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Mark Kent, New U K Ambassador To Thailand Tackles The Local Lingo


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I do have to take issue with this guy's claims that he speaks Dutch and Portuguese among others!These are probably the two hardest languages anywhere in Roman Script,in no way is he fluent in all of those languages.

I can speak some of both and I know people who speak either fluently as a second language but I've never met anyone who can master both of those languages with just one brain!rolleyes.gif

Throw in Thai,Spanish and whatever else he claims and I'm afraid I have to take it with a pinch of salt.He may have an aptitude for languages but few people master so many,not even the Dutch themselves who all speak English,German and Dutch.A lot with a fourth language also,such as French or Spanish!w00t.gif

Lets get this straight. You have never met him, you don't know him and just because you only speak a bit of both then you claim that he is lying. Got it !rolleyes.gif

As a non-british person, I feel I have to say something here. It is hard to learn Dutch, but not impossible. It helps if you grow up in Holland.

I grew up in Holland. Speak it like a native. I have met many who have learned Dutch. They have an accent maybe, but completely fluent. I have friends who are fluent in Dutch and Portuguese (Brazilian).

I have not heard the new UK ambassador speak Dutch, but I did hear and see him speak Thai in the video. Very precise and structured Thai.

He was right when Mr. Kent said his teacher told him, to paraphrase, loosen up a bit. It was very formal and like a book. Almost embarrassing.

HOWEVER, A1 for effort on his learning the language! I can speak some basic conversational Thai, but this guy is good. Wish I was as good.

As always, people who are talented and personable are slagged off on TV. rolleyes.gif

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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All are entitled to their opinion....no matter how ridiculous.

Meanwhile the new ambassador is finding his feet, meeting people and learning the lingo.

Looks like he's planning to be around for quite a while which can only be a good thing.

Some comments here have had me in stitches such is the ignorance and belligerance of the posters.

I would love to hear them when they are cap in hand at the embassy in the future demanding their "rights".

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All are entitled to their opinion....no matter how ridiculous.

Meanwhile the new ambassador is finding his feet, meeting people and learning the lingo.

Looks like he's planning to be around for quite a while which can only be a good thing.

Some comments here have had me in stitches such is the ignorance and belligerance of the posters.

I would love to hear them when they are cap in hand at the embassy in the future demanding their "rights".

human rights

Bill of rights

Habeus Corpus

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I do have to take issue with this guy's claims that he speaks Dutch and Portuguese among others!These are probably the two hardest languages anywhere in Roman Script,in no way is he fluent in all of those languages.

I can speak some of both and I know people who speak either fluently as a second language but I've never met anyone who can master both of those languages with just one brain!rolleyes.gif

Throw in Thai,Spanish and whatever else he claims and I'm afraid I have to take it with a pinch of salt.He may have an aptitude for languages but few people master so many,not even the Dutch themselves who all speak English,German and Dutch.A lot with a fourth language also,such as French or Spanish!w00t.gif

10 out of 10 for one of the most ludicrous posts on TV for sometime.

Do you know him personally,you sanctimonious old fool?

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Just a note to remind everyone that forum rule applies

Any further nasty comment will be met with warnings and possible suspension of posting rights

If you are going to going to say nasty things about someone without having even met, or had anything to do with, simply because he happens to be in the public service.... and try to claim that as part of your freedom of speech, well tough luck. That kind of 'freedom' won't be tolerated here

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I do have to take issue with this guy's claims that he speaks Dutch and Portuguese among others!These are probably the two hardest languages anywhere in Roman Script,in no way is he fluent in all of those languages.

I can speak some of both and I know people who speak either fluently as a second language but I've never met anyone who can master both of those languages with just one brain!rolleyes.gif

Throw in Thai,Spanish and whatever else he claims and I'm afraid I have to take it with a pinch of salt.He may have an aptitude for languages but few people master so many,not even the Dutch themselves who all speak English,German and Dutch.A lot with a fourth language also,such as French or Spanish!w00t.gif

Lets get this straight. You have never met him, you don't know him and just because you only speak a bit of both then you claim that he is lying. Got it !rolleyes.gif

As a non-british person, I feel I have to say something here. It is hard to learn Dutch, but not impossible. It helps if you grow up in Holland.

I grew up in Holland. Speak it like a native. I have met many who have learned Dutch. They have an accent maybe, but completely fluent. I have friends who are fluent in Dutch and Portuguese (Brazilian).

I have not heard the new UK ambassador speak Dutch, but I did hear and see him speak Thai in the video. Very precise and structured Thai.

He was right when Mr. Kent said his teacher told him, to paraphrase, loosen up a bit. It was very formal and like a book. Almost embarrassing.

HOWEVER, A1 for effort on his learning the language! I can speak some basic conversational Thai, but this guy is good. Wish I was as good.

As always, people who are talented and personable are slagged off on TV. rolleyes.gif

This guy claims to speak 6 or 7 languages!How many people have you met that speak that many languages and do you believe he's fluent in all of them?

Apart from Pope Jean Paul II and Mother Theresa I can't think of any!

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Vale Tudo, my mother currently speaks five languages. Three of those near native level. Two rather good, to the point where she can certainly communicate on daily basis. She can write jn four of those five languages.

When she was in her twenties/ thirties, she spoke a couple of other languages, but over the years lost these two as didn't continue using.

Granted my mom is a smart lady :) but dont think shes the only one in the world. So I'd imagine it's possible for others to have that kind of capability.

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Let's put this in perspective shall we?I know a lot of language teachers personally,teaching Spanish,Chinese,German and many others.To speak another language well you need about 2,000-3,000 words,to speak another language fluently,you need about 5,000 words!

So this politician claiming that he speaks 6-7 languages means he must know about 30,000-35,000 words,is he related to 'Rainman'?

It just doesn't ring true and reminds me of the ex-CEO of Yahoo claiming he had a degree in Computer Science,which he didn't and ultimately led to him losing his position.

As I mentioned before,he's a politician so it should be expected but wouldn't it be better to under promise and over deliver in a new job?

Something that few,if any,modern politicos seem to understand these days!

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I went back to read the OP and note that no where does he claim to be fluent. In fact he comes across as being very humble and modest about it. Says 'language is like onions, more layers to peel' etc. him continuing with weekly lessons reemphasise the importance and his recognition he feels for the need to continue to learn and to improve

I'm not a Brit, but from what I've read, he gets my support. Id be pleased to have someone like that represent the interest of my country....which essentially means my interest too

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10 out of 10 for one of the most ludicrous posts on TV for sometime.

Do you know him personally,you sanctimonious old fool?

Do you?

If personal attacks are removed first there'll be no replies to deal with.I wouldn't put up with being abused on any street in the world,so I certainly don't intend to put up with it on here or any other forum!

But it's OK for you to call another member a 'sanctimonious old fool' and make personal attacks on the integrity of Mr. Kent!

If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

As I mentioned before,he's a politician

No he isn't, he's a civil servant.

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I think you need to read my posts again, and stop trying to twist them to serve your argument

You said only the pope and mother Teresa can be that adept and capable

I pointed out to you that if my mother is able to speak five languages (at one stage seven) then no reason why Mark Kent can't

You continued to argue he can't possibly speak all those languages - bearing in mind you've never met him, and the author of the article has. Who is in a better position to judge?

I say Mr Kent did not show off, but is full of humility. And you are twisting that to say I agree with you in calling him a liar?

Well in case I wasn't clear, let me say this again

I believe that he can speak all those languages listed, and think he is a very capable man. And quite likely a nice pleasant person too. He comes with good credentials, and did a great job in his prior post, from what I read. So I believe he will do an equally good job as ambassador here in Thailand :)

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Vale Tudo

you said

Civil Servant/Politician/Politico.You say tomay-to,I say tomar-to.Do you really think he'd be where he is now without a poltician's deviousness?I think not!

perhaps rather than as you suggest getting where he is by being devious, he got there through diplomacy! More likely for a British Ambassador don't you think. I DO know him personally and he speaks the languages so wind your neck in. The ability to learn many languages is a real inbuilt talent, some can, some can't. I have spent much time in belgium and know personally several people that speak 8 languages ...fluently.

He is not a politician, and nobody 'voted' him in did they?

For someone that claims not to like being personally attacked, you sure like to dish it out.........nice!

I am sure he will piss him self laughing at an Ambassadorial position being compared to Big Brother or the X-Factor. Would you like the loan of a few more shovels, or perhaps a JCB would be better.

Well said.

I'm not sure if he is a civil servant or maybe a crown employee as he represents Her Majesties Government. I believe government ministers are crown employees as well and so continue in their posts after the dissolution of parliament. What he is definitely not is a politician and that is regardless of what Vale Tudo says. Any attempt to function as a politician would probably see him sacked. To suggest that politicians are devious as a whole only adds weight to the fact that Vale Tudo doesn't understand what he's talking about.

I'm left wondering if he's trolling.

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I do have to take issue with this guy's claims that he speaks Dutch and Portuguese among others!These are probably the two hardest languages anywhere in Roman Script,in no way is he fluent in all of those languages.

I can speak some of both and I know people who speak either fluently as a second language but I've never met anyone who can master both of those languages with just one brain!rolleyes.gif

Throw in Thai,Spanish and whatever else he claims and I'm afraid I have to take it with a pinch of salt.He may have an aptitude for languages but few people master so many,not even the Dutch themselves who all speak English,German and Dutch.A lot with a fourth language also,such as French or Spanish!w00t.gif

Lets get this straight. You have never met him, you don't know him and just because you only speak a bit of both then you claim that he is lying. Got it !rolleyes.gif

As a non-british person, I feel I have to say something here. It is hard to learn Dutch, but not impossible. It helps if you grow up in Holland.

I grew up in Holland. Speak it like a native. I have met many who have learned Dutch. They have an accent maybe, but completely fluent. I have friends who are fluent in Dutch and Portuguese (Brazilian).

I have not heard the new UK ambassador speak Dutch, but I did hear and see him speak Thai in the video. Very precise and structured Thai.

He was right when Mr. Kent said his teacher told him, to paraphrase, loosen up a bit. It was very formal and like a book. Almost embarrassing.

HOWEVER, A1 for effort on his learning the language! I can speak some basic conversational Thai, but this guy is good. Wish I was as good.

As always, people who are talented and personable are slagged off on TV. rolleyes.gif

This guy claims to speak 6 or 7 languages!How many people have you met that speak that many languages and do you believe he's fluent in all of them?

Several. I went to school with a few. It is possible.

They are called polyglots.

Why do you disbelieve it? If you are a brit, go to an embassy party and have a chat with him.

He seems to be a likeable guy.

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I have removed some posts.

public figure or not, we dont tolerate inflammatory remarks. so those that want to continue down that line please note that one poster has been issued with a posting suspension for a nasty remark against another member.

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Good to hear he is making the effort, and nice to have an English ambassador for a change.....

So what nationality was the last one?

The last one was British as opposed to "English".

Some little Englanders have an objection to this notion which is why they bemoan the losses of empire over their bottled beer to anyone unfortunate enough to be within ear or cybershot.

To paraphrase that rapacious imperialist Cecil Rhodes -To be born an englishmen no longer means "winning first prize in the lottery of life." (it never did!) Deal with it you sad specimens!

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