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Has anyone ventured into the rearing of baby buffalos? I know farangs can't own land in Thailand but is it possible to lease some fields to rear the baby buffs and will they need their moms with them? Another big factor would be insurance for vetenenary fees ( I have heard many a story about sick buffalos and I never had them down as sickly animals :D ). This is a probaly a difficult subject to research and even bigger one to get off the ground but I thought of the usual bar etc business but I just couldn't drink enough to be a bar owner :D

I hope some people can give me a reasonable response :D as the only thing I know about buffalos are that the African ones when wounded are the only animal in the world that will back track you ( a subject in itself ) and stick it's horn where it is not needed :D unless you are of the ladyboy persuasion :o

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Mr. Buffalo,

Are you aware, Sir, that your avatar is actually a bison and not a buffalo?....unless, of course, you play the old switcharoo game on me and change your avatar.

Ok I did a bit of quick research :o and indeed bison are not of the buffalo family so fast change, can't get the bugger to move yet.

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Has anyone ventured into the rearing of baby buffalos? I know farangs can't own land in Thailand but is it possible to lease some fields to rear the baby buffs and will they need their moms with them? Another big factor would be insurance for vetenenary fees ( I have heard many a story about sick buffalos and I never had them down as sickly animals :D ). This is a probaly a difficult subject to research and even bigger one to get off the ground but I thought of the usual bar etc business but I just couldn't drink enough to be a bar owner :D

I hope some people can give me a reasonable response :D as the only thing I know about buffalos are that the African ones when wounded are the only animal in the world that will back track you ( a subject in itself ) and stick it's horn where it is not needed :D unless you are of the ladyboy persuasion :o

Unless you buy weaned calfs they would probably need the mother with them as powdered calf milk replacment is expensive over 1000 bhat a bag, a baby cow will go through about 2-3 bags before its weaned, so if you were keeping buffalo, that would be a fair chunk out of your profit. I'm not sure that cow calf milk replacment would be that god for baby buffalo's anyway.

You can't get insurance for livestock in Thailand, but vets bills are very cheap anyway and most medicens you can buy and inject yourself and buffalo's are'nt really very sickly despite all the stories :D

I'd suggest that if you are interested in it you need to go and look at some buffalo farm's (wherever they are) and talk to the people running them, see how they do it and what sort of market the is for the fully reared animals.


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