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International Driver Permit From Aaa In Us - Is It Worth Anything In Thailand?

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Member of AAA and considering getting their International Driver Permit before taking off next month for a year long stint in Thailand. Does it have any value in Thailand? Worth getting?


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Will you be renting a car? If so, some agencies require the IDP. It's not that much money, so worth having.

There's a small chance a cop will ask you for it, but that's very small. Ya never know, though! Might become a big deal if you get into an accident....


Have a AAA IDP, got stoped by cop in Korat, gave him my IDP(expired) rather than my Thai drivers license plus 300 baht.No issues no problems.



If your going to be here for a year, why don't you do the correct legal thing and get a Thai DL

very easy just go in with your DL from the states annd walk out minutes later with both a Thai and your original DL from the states


A few years back I was stopped for speeding. I produced both my IDP and current Australian licence.

After trying to read English with no luck, he asked my G F for her licence, she got the 500 baht fine.

Dont know if thats legal but it worked for him.


This is the correct advice. If you are going to be here that long, you legally need to get a Thai drivers license.

The IDP is basically a english translation of you home drivers license. as you are coming from the states, it already in english and no rental company will ask for an IDP. Don't waste your time or money with it.

If your going to be here for a year, why don't you do the correct legal thing and get a Thai DL

very easy just go in with your DL from the states annd walk out minutes later with both a Thai and your original DL from the states


This is the correct advice. If you are going to be here that long, you legally need to get a Thai drivers license.

The IDP is basically a english translation of you home drivers license. as you are coming from the states, it already in english and no rental company will ask for an IDP. Don't waste your time or money with it.

If your going to be here for a year, why don't you do the correct legal thing and get a Thai DL

very easy just go in with your DL from the states annd walk out minutes later with both a Thai and your original DL from the states

Don't you also need a Non-Imm visa and a health report?


Get it, it's right handy!

I have both a current AAA IDP and a 5-year Thai driving license.

BUT, if I get stopped by the BiBs, I hand over one of the several EXPIRED IDPs I keep on the visor of my car. Have had only one BiB notice that it was expired, I apologized and dug out the current one.

One advantage of the IDP is that most BiBs I've run into have never seen one. After a bit of smiling back and forth, and I forget to speak any Thai hand have difficulty understanding what the BiB is saying, they just give up and wave me on.

Have received two tickets tho, which I don't mind as long as I get a receipt. And with the IDP and no Thai (FYI, I do speak Thai well enough), haven't had to hand over a bribe for over 15 years.


Keep your expired IDP's - most usefull. I had 3 but on being stopped 3 times and asked for money I said 'no'. Each time they smiled and said if I not pay they will keep my license and I must go to Police station, pay fine, and get license back. So my answer was fine go ahead smile.png The are now 3 police stations in the North that have my expired licenses .................


If your going to be here for a year, why don't you do the correct legal thing and get a Thai DL

very easy just go in with your DL from the states annd walk out minutes later with both a Thai and your original DL from the states

Theoretically you can only drive on your home country license as a tourist not on a long stay.


This is the correct advice. If you are going to be here that long, you legally need to get a Thai drivers license.

The IDP is basically a english translation of you home drivers license. as you are coming from the states, it already in english and no rental company will ask for an IDP. Don't waste your time or money with it.

If your going to be here for a year, why don't you do the correct legal thing and get a Thai DL

very easy just go in with your DL from the states annd walk out minutes later with both a Thai and your original DL from the states

Don't you also need a Non-Imm visa and a health report?

Health report yes. Can be had for as little as 20 baht. License can be gotten on a tourist visa and has been known to be had on a 30 day visa exempt entry.


My experience was that the Thai driver's license people were happy to see my AAA documents. Not sure if I would have been given Thai license without both them and a state license.


i've had the IDL - now IDP for 5 yrs. in Thailand (Ubon), I got into two accidents locally (not my fault) and the cops / Insurance agent

didn't even know or never have seen the IDP, also presented them with a valid US drivers license and everything was okay.

The IDP validity is good for one year and needs to be renewed therefore use it for 1 year and if you are going back to the US, get it

renewed, if not, try to get a local thai license.


I just renew my IDP by mail, send in the application, two photos, and a copy of my Oregon license, plus, of course, $15. Get the IDP back in about two weeks.

This also works for other states and Canada, don't know about Europe, UK, or Oz, but would bet it'd also work there.



This is the correct advice. If you are going to be here that long, you legally need to get a Thai drivers license.

The IDP is basically a english translation of you home drivers license. as you are coming from the states, it already in english and no rental company will ask for an IDP. Don't waste your time or money with it.

If your going to be here for a year, why don't you do the correct legal thing and get a Thai DL

very easy just go in with your DL from the states annd walk out minutes later with both a Thai and your original DL from the states

When I rented a car in Bangkok they asked for my IDP. Not sure what would have happened if I didn't have it, but it was requested. It was one of the big rental agencies, but can't remember which one.


i've had the IDL - now IDP for 5 yrs. in Thailand (Ubon), I got into two accidents locally (not my fault) and the cops / Insurance agent

didn't even know or never have seen the IDP, also presented them with a valid US drivers license and everything was okay.

The IDP validity is good for one year and needs to be renewed therefore use it for 1 year and if you are going back to the US, get it

renewed, if not, try to get a local thai license.

Just to be safe here...if you are at fault and don't have the proper licenses, it's a big deal with the insurance company. Or let's say it could be a big deal. They might not cover you.

If OP is going to be doing a lot of driving over the course of the year, it's best to get a Thai DL. Easy to do with your US license. Only tests required are a color test, and that strange "reaction" test. Takes about 1/2 day.


Thanks, checked thread a little after posting and saw four replies. Good enough. Went down to AAA a few moments later on lunch break and picked up the IDP. Was very easy. See more replies nowj also recommending the Thai DL - will look at that also once I'm on the ground next month. Will be on a non-immigrant Visa through Jan 2014, maybe longer, not sure how much driving I'll be doing. Probably not much, but you never know how things are gonna pan out.

Thanks for all the good input. wai2.gif


It sounds like people are finding creative uses for IDP's.

I remember when I first came to Thailand I looked into whether an IDP was required here and was concerned I might have to scramble to get one. When I researched, there was much confusion on the issue, and still is. In my haste I nearly threw down 100USD to one of those internet scam ones which claim to be legitimate IDP sellers, but I knew better. I think there are a lot of people that don't know better and follow the outdated and outright inaccurate information available online. The advice from the people selling both the legal (auto clubs) and illegal ones (like www.international-license.com) was of course they were required by law, yet that seemed to contradict the experience of people living in country I was glad I didn't get one after moving here and learning by experience that I in fact didn't need it. (through multiple police checks, renting cars, crashing rental cars, buying personal motorcycle insurance, and crashing personal motorcycles). All on my home license with no IDP. Turns out the law does not require it, which explains why car rental and insurance companies don't usually ask for them. Of course this is only if you are a tourist/visitor. If you are a resident (on anything other than a tourist visa or visa exempt stamp) then you need a Thai DL. Getting an IDP doesn't hurt, but it's not required. Just don't fall for the internet scam ones. They are as legal as a Khao San Rd. diploma.

I discovered something very interesting when I emailed several auto clubs and consulates about why they claimed on their websites that IDP's were required when according to the law below (provided to me by the Royal Thai Highway Police) and backed up by peoples experiences in country, they aren't. The auto clubs cited the consulates as the source of their information, and the consulates cited the auto clubs as the source of their information!


From a previous post:

Geneva Convention on Road Traffic of 1949



Article 24

1. Each Contracting State* shall allow any driver admitted to its territory who fulfills the conditions which are set out in Annex 8** and who holds a valid driving permit issued to him, after he has given proof of his competence, by the competent authority of another Contracting State or subdivision thereof, or by an Association duly empowered by such authority, to drive on its roads without further examination motor vehicles of the category or categories defined in Annexes 9 and 10 for which the permit has been issued.

2. A Contracting State may however require that any driver admitted to its territory shall carry an international driving permit conforming to the model contained in Annex 10, especially in the case of a driver coming from a country where a domestic driving permit is not required or where the domestic permit issued to him does not conform to the model contained in Annex 9***.

* Thailand is a contracting state, as they became a party via accession on 15 Aug, 1962.

** Annex 8 references required age of drivers. (over 16)

*** Annex 9 describes the size of domestic driving permit (driver’s license) colour, size, English language, photo size, etc.

Notice in paragraph 2 the word "may" in bold.



Motoring Act of 1979, Title 3 Section 42. It clearly states that if there is mutual acceptance of licenses through treaty (i.e. the treaty above) then "an alien who doesn't have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver's license issued by such a foreign government". Note that your home country and Thailand must have a treaty on mutual licenses. Most do.

Motoring Act of 1979

Title 3: Driver's License

Section 42

Anyone who wishes to drive a motor vehicle on public roads must possess an appropriate driver's license. The driver must carry the driver's license and a photocopy of the registration book and show them to competent officers upon request. This does not apply for those who are learning to drive a motor vehicle according to the provision of Section 57.

If the driver is an alien who doesn't have an immigrant visa, he may drive a motor vehicle with a driver's license specified in the Section 42-2. In such a case, he must carry documents specified by the treaty between the Thai government and the government which issued such driver's license, and show them to competent officers upon request.

Section 42-2

In case there's a treaty between the Thai government and a foreign government regarding mutual acceptance of driver's license, an alien who doesn't have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver's license issued by such a foreign government, or an automobile association authorized by such a foreign government.

Thai Motoring Act of 1979: http://upload.manyfi...53cb685a96fc9,3

Unofficial English Translation: http://www.bkkriders...torvehicle.html


The following are email responses and stated policy form the websites of several car rental companies and insurance companies whom I asked for their policy on this issue. Not a single one came back saying I needed an IDP if a tourist in Thailand. .

Pure Car Rent:

"Thank you for your email. Intenational drivers license is no need to translate because when it says International it should already in English and it is permited to use internationally.

About insurance coverage, for Pure Car Rent‘s insurance, Thai,

overseas or international driver’s license is acceptable for our

insurance companies. So if you drive Pure Car Rent‘s car with

driver’s license issued by your country, you and the car are covered

by insurance.”


"Rental Qualification :

Minimum renter age is 21 years.

Must hold a valid Thai driving license or a driving license from a

renter’s country of residence (with an English translation), or an

international driving license."


Drivers License

All drivers must hold a current, non-probationary license.

The license may either be Thai, or from a renter's country of

residence (with an English translation) or an international drivers

permit. Licenses (and a valid passport) must be carried at all times

when driving.

Thai Rent A Car

In order to rent THAI RENT A CAR vehicle, a valid driver’s license from the customer’s country of residence

is required and must be presented at time of rental. International renters must present a valid license from

their country of residence, if the license is in a language rather than English, an International Driver’s

permit is required in conjunction with the country of residence driver’s license


AA Insurance Thailand:

"Your 'home' license is legal in Thailand - as long as it is legal in your own country i.e. not suspended !"

Viriyah Insurance:

“We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail and

very sorry for late reply. Regarding to your question, please be

inform that your legal drivers license issued by The United States of

America (date of license valid) is acceptable to use and drive the car

in Thailand and The Viriyah car insurance will be cover while have an

accident (Just in Thailand). Thank you for your kind interested.”

Bupa Insurance:


"Am I able to drive on my home license (USA) in Thailand with no IDP (International drivers permit)? Am I legal? If I have an accident, will I be covered?"


"For the international IDP is not a problem sir. As I have check with Bangkok. It’s not a problem for Bupa.

No problem with that and the insurance will be covered you for all.

-Prayurapong Pisanaka, Prayurapong Pisanaka, Executive Health & Financial Manager - Head Office

American International Assurance Company, Limited


In addition to my personal experiences, here is a short collection of first hand accounts from various sources of the seemingly infinite reports of interactions between foreigners driving with no IDP and the Thai police. This reflects the actual reality of the situation on the ground in Thailand and should be the best measuring stick to the legality of diving on your home license with no IDP. It strikes me as very odd that the police who are so fond of finding any little thing to make some tea money seem to be ignoring this if an IDP is required. Anecdotal, yes, but evidence none the less.

Lonely Planet entry:

"I've rented cars in Thailand many times. All the rental companies ask for is a driver's license (US state) and credit card -- just like everywhere else. I've been stopped by the police several times and the driver's license was fine."

Thaivisa member bob4you

I've been driving here for 5 years, stopped a couple of dozen times. Hawaii drivers license was accepted (never questioned once) each time.

ThaiVisa member bubba:

I have never had an International Driving License and I have driven in Thailand using both hired cars and my own car for about ten years now. I do have a valid licence from home. My insurance policy has a clause that states that only a "valid drivers license" is required for the class of vehicle insured. After inquiring, I got it in writing that this includes foreign licenses. I have been involved in three minor property damage accidents, two in a hire car and one in my own car. Whilst driving on a foreign license, my car was smashed by an uninsured pickup with my repair bill being 24,000 baht. My insurance company sent their adjuster out, he made out a report, and I was compensated fully. None of the police asked for a Thai or international licence, nor did the insurance companies and my own insurance company explicitly allows for coverage of drivers using a foreign licence, so long as that licence is valid for the class of vehicle driven. I have been stopped at police checkpoints and police invented traffic infractions dozens of times, and sometimes they ask for my licence. No problem. The police just want the money, not a big hassle. I have hired cars in Thailand dozens of times and no Thai or international licence is required by those companies either, including the majors such as Avis and Budget.

Here are the car rental companies in Thailand that I have used and none require an IDP or Thai licence so long as I had a recognisable and valid foreign licence:




Master Car Rental

North Wheels (Chiang Mai)

ThaiVisa member tropa:

“I went through one of these road blocks on 3rd Road yesterday. I showed them my Australian drivers licence and they waved me through.”

landofsmiles from another forum:

"Your [home] licence is fine. Chances are in a few days you won't even go through any police checks and if you do it will still be ok. I don't have a bike endorsement on mine and I've been through dozens of checks. All they want to see is the word LICENCE and your photo."

ThaiVisa member fiddlehead:

"I always just used my state drivers licence from USA ... used the above for about 3 years ... Never got a fine for it. Except once because it had expired."

ThaiVisa member phuketrex:

"5 years in Thailand. Through 100's of police checks. Never a problem showing my British licence."

Commenter Robb at Pattaya One:

" I’ve been driving here for years only on my home country licence and never had a problem. Seem the police like the fact I have all my other documentation for my bike, nicely color photocopied and in a ziplok bag under the seat, they never question the fact I don’t have an international licence"

ThaiVisa member Deaw:

Cruising down 2nd road in Pattaya on my rented 'cycle, not far from the Central Mall; must've been about 30 cops there, with the orange cones and some barricades, flashing red lights, etc.....pulling over EVERY motorcycle, farang and Thai alike. This was at 5pm.

I got waved over by 2 guys .... helmet on; check. One says "license, please", and I hand him my N.Y. state drivers license. While he is looking it over, I say "I am a tourist here, I don't live in Thailand". Then I point to the "M.C." next to the Operator code and tell them "M.C., that means motorcycle".

The older of the 2 says "OK" and they stand aside and let me pass. Total time wasted; 30 seconds.

Total bribe and/or fine paid, and total number of laws broken; None.

ThaiVisa member collectsskulls:

"I have an international drivers permit but have never been asked for it only my Canadian one"

ThaiVisa member Kwasaki:

"I have never needed an IDP in Thailand having a UK valid driving license"

Wiki Answers

"All drivers must hold a current, non-probationary licence either Thai or from their own country but if it is not Thai or English they must carry an English translation or an international driving licence."

Wiki Answers

"I drove in Thailand for the first 12 months on a west Australian licence and was often checked but never a problem. Each time I was stopped at a police check point, the policeman seemed more intent on proving that he could read my name.

After that 12 months I got an International liicence whch was a waste of money as I still only showed my Australian licence.

So ,, short answer No you dont need one"

Wiki Answers

"International or US Driver's License and Passport is all you need."

Wiki Answers

"You don't have to have an international driver's license to rent a car, the rental agencies will rent you a car with a valid license from your home country. If you get stopped by the police make sure you show them your passport and the tourist visa stamp"

Wiki Answers

"If you are a farang and possess your home drivers license, that is enough. If a policeman (especially in Udon Thani) stops you, you simply show him your drivers license"


There is a question as to whether or not an IDP is needed in order to convert your home license to a Thai DL, There are some reports that Thai Land Transport Departments (LTD's) are asking for this but based on what I have read it would appear that this is only so they can verify what class the license is. The Thai DLT has no idea what "Class C, M1" means for example. They did not ask me for an IDP in Phuket, but they did ask me for a computer printout of the California DMV webpage which explains the classes. If you want to convert your home DL into a Thai one (which will allow you to skip the written and driving tests) and it doesn't have a picture of the classes on it, such as UK and EU licenses do, then bring this printout describing the classes or an IDP.

ThaiVisa member saorsa:

“Got mine (Thai DL) at Sukhumvit 62 branch a few days ago and all I needed was medical cert, passport, Uk drivers license and residency letter. Had to do reaction times test, depth perception and colour test.”

AnotherThaiVisa member in ChangMai reported not needing an IDP to convert his license, even taking a photo of the sign in the DLT describing what you need to convert your home license into a Thai one. No IDP is listed.


Of course it doesn't hurt to have an IDP as long as it's not the bogus ones you see advertised online.

So bottom line, if a BIB does try one on and attempt to do you for no IDP as a tourist, all you need to do is point to your English license with a photo and repeat "International already." Show them your passport/copy of with your tourist visa/visa exempt stamp. Speaking Thai to him will only work against you. If he decides that you are a resident and not a tourist/visitor, he may try to cite you for not having a Thai DL, but that has nothing to do with IDP's.

Do the above and I guarantee the BIB will not cite you for diving on just your home license if:

1) You are a tourist/visitor.

2) It is in English.

3) It has a photo.

4) It is current

5) It is for the class of vehicle you are diving.

6) Your home country and Thailand have a mutual agreement on licenses. (See here to determine if they are: http://www.unece.org...RSS_RT1949.html

More info: http://bangkok.anglo...riving-licences


Great info, though stories from members might not be the best source of information. For example, my neighbor got pulled over and just handed them his old library card. As we know, they are mostly interested in a bit of tea money anyway. So, this "technique" might work sometimes, might not others....especially if you are the cause of an accident. Then your paperwork could be scrutinized in far more detail.

I just read this:

Thai Consulate-UK

An International Driving Licence is required for most foreign persons wishing to drive in Thailand and must be accompanied by the Driving Licence issued to them in their country of nationality or residence. A foreigner is allowed

to drive in Thailand for up to 6 months (Edit: I've read elsewhere it's 3 months) on an International Driving Licence after which they must obtain a Thai Driving Licence. The holder of a UK driving licence can apply for an International Driving Licence IDP 1949 through the “AA” and you can download an application form from their website www.theaa.com/getaway/idp/motidp002.html. A Thai Driving Licence can be obtained at the Thailand Transportation Department in Bangkok only if you possess a valid International Driving Licence which has been issued in the country of your nationality.

To apply for a Thai Driving Licence it is necessary to provide the following:-

Passport with valid Non-immigrant Visa. Please note it is not possible to obtain

a Thai Driving Licence with a Tourist Visa

Residence address in Thailand certified by the British Embassy in Bangkok or

by the Thai Immigration Office in the area you are staying

c) Medical Certificate stating good health, obtainable from a GP in Thailand

d) Two recent passport size photographs

Driving Licence of country of nationality / residence

Fee: Baht 105 for cars and Baht 55 for motorcycles (subject to change without notice)

This is from 2008, so changes may have been made. And as we know with visas, each office can have their own regulations.

Here's an interesting article:


In some Members' minds there is ambiguity about the interpretation of whether an IDP is an Internationally recognised legal requirement or merely is advisory. The balance of opinion currently (September 2012) and advice consistently given to visitors has been that an IDP is a legal requirement. In the light of different interpretations by unqualified TripAdvisor Members, either for or against the need for an IDP, it is recommended that Members reading this article do so in conjunction with advice from their own country's Royal Thai Consulates or Embassies or Motoring Associations or other accredited and authoritive sources.

I also confirmed with my insurance company that since I live in Thailand, a Thai DL is required or they will not cover me in case of an accident. It's actually in the "fine print". And as another site has said, having a Thai DL might help if you don't have a copy of your passport in possession. Another contentious issue....


I find it curious that these consulates and auto clubs do not cite one piece of original source in their claim that an IDP is required in Thailand. One only needs to read the laws. Also strange to say "most foreign persons wishing to drive in Thailand" and not "British citizens must carry an IDP." And the 6 months thing is strange as well. There is no time limit. If you are a tourist, you can drive on your home license, if you are a resident you need a Thai DL. The 3 months rule comes from the fact that as a tourist you cannot stay in the country for more than 3 months consecutively. However, it is possible to be on a tourist visa/visa exempt stamp and be a resident. If you enroll your kids in school, for example. If you are on anything other than a tourist visa or visa exempt stamp, you are a resident and need a Thai DL.

And the person at trip advisor that added that bit about "In some members minds" etc does not know what she is talking about, but is just regurgitating what she reads on the auto club websites, which of course is going to say they are required as they sell them.

From the rest of that tripadvisor page, which I helped write along with other members:


To ride a motorcycle in Thailand, and remain strictly within the law, you must possess and produce:

  • A national motorcycle drivers licence issued in your home country, valid for a motorcycle AND,
  • An International Driving Permit, unless your home license is in already in English and has a photo ."



To drive or lease a car in Thailand as a tourist or visitor it is necessary to have either a Thai driving licence or a valid foreign driving licence with a photograph. The foreign licence must either be in English, or be accompanied by an official translation into English or Thai. The licence needs to have been issued by a country that has a treaty with the Thai government allowing the mutual acceptance of driving licences. Most countries, including the UK, the USA, France and Germany have this agreement with Thailand under either the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic...


Great info, though stories from members might not be the best source of information. For example, my neighbor got pulled over and just handed them his old library card. As we know, they are mostly interested in a bit of tea money anyway.

But they aren't asking for tea money. That is my point. If it were a law we would see people getting done for it left and right and I wouldn't have been able to get through countless checkpoints with just my home DL.


Agree it's confusing! But let's focus on the OP, who will be a long time resident of the kingdom, not just a short time tourist. Seems to be a big difference in requirements for one versus the other???

I'd prefer not to rely on legal information from car rental agencies. Embassies, consulates and the Thai government websites would be my preference....

I got my Thai DL about 6 months ago. An IDP was not required, but my US DL was. Since I didn't have an endorsement for a motorcycle, I had to take the written and driving tests. Both were fairly easy.


Agree it's confusing! But let's focus on the OP, who will be a long time resident of the kingdom, not just a short time tourist. Seems to be a big difference in requirements for one versus the other???

I'd prefer not to rely on legal information from car rental agencies. Embassies, consulates and the Thai government websites would be my preference....

I got my Thai DL about 6 months ago. An IDP was not required, but my US DL was. Since I didn't have an endorsement for a motorcycle, I had to take the written and driving tests. Both were fairly easy.

As far as whether an IDP is required or not, it's not confusing at all. It's crystal clear. "an alien who doesn't have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver's license issued by such a foreign government"

As far as the OP's question, "is it worth anything?" it would appear that other members have found some creative uses for IDP's, so I would say it's worth something. It certainly doesn't hurt to have one. Just not required. My problem with all this false info online is it's making people think they have to purchase something they don't need to, which I almost did, and many of these people will end up getting the bogus ones online which have more official looking websites and official sounding language than the legit auto club web sites.


This section seems to have been mistranslated???

Section 43

Anyone who wishes to drive a motor vehicle must apply for a driver's license according to following categories:

1. Temporary license for a private car, three-wheeled car, or motorcycle

2. License for a private car

3. License for a private three-wheeled car

4. License for a public car

5. License for a public three-wheeled car

6. License for a motorcycle

7. License for a roller car

8. License for a tractor

9. License for a motor vehicle not specified in 1. - 8.

10. International Driving Permit for a car or motorcycle


Just noticed this in the translation. Not a reliable source, IMHO:

This translation is largely incomplete.

I have the original source (I posted the link earlier). I will get a legal translation if it's not too expensive.



From the rest of that tripadvisor page, which I helped write along with other members:


To ride a motorcycle in Thailand, and remain strictly within the law, you must possess and produce:

  • A national motorcycle drivers licence issued in your home country, valid for a motorcycle AND,
  • An International Driving Permit, unless your home license is in already in English and has a photo ."



To drive or lease a car in Thailand as a tourist or visitor it is necessary to have either a Thai driving licence or a valid foreign driving licence with a photograph. The foreign licence must either be in English, or be accompanied by an official translation into English or Thai. The licence needs to have been issued by a country that has a treaty with the Thai government allowing the mutual acceptance of driving licences. Most countries, including the UK, the USA, France and Germany have this agreement with Thailand under either the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic...



I would agree with the above.

An IDP is simply a few bits of information off your driver license and passport copied onto a page in the IDP into numbered 'fields' on the form. The rest of the IDP is 11 foreign language translations of those numbered fields, so someone who reads only Chinese for instance, can see that #1 & #2 is the persons Name, #3 is place of birth, #4 date of birth, #5 permanent residence [city/state/country].

Languages are (I believe looking at my IDP, and not being a language expert): English, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish/Norwegian?, French

Thai is not in the IDP, so Thai police will either have to know English, or one of the other languages, in order to know which fields represent what information on your original D.L. If they don't know English, I'm guessing they smile and punt.

An IDP is simply a translation aid for the above languages.

A proper, unexpired D.L in English would seem to be sufficient in Thailand, or in the case of long term stay, get the Thai license. It takes a couple hours one day to pull together the application requirements - your address letter from immigration office, your medical cert from a hospital (assuming you have no easy to spot issues - they ask if you abuse alcohol or drugs, so some of you may not slide by on this), photo copies and passport photos - and then you can get a Thai license simply be presenting your 'English language' license (or IDP for one of the above languages) at the D.L office - no test required. Takes about an hour at the drivers license office.


FYI, last time I renewed my 5-year Thai license at the Pathum Thani LTD at Klong 4, I had to sit through the 45 minute video show, along with a bunch of Thai. Happily, I'd taken along a magazine so the time wasn't wasted....



An international drivers permit supported by a licence from the country of origin is the minimum legal requirement here. Anyone listening to the "you don't really need it" brigade are leaving themselves open to substantial bills if they follow their advice & later have an accident.


the IDL will let you skip the written or driving part of applying for a Thai DL.

Same as your homelicense, no need to get an IDL for that.

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