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German Seeks Runaway Thai Wife For Son's Sake


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For you guys wondering where the 10 mil went, I finished reading the article for you.

A House, a car, household & consumer goods. Plus 2 years cost of living. Possibly some unnecessary things that men in love spend money on. Perhaps expenses related to his grandfather's funeral.

Didn't read anything about champagne etc., where did you guys see that?

How else do you spend 10 million baht in two years? If I had THB10M I'd find it PRETTY difficult to spend in 10 years!! But maybe that's just because I grew up being shrewd.

Not really hard.

6 million for the house and 1.5 to 2 million for the car,

250k to 500k for assorted appliances and furniture; that leaves 1.75 mil.

1 mil. a year is 83,333 baht a month, So going through that is not hard,

even in relatively cheap Thailand.

I could burn through 10 million in a month with a little application and a few hang-overs.

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I have always said I would never buy something in Thailand I'm not prepared to walk away from.

But back to the post he had 5 months to get his sons German passport/birth certificate sorted while his wife was there.

As soon as our son was born we registered his birth with both British and Thai authorities.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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As Chonabot says, pondlife. Just how does a human being (haha), and especially a mother/grand mother, have it in them to turn their bank on their son/grand son?

All airports, ports and borders should have a huge sign not to mix with this scum.

how can you cal this girl scum i know of a women in the uk who left her 3 children and walk because her husband was nothing but a violent thug it was his house from what he inherited so she had to go or put up with it so the word scum seems hash

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Many Thais are ashamed of this woman and the child's grandmother's actions, because they also are talking about this news story.

Through the 'Thai Network', news of this story has been received in Australia and the two Thai ladies I know here are ashamed.

They worry that Western men will think that the action of these two women (they blame the Grandmother as much as the child's mother) will reflect badly on them also.

The good news stories, of which there are thousands never get the limelight, because they are commonplace.

Sadly, we only get read the bad stories about the trash of Thailand.


HMMM - I have met too many Thai folks in exactly this situation - husband stops bringing in the money and out they go. YThis is often due to prompting from the family. Women divorce a loving, but poor Thai husband to go find a foreigner. When the foreigner runs dry he is thrown out. I know a couple of women who have had 4 husbands; one Thai, 3 foreign...

Sometimes Thailand seems to be a land of vampires...

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For you guys wondering where the 10 mil went, I finished reading the article for you.

A House, a car, household & consumer goods. Plus 2 years cost of living. Possibly some unnecessary things that men in love spend money on. Perhaps expenses related to his grandfather's funeral.

Didn't read anything about champagne etc., where did you guys see that?

How else do you spend 10 million baht in two years? If I had THB10M I'd find it PRETTY difficult to spend in 10 years!! But maybe that's just because I grew up being shrewd.

Not really hard.

6 million for the house and 1.5 to 2 million for the car,

250k to 500k for assorted appliances and furniture; that leaves 1.75 mil.

1 mil. a year is 83,333 baht a month, So going through that is not hard,

even in relatively cheap Thailand.

I could burn through 10 million in a month with a little application and a few hang-overs.

It wouldn't be hard to do. But with (apparently) no job or idea where future income would come from and a child to be responsible for, it would be stunningly irresponsible and stupid. Contemptible really.

Assuming the story is as reported (and I do so guardedly) I can't help but sympathize to a degree with someone who's broke and has a kid. But my sympathy is always limited when I hear (yet again) about someone who allowed themselves to so easily be used and abused like this; it is a simple fact that to one extent or another, the "victim" is complicit in the crime.

The person I worry about here is the boy. That part really depresses me -- especially as I think it's reasonable to question his dad's judgement and parenting. I hope the guy can work this out and finds a way to make thing better for his kid and moves forward in life with a lot more sense.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I guess he is lucky he didn't end up with a couple of gunshots to the back of the head like another gentleman did just recently. Go buy a lottery ticket. With luck like this he may well win a 10 million baht prize. But I guess he will have to spend it all here before they allow him to leave with his baby boy.

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Didn't go through all the topics, but in the birth-certificate, which she left behind is loud and clearly stated who the father is.

THAT together with a DNA outcome should be enough to prove him being the father.

Not sure. She could also have said that she didn't know who the producer was......w00t.gif

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The laws forbidding foreign ownership of land are a necessity but can lead to misplaced trust and loss of all assets.

Would you like to share with us your thinking behind this statement? IMHO this land ownership law is nothing short of racism, but then that is my thinking.

Also this whole story smells rotten, it just does not add up. I don't think we have all the facts

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As Chonabot says, pondlife. Just how does a human being (haha), and especially a mother/grand mother, have it in them to turn their bank on their son/grand son?

All airports, ports and borders should have a huge sign not to mix with this scum.

Arrr, so the bank is involved, too! Curiouser and curiouser Mr Bond.
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So he built a house to live in with his wife and son, she takes off and when the money runs out the mother in law kicks him and her grand baby out of the house that he had built with his money? I do not understand Thainess.

I think you, me and everyone else who is not Thai do not understand Thainess. At least not in this form.

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'After he ran out of money, his mother –in-law expelled him from the house'


Hope the child by way of love and care from the father far far away can get this low life attitude of so many here out of his genes.

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Didn't go through all the topics, but in the birth-certificate, which she left behind is loud and clearly stated who the father is. THAT together with a DNA outcome should be enough to prove him being the father.

Any male name can be entered on a Thai birth certificate, (often a Thai relative) unless married to the specified male, it is not considered proof or male parentage by Thai authorities.

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Many Thais are ashamed of this woman and the child's grandmother's actions, because they also are talking about this news story.

Through the 'Thai Network', news of this story has been received in Australia and the two Thai ladies I know here are ashamed.

They worry that Western men will think that the action of these two women (they blame the Grandmother as much as the child's mother) will reflect badly on them also.

The good news stories, of which there are thousands never get the limelight, because they are commonplace.

Sadly, we only get read the bad stories about the trash of Thailand.


lets try to put some good storys here then , Thailand have so much more to offer.
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For you guys wondering where the 10 mil went, I finished reading the article for you.

A House, a car, household & consumer goods. Plus 2 years cost of living. Possibly some unnecessary things that men in love spend money on. Perhaps expenses related to his grandfather's funeral.

Didn't read anything about champagne etc., where did you guys see that?

some ppl read a little bit bad, then think HAAA let write about it, dont read anymore
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Surely DNA testing can determine if he is the biological father or not.

More reliable than anyone just signing to say he is.

Maybe he wanna be the father, but not wanna know, if he really is?

But back to the topic:

How about a picture of the girl? I mean, that could help finding her, couldn't it?

For you guys wondering where the 10 mil went, I finished reading the article for you.

A House, a car, household & consumer goods. Plus 2 years cost of living. Possibly some unnecessary things that men in love spend money on. Perhaps expenses related to his grandfather's funeral.

Didn't read anything about champagne etc., where did you guys see that?

Another episode in :

How to make it to 1 Million Baht, in Thailand:

Arrive with much more!

And if you don't leave then, loose all!

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I have no sympathy what so ever for this chap!

Even his picture suggests he is a user of Thai women, and so he got stung. He appears to be rather dumb, and to spend 10 M in less than 2 years more than proves it.

To use the desire to find his son to locate the poeple who took advantage of his gullbility is poor show. HE KNOWS where they are, in the house he alledgly bought. For others, who obviousyly don't live here, to say they dread the idea of marrying is pathetic if they base Thai women being abuse and thieves based upon this case.

The guy was obviously a drunkard and nonce to spend 10M in such a short space of time, when after he got caught by his cock.

Sad for the child, but not the father, in my opinion.


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He blew 10 million baht in 2 years, if my understanding is correct? His wife and MIL might be right in thinking he is a little "odd"

Yes, I got the same impression from the article, he spent 10mil in 2 years. Shame he wasted it all before thinking to spend 10,000baht on DNA tests for himself and his son at a hospital. Wouldn't that evidence be sufficient at the German embassy for them to issue a passport in the case of an emergency? I don't know myself.

Even though the mother took off and left them under Thai law she is still the mother and outranks the father on anything to do with child, sad but true.

really ??,......i know of 2 guys personally and hear of others that have fought for custody any and won ,and they expected to win too , i think fathers in thailand have more rights than dads in the UK at least ,.....or are we talking only farang dads in LOS here ??
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He blew 10 million baht in 2 years, if my understanding is correct? His wife and MIL might be right in thinking he is a little "odd"

Yes, I got the same impression from the article, he spent 10mil in 2 years. Shame he wasted it all before thinking to spend 10,000baht on DNA tests for himself and his son at a hospital. Wouldn't that evidence be sufficient at the German embassy for them to issue a passport in the case of an emergency? I don't know myself.

Even though the mother took off and left them under Thai law she is still the mother and outranks the father on anything to do with child, sad but true.

really ??,......i know of 2 guys personally and hear of others that have fought for custody any and won ,and they expected to win too , i think fathers in thailand have more rights than dads in the UK at least ,.....or are we talking only farang dads in LOS here ??

In case, the mother is from a wealthy family, they are trying to get their piece of the pie. And get sold out, mostly.

And farang fathers can expect the right, to pay money. Not always for their own kids, only!

Looks like, the grandma supports the idea of her daughter, hat the Farang needs to be exchanged.

Or does anyone think, the mother has no contact with her daughter?

I doubt that!

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For you guys wondering where the 10 mil went, I finished reading the article for you.

A House, a car, household & consumer goods. Plus 2 years cost of living. Possibly some unnecessary things that men in love spend money on. Perhaps expenses related to his grandfather's funeral.

Didn't read anything about champagne etc., where did you guys see that?

How else do you spend 10 million baht in two years? If I had THB10M I'd find it PRETTY difficult to spend in 10 years!! But maybe that's just because I grew up being shrewd.

Not really hard.

6 million for the house and 1.5 to 2 million for the car,

250k to 500k for assorted appliances and furniture; that leaves 1.75 mil.

1 mil. a year is 83,333 baht a month, So going through that is not hard,

even in relatively cheap Thailand.

I could burn through 10 million in a month with a little application and a few hang-overs.

6m for a house in isaan ???...............a palace more like , .....7 yrs ago i could have had a 3 bed 2 bath with a pool for 2m {owned the land already }, but 6m ?! ........my in-laws just had a nice little one built for under 400,000 , and thats in chanthaburi ........would have left shultz with only 9.6m to blow !!
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Many Thais are ashamed of this woman and the child's grandmother's actions, because they also are talking about this news story.

Through the 'Thai Network', news of this story has been received in Australia and the two Thai ladies I know here are ashamed.

They worry that Western men will think that the action of these two women (they blame the Grandmother as much as the child's mother) will reflect badly on them also.

The good news stories, of which there are thousands never get the limelight, because they are commonplace.

Sadly, we only get read the bad stories about the trash of Thailand.


Agree with you into Sir.My wife and her friends are very upset and angry about this matter

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really ??,......i know of 2 guys personally and hear of others that have fought for custody any and won ,and they expected to win too , i think fathers in thailand have more rights than dads in the UK at least ,.....or are we talking only farang dads in LOS here ??

I agree. Dads have more rights in Thailand than they have in the UK.

But a lot easier if you are actually married to the mother.

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easy to take the girl out of the bar ,.......not so easy to take the bar out of the girl !,.............what was this guy thinking ?, she was near half his age when they met , i reckon she caught him when he was a little to fresh to know the score , and she knew it , as another poster said " the mother knows where she is and they are just playing a waiting game" , hoping he will just give up the ghost no doubt. hopefully this publicity will help her see sense ,...................this guys only crime was helping out the girl he loved and her family,........will we never learn ???

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In 2002 I had a (thai-)girlfriend from Lopburi who at that time worked as a Go-Go-dancer In Patpong.I fell in love with her and we lived togetther in Bangkok for a couple of years. One day we went to the bank together and I put 3 million Baht in HER bank-account (Fixed deposit for 1 year ), because she got a better interest-rate at that time.

Time went by and when the year was over we went to the bank together again to withdraw the 3 million from HER account in order to put it back in MY account.

When the banklady checked the filled out forms, she asked my girlfriend (NOT KNOWING THAT I COULD UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SPOKEN):

" Do you really want to give the 3 million back to the FARANG"?

My g/f answered (what is VERY RUDE for a thai (Lady) to say): Don't ask stupid questions and do your job.

But that was her answer, because she did know, you understand Thai!

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He blew 10 million baht in 2 years, if my understanding is correct? His wife and MIL might be right in thinking he is a little "odd"

Yes, I got the same impression from the article, he spent 10mil in 2 years. Shame he wasted it all before thinking to spend 10,000baht on DNA tests for himself and his son at a hospital. Wouldn't that evidence be sufficient at the German embassy for them to issue a passport in the case of an emergency? I don't know myself.

Would that suffice. I have a friend whose child carries a Thai and Ozzie passport, but each time he wishes to take the child out of Thailand, he must get written permission.

No idea why, I have a child with my ex, she up and split when my daughter was 8, for over 2 years we never heard from her, My daughter has Thai/us passport an we never needed permission to travel.

Of course after 2 years of being gone i got a lawyer and My ex wanted 2,000,000 and i gave her 100,000 an told her fuc_k off . I than petitioned the court for sole custody and that was granted as until the child is 16 u need both parents to sign for new passport ( thai) unless ur the sole parent.

I feel sorry for him as a fool an his money are soon parted.

I had built a house an brought a car but never put anything in her name

It is possible for JUST one parent to obtain a new passport.

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Very sad for the little boy, but despite the mother making a dive, grannie kicking them out of the own house and all, I must say here just this: When I arrived in Thailand, I had a mere 345.000 THB in my pocket as startup money, no chance to get more from my home country, no rich parents or other relatives to inherit from, no retirement fund or anything else to plunder... Today, 21 years later - I am still here and always have been here (legally, with all necessary visas, workpermit and all)... WHY? Because I got off my ar$e and WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!

Is wasting 10m THB within 2 years while being perfectly fine, having two arms, hands and legs to use and work with (brain? - I doubt it) worth being felt sorry for? An abled and relatively young man managed to spend 10m THB in two years and make a couple of wrong decisions, and mingled with the wrong people - so what? This makes Thailand bad or makes Thai people (quote) scum that you should not mix with? (quote end)... Are some of the members here out of their mind????

Get real people! Nothing's for free, not here, not elsewhere. If a man is too stupid to take care of himself, work and have a grip on his life, then of course he'll end up in the ditch - just simple physics, simple math and simply: LIFE!

Feel sorry for the boy, but can't have any sympathy for the "father" because stupidity and being utterly useless is nothing that deserves sympathy or support. I see Thai men without arms fixing motorbikes, I see people like Nick Vuijcic without arms AND legs having a life, having a spirit to take life in their own hands. Why can't this guy, with 10m in his hands, hack it? Send him home!!!! Please!!!!!!! And find some nice foster parents with a brain who can properly take care of the boy. Quite certainly the grandpa is very happy up there in heaven to see that his grandson managed to waste his life savings in a blink of an eye while creating a total mess that now helps all Thailand bashers to support their theory that all Thai girls or even all Thai people are bad.

Stop bashing Thailand and look at the facts!

Edited by catweazle
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