangkok Areas Face Flooding


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Yesterday was OK, but now already heavy rain for about an hour in my part of BKK (Khet Dusit).

So, what's the difference between flooded because of run-off from the North and flooding due to heavy rain this month ? And NO, I'm not asking for the scientific explanation, but how normal people see this

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Mods, may I suggest a startup of the tread "Were Is it flooding" please.

The government is not going to inform people this year anymore than they did last year. If you do get information from an official an hour later another official will probably contradict 90% of what the last official's information. I do believe Skywalker has a great Idea (minus his spelling) . Getting info from posters updating on "Where is it flooding" flooding could prove very useful to some of the members/readers here.

Some very low areas in Nong Jok are and have been flooded since the heavy rain that started Thursday Sep.27th. Most of the flash floods in higher areas cleared after about 16 hours. No heavy rain in this area since Sep. 27th until tonight. Some canals in Nong Jok have been over flowing since the heavy rain on Thursday/Friday Sep 27th./28th.Most Canal levels have dropped about 15cm. Over the past six days.

We had it during the flooding last year. About my spelling. I can write in my native language if you don´t understand.

Keep your replies in English as this is an English language forum except for the Thai Language forum where you can use Thai. Others should understand that English is not the native language of all posters and others shouldn't waste space correcting grammar and spelling mistakes when it is not necessary.

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OMG ... but Yingluck promissed that there will NO FLOODING this year for shure. And Science Minister Plod spent millions for plans and contructions that NO FLOOD will happen again.

So ... Are they all liars? Or politicians? Or is it same same? How can we trust people with such neglectable competences?

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OMG ... but Yingluck promissed that there will NO FLOODING this year for shure. And Science Minister Plod spent millions for plans and contructions that NO FLOOD will happen again.

So ... Are they all liars? Or politicians? Or is it same same? How can we trust people with such neglectable competences?

And you believed them?
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So...these experts always tell the honest truth when speaking in Thai....and then it becomes a BIG FAT LIE in translation to English? That's it! I see now. They are fine experts and its our fault for taking their words and pearls of wisdom on every subject and twisting them into falsehood after falsehood.

Follow the MONEY...learn whose pockets are filled. That person is honest. lol

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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"He said the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will need to dredge canals and improve the drainage system due to heavier rains in the future. (MCOT online news)" <deleted> have these people been doing all year with all that money? Heavier rains in the future? Really? Quite unbelievable.

Isn't the BMA under the thumb of the guv??? And who is he rooting for / a member of? False flag ops.? (again)

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"He said the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will need to dredge canals and improve the drainage system due to heavier rains in the future. (MCOT online news)" <deleted> have these people been doing all year with all that money? Heavier rains in the future? Really? Quite unbelievable.

Isn't the BMA under the thumb of the guv??? And who is he rooting for / a member of? False flag ops.? (again)

It's difficult to believe anything said about floods, canals, dredging.

On 2012-08-18 after her 'canal dredging inspection' (aka 'avoid parliament') tour

"The prime minister said during the "Yingluck Government meets the People" programme broadcast via Radio Thailand of the Public Relations Department, that dykes and water sluice gates in Bangkok that were damaged during the massive flood last year have all been repaired.

The programme this Saturday was recorded on Friday during the premier visit Khlong Sam Wa in Pathum Thani to inspect the dredging.

The dredging work to allow more effective flow of water in canals has been completed, she said, adding that CCTV cameras were installed at Khlong Sam Wa to monitor the water level situation and will be expanded to other major canals."


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OMG ... but Yingluck promised that there will NO FLOODING this year for shure. And Science Minister Plod spent millions for plans and constructions that NO FLOOD will happen again.

So ... Are they all liars? Or politicians?

Just for clarity, Yingluck and Plod actually spent Hundreds of Billions.... not millions. But hey, it's all just taxpayer money. It's not like it was real money.

As to what Yingluck and Plod are, I would go with the former instead of the latter.

They were liars before they were politicians and would remain liars even if they were removed from their politician positions.


Edited by Buchholz
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It never ceases to amaze me the amount of negative and cynical comments. Look, who on earth can predict a; 'Major Tropical Storm' look Rome was not built in a 'year'. Stop the negitives and start praising. Well done to all who have worked during the last year to help alliviate the problems of; 'excess rainfall'. Thailand is Thailand not Holland, not US, stop gripeing. If you all feel that bad move back to your counrty of birth.

3 posts and you're telling people to go home? clap2.gif

That's right, don't comment on the political corruption and inept actions of a government more concerned with scams and pocketing money than actually doing anything positive. Were you here throughout last year's floods? Why do you think there are discussion forumns on socail media? Or are you just a new troll on the block?

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Yesterday was OK, but now already heavy rain for about an hour in my part of BKK (Khet Dusit).

So, what's the difference between flooded because of run-off from the North and flooding due to heavy rain this month ? And NO, I'm not asking for the scientific explanation, but how normal people see this

The difference is apparently political. Who gets to score points off whom.

There is absolutely no way the BMA can guarantee that no local flooding will ever occur in any part of Bangkok, but they claim to have worked so hard to solve the problem as best they can. We know this is largely B*********t

There is no way that the government can guarantee no local flooding will ever occur in any part of Thailand, but they claim to have worked so hard to solve the problem as best they can. We know this is largely B*******t.

Thus to cover each others corruption, inactivity, and B********t, it is officially pass the buck season during flood season where instead of actually admitting that we have all collectively done sweet FA for the last year, we will throw mud at each other and see how much sticks, whilst silently hoping that the floods fall on your side of the fence so we can blow raspberries at you for political gain.

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