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Thailand Urged To Abolish Death Penalty


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The Death peanlty should not be abolished in Thailand. PERIOD! Instead it should cover corruption by Politicians and Government Officals,(should even cover all their immeidate families who enjoy in the looted spoils.), Rapists, Paedophiles and Businesses that cheat or commit crimes like tainted foods, etc.

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So some human rights group essentially sent a generic, form letter? I am guessing the death penalty will be abolished with in 72 hours.

Although in this case, I do agree with the group/letter, you pretty much summed up the OP.

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The Death peanlty should not be abolished in Thailand. PERIOD! Instead it should cover corruption by Politicians and Government Officals,(should even cover all their immeidate families who enjoy in the looted spoils.), Rapists, Paedophiles and Businesses that cheat or commit crimes like tainted foods, etc.

And extreme posters on Thaivisa!! wink.pnglaugh.png

Edit: And more importantly, how about those dam_n clerks at 7/11 that count your change 3-times before handing it to you and worse those who get to the counter in a movie theater line and take more time than it takes to negotiate the sale of a car.

Edited by Nisa
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The Death peanlty should not be abolished in Thailand. PERIOD! Instead it should cover corruption by Politicians and Government Officals,(should even cover all their immeidate families who enjoy in the looted spoils.), Rapists, Paedophiles and Businesses that cheat or commit crimes like tainted foods, etc.

And extreme posters on Thaivisa!! wink.pnglaugh.png

Edit: And more importantly, how about those dam_n clerks at 7/11 that count your change 3-times before handing it to you and worse those who get to the counter in a movie theater line and take more time than it takes to negotiate the sale of a car.

Hear, hear! And don't forget to execute their families too.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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To part quote you in a way you should IMHO have done in my case if you have meant to show it as such.........................................

" The rich and powerful make the laws and the rich and powerful don't need to smuggle drugs through airports and the rich and powerful can legally justify killing and/or hide behind their title/immunity for killings and the rich and powerful have access to the best lawyers and the rich in powerful are friends and connected with Judges (many who they help become judges) ... this is pretty much the way it works around the globe. "


I personally find this insulting, demeaning and provocative to say the least.

marshbags whistling.gif

First to be clear, I only part quoted you because I was only responding to the relevant part of your post to which I was responding ... as I am doing now (and you fairly did to me above) to ask ..... Why do you find it insulting, demeaning and provocative? I think most people would find it to be simply a reality.

You are correctly using the full quote this time Nisa and not loosing / inadvertantly ?? editing part of it

If have to part quote / edit seperately then it should be made clear otherwise it can lead to misunderstandings and also take the original quote out of context.

I did add " part quote " in my offering to indicate this and also mentioned it as such.

To say that or suggest what your above part quote does " pretty much the way it happens around the globe " as I read it, indicates everywhere.

The U.K. does not come under this seemingly global umberella, along with other countires and as such a blanket for all as stated was for me at the least insulting ect. ect. when reading it.

Perhaps you didn,t mean everywhere and if you didn,t then no offence taken.


P.S. I mentioned the U.K. scenario as an indication that the death penalty being debated in this thread could eventually be restored in certain other countries, the U.K. included for selective proven attrocities and murder.

( eg terrorist killings and mass murder, sexual murder, child murder ect. )

So perhaps it may happen eventually here in Thailand rather than be completely abolished, hopefully in a fair and equally just way for all proven offenders.

With modern technology and in particular DNA many offenders are justly investigated and eventually convicted of their crimes, obviously honesty / integrity needs to be applied, non minipulation of evidence is an obvious problem here and the use of individuals who are in no positiion to defend their innocence.

As for drugs instead of making examples of the small time offenders, they should give them jail time that also includes educational rehabilitation and save the executions for the merchants of death / drug barons who hide behind their positions of authority, power and it,s supposed respectability.

IMHO as always

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"The global trend towards abolition is strong and unmistakable. Two of Thailand's fellow ASEAN Member States, Cambodia and the Philippines, have abolished the death penalty while no executions have been reported in Burma and Laos in the last decade."

The secret all lies in the paperwork. Don't report it and it never happened.

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From the same site this OP is taken ...From the same site this OP is taken ...


Types of Offence........................................No.

1. Offence against the Royal Family............4

2. Offence against the State.......................28

3. Murder...................................................116

4. Robbery and Murder...............................86

5. Murder of Officer......................................7

6. Rape and Murder....................................28

7. Offence against Narcotic law.................12

Total ..........................................................280

Offense against the state. Treason? Who and when was this?

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From the same site this OP is taken ...From the same site this OP is taken ...


Types of Offence........................................No.

1. Offence against the Royal Family............4

2. Offence against the State.......................28

3. Murder...................................................116

4. Robbery and Murder...............................86

5. Murder of Officer......................................7

6. Rape and Murder....................................28

7. Offence against Narcotic law.................12

Total ..........................................................280

Offense against the state. Treason? Who and when was this?

Not having a personal go at anyone but would just like to highlight the dates on this being 1935-2001 which IMHO make the statistics outdated and unrelated to recent times.

I did notice the dates on it,s first posting but let it go rather than make a comment due to other things I was highlighting.

If there are recent statistics available perhaps they would be a more informative indicator for the thread to take into account.


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From the same site this OP is taken ...From the same site this OP is taken ...


Types of Offence........................................No.

1. Offence against the Royal Family............4

2. Offence against the State.......................28

3. Murder...................................................116

4. Robbery and Murder...............................86

5. Murder of Officer......................................7

6. Rape and Murder....................................28

7. Offence against Narcotic law.................12

Total ..........................................................280

Offense against the state. Treason? Who and when was this?

Not having a personal go at anyone but would just like to highlight the dates on this being 1935-2001 which IMHO make the statistics outdated and unrelated to recent times.

I did notice the dates on it,s first posting but let it go rather than make a comment due to other things I was highlighting.

If there are recent statistics available perhaps they would be a more informative indicator for the thread to take into account.


As far as I am aware there have been 12 state sponsored executions since 2001 (only 2 in almost 10-years).

6-people were executed in 2002

4-people were executed in 2003

2 - people were executed in 2009 (both for drugs)

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I hope they DO NOT Abolish the death penalty.

It is a deterrent to brutal crimes.

Imagine the SCUM that would be here if they do not have it.

I wish they had it in Australia.

And i am talking about 100% conviction ie: when caught in the act or admit their guilt.

With the dna testing available today, there is not much room for error.



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The Death peanlty should not be abolished in Thailand. PERIOD! Instead it should cover corruption by Politicians and Government Officals,(should even cover all their immeidate families who enjoy in the looted spoils.), Rapists, Paedophiles and Businesses that cheat or commit crimes like tainted foods, etc.




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... a drug courier needing the money to feed his/her family would hesitate because of the death penalty is not borne out by the numbers that get caught in death penalty countries.

While obviously it is sometimes the romantic scenario you describe let's not fall into the somewhat typical liberal trap (speaking as a liberal myself) of idealizing the accused just because they may be at a severe disadvantage against the state: plenty of drug couriers do it out of sheer greed (just as plenty of desperately poor people would never transport drugs).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Don't disagree with you. But I'm not idealising anyone but merely pointing out that the death penalty is not a deterrent.

You are wrong here.

It is a deterrent against those they execute.

THEY do not do it AGAIN.


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I hope they DO NOT Abolish the death penalty.

It is a deterrent to brutal crimes.

Imagine the SCUM that would be here if they do not have it.

I wish they had it in Australia.

And i am talking about 100% conviction ie: when caught in the act or admit their guilt.

With the dna testing available today, there is not much room for error.



Yea, I mean who doesn't check to see if a country has the death penalty for violent crimes before visiting.. Personally I want to know if I kill somebody while visiting another country I am only going to spend the rest of my life (or much of it) rotting in some hell hole of a jail. Top on my list of things to check for before visiting. wink.png

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... a drug courier needing the money to feed his/her family would hesitate because of the death penalty is not borne out by the numbers that get caught in death penalty countries.

While obviously it is sometimes the romantic scenario you describe let's not fall into the somewhat typical liberal trap (speaking as a liberal myself) of idealizing the accused just because they may be at a severe disadvantage against the state: plenty of drug couriers do it out of sheer greed (just as plenty of desperately poor people would never transport drugs).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Don't disagree with you. But I'm not idealising anyone but merely pointing out that the death penalty is not a deterrent.

You are wrong here.

It is a deterrent against those they execute.

THEY do not do it AGAIN.


I do not go with --if it;s a deterrent or not. My view is if the crime is bad enough- execute( injection)-- just get rid of the s*its that are the most dangerous in society. forget the deterrent--who cares.
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I do not go with --if it;s a deterrent or not. My view is if the crime is bad enough- execute( injection)-- just get rid of the s*its that are the most dangerous in society. forget the deterrent--who cares.

I am against the death penalty but this about the only argument that makes any sense or seems rational to me ... in terms of executing people who are just too dangerous to have around.

Cost, deterrent and justice (eye for an eye) are the ones that I just don't see as sound arguments.

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Ah, this 'hang 'em like dirty dogs blink.png ' is so prevalent of the mindlessset of the majority of the expat contingent here.

State murder, er execution, is barbaric. Name ONE civilised country still enforces this 'punishment'. Go on. Just ONE. And then please do follow up with any evidence it has any detrimental effect on any of the mealy mouthed (kiddie fiddlers? drug mules?) crimes stated above.

I think that you would gain more credibility with your anti-death penalty view if you were to take a few moments and express some of the legitimate reasons that might cause reasonable doubt to ending a life of a person whom it may... may be possible as them being innocent.

Most anti-death penalty protestors hinge their views on the reasonable doubt factor. These individuals I have respect for, since it is possible that their pressure on governments make more laws that require better forensics, DNA and circumstantial evidence, as well as better crime scene measures. Again, I respect these people, because I see good in what they do. It makes the gleaning process more accurate and one more certain of the exactness of ones guilt or innocence.

There is, however, a group of anti-death penalty people whom I could care less whether they lived or died at the hands of those who are beyond any reasonable doubt; namely cold-blooded killers.

In countries like Thailand, anti-death penalty protestors could have a field day with the reasonable doubt issue simply because criminal justice is non-existent and more criminal than those who commit the crimes; hence criminals paying each other off to make a deal while the victims are never certain who brought about the pain, loss and suffering.

But at the end of the day, we all die. Death is not an option. When it is certain that the killer has been identified, whether by confession or DNA or circumstantial evidence, then prolonging their existence is more inhumane than your case against ending them.

Prolonging the life of a certifiable killer is about as common sense as pulling the wings off a fly and letting it writhe on the floor until it starves to death. Simply stomping the fly will send it on to a better place; but to assume that prolonging their existence is going to give you some sort of sick feeling of satisfaction that they are out there somewhere suffering with regrets makes you the one who is pulling the wings off the fly that you protest stomping on.

You like to torture convicted, certifiable killers at innocent people's expense (taxes, sustainable resources, etc) whilst I simply want to stomp the dam_n fly out of existence so society can get on with a better and less complicated life.

You like to know when you go to sleep at night that there are thousands of certifiable killers somewhere on this planet, who are out of sight and mind of billions of people, yet they live on at the cost and burden of society simply to prolong their existence for the simple, twisted joy of people like you, who THINK they are suffering, when in fact I seriously doubt they are. That is more inhumane and twisted than stomping the fly.

I do not think that anti-death penalty protestors go to bed at night and remember the name of every individual on death row. I doubt any of these protestors know about more than one or two. But to imagine that anti death protestors get their kicks out of prolonging the lives of killers simply in the hopes that they are suffering is as sociopath as it gets.

Which sounds better:

"I have to end you. It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that you are a cold-blooded killer and did not choose the high road. Therefore I am going to end you so I, whom I consider myself to be a person of good conscience, can get on with life and have closure without having your existence on my conscience".


"It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that you are a cold-blooded killer and did not choose the high road. Therefore I am going prolong your existence so I, whom I consider myself to be a person of good conscience, can live every day knowing you are suffering. I will not be able to move forward simply because knowing you are suffering will cloud my thinking. I will not be able to have closure because knowing you still exist will take up all my time and fill my mind with sick and twisted emotions of joy over how much you are suffering. I do not care that other people have to pay for you to exist, and that you get better living, meals and medical than a majority of the population on this planet, but I can live with this. It makes me feel like god to pull your wings off every day and to know that somewhere out there you are suffering."

There can be no other legitimate reason to prolong the life of a certifiable killer other than to wish for them to suffer until they die a natural death in an institution built for this purpose. No parole. No hope of assimilating back into society. Just concrete perdition and the suffering that goes with it. This, in itself, is playing god with a fly and developing Machiavellian standards to make it suffer until it dies a natural death, when everyone else has forgotten them.

Good people do the dirty deed out of practical need, and then get on with life. You cannot extend this sentence any further to describe the meaning.

Sick people prolong the deed and make good people continue to pay the price for the sick and twisted solution of prolonging a life that has been stripped of any productive purpose, stored away (out of sight and mind) in a concrete palace, and forgotten by the general population. Like a piece of high maintenance machinery that is useless, the good people pay the price for prolonging their useless existence so a few, twisted, sick idealists can get their kicks, knowing that the suffering continues and the issue will never have closure until they breathe their last breathe many years down the road.

There is no possible way to make a simple, short sentence to describe the confused and sick mentality that is behind the thinking of those who defend their views on why a useless piece of furniture, nay, a fly; should be allowed to live any longer than it takes to discover that they are certifiably guilty of murder in the first degree. After that nothing else matters except to end the matter with finality.

Extending the matter blackens the heart of man because it is sick to enjoy pulling the wings off of flies and to make others continue to pay for a matter that is a moot point. I want them dead now. That is humane. You want them to suffer before they die and create a budget burden on those trying to move forward. What does that make you out to be?

Disclaimer: The use of the word "you" is not aimed at silsburyhill. It is to the sickos out there whom I describe above.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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I don't much care if they get rid of the death penalty or not. I wish they would do away with the habit of extrajudicial killings.

Well said Credo re the EJK's

Without wishing to go off topic I must breviate my thoughts on this while enlarging on your observation.

I can think at least 2500 ( alledged drug related ) reasons why plus.....

Then there were the horrific Tak Bai murders of 84 innocent muslims ect. ect.

Not forgetting many other instances, but the first one was a blatantly horrendous licence to kill, overseen by the CEO PM of the government at that time.

The instigators of these sort of blatant exterminations, if proven should justly receive the death penalty along with terrorists and others who take life unlawfully.

marshbags sad.png

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I,m not sure if the article in the Nation referring to Thais wishing to keep the death penalty is covered elsewhere for seperate debate but IMHO it would certainly be complimentary to this thread.

" Majority of Thais still back the death penalty. "


Apologies if I am jumping the gun on this and it is covered elsewhere by webfact and the news team.

marshbags unsure.png

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