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Thai "tractor" -- How Much?

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You know those basic trucks they use upcountry, the ones with a farm engine on a truck frame with basic mechanics that are used for hauling farm produce around, have a maximum speed of about 30 kph and make this cool 'thud-thud-thud-thud' monotone sound?

How much to buy a new one? Are they even made new in an organized factory or is it more a home job out of whatever parts can be scavenged at car dumps and metal & wood shops?

And how about the more simple job of one of those engines on two wheels, used to pull some kind of cart?

I think the trucks are called 'E-Ten' ? Any idea if that refers to the engine or the whole vehicle? Anyone know more about these things? (Like specifications, options, etc. :o




I have just sent my brother in law 45,000 Bhat to buy a small unit to plough the land,he tells me that this is enough.

the name of the engine is a HENO what a wonderful idea.

i cant wait to have a go on it. :D:D:o


Yes it is called a LOT ETAN

Four wheels and a single cylinder diesel.

The most popular engine is made by Kubota.

Power output is about 12bhp

They are mostly built in the central plains for rice farmers by small family run companies, so specs will vary

Cost about 120K baht

Well thats what a friend gave his wife to get one, so maybe I should have said no more than 120k, however it was top spec with electric starter, gearbox etc, etc.

I have never seen one with number plates so suggest you clarify with the police first as to what you can use it for.

It may be exempt because it is a work vehicle, so driving one may class you as working, so check it out .

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