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Britain, Scotland Sign Deal For Independence Referendum


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Aye but , ye hav tae consider the anarchist vote , with their anti nationalistic stance .

And that is why Salmond wants to give the vote to school kids who like to rebel without the gumption to realize the consequences of their actions.

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I am just annoyed because Rod Stewart will probably be able to vote and I will probably not - despite the fact that I was born, raised and lived in Scotland all my life until moving to Thailand, and Rod Stewart was born, raised and lived in Highgate, North London before moving to the the USA.

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I vote yes.

Now how do I ensure my right to a dual English/Scottish nationality with two passports?

Whats the point of it?

Free university education for your children.

Easier rules for immigration.

Different tax system.

Better health care.

Getting away from the current British police state.

Do I need to go on .......

Do you in your wildest Dreams think that Salmond can deliver all of these wishes?

Well yes, when he goes to England for a loan. Remember Greece, Spain, and sure more to come.

How can you have a independent Scotland when so many Scots live in England. Will Scotland keep Scots that are on benefits in England, or will that be all worked out by Salmond. rolleyes.gif


He can't do worse than the current British government.

And how do you define a Scot?

If you are English and move to Scotland, will your pension be frozen.

Will everyone in the UK be given a choice, will it be people who are living there at the time ........... etc.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Two big questions:

  • Who will be able to vote?
  • And if it happens who will qualify for Scottish nationality?

One thing for sure is whatever they do it will be controversial whistling.gif

  1. Those who legally reside in Scotland (age 16 years or older)
  2. No decisions have been made on this

Edited by Morakot
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I am just annoyed because Rod Stewart will probably be able to vote and I will probably not - despite the fact that I was born, raised and lived in Scotland all my life until moving to Thailand, and Rod Stewart was born, raised and lived in Highgate, North London before moving to the the USA.

If Rod Stewart lives in the USA, he will not be able to vote. Only eligible residents of Scotland will be.

That is anyone on the electoral roll on Scotland plus 16 and 17 year olds resident in Scotland who register.

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If Scotland get there independance, it could be a big blow to are security. Here's a snip-it from my local newspaper.

"It came as former First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West, an ex-commander of a Devonport-based ship, warned Scottish independence could lead the UK to give up its nuclear deterrent altogether, because the cost of replicating the facilities would be too great."


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The level of anti-English behaviour and attitudes in Scotland today shocks even Scottish born and bred locals.

If the English were given the chance of a referendum Scotland would be independent tomorrow....

Yes ,and Scotland benefited a massive amount over many years with government money invested there many times more than it should have been entitled to based on its population,but nationalist part of the country still winge about the union.If they want to play alông with Salmonds game let them carry on,

Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App

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If Scotland get there independance, it could be a big blow to are security. Here's a snip-it from my local newspaper.

"It came as former First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West, an ex-commander of a Devonport-based ship, warned Scottish independence could lead the UK to give up its nuclear deterrent altogether, because the cost of replicating the facilities would be too great."


Another good reason to vote 'yes', the UK doesn't need nukes.

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If Scotland get there independance, it could be a big blow to are security. Here's a snip-it from my local newspaper.

"It came as former First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West, an ex-commander of a Devonport-based ship, warned Scottish independence could lead the UK to give up its nuclear deterrent altogether, because the cost of replicating the facilities would be too great."


Another good reason to vote 'yes', the UK doesn't need nukes.

Really? Let some terrorist state blackmail the UK? Your sort lost that argument with CND in the 1980s , The British people(if not the scots) will always support an independent nuclear deterrent

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If Scotland get there independance, it could be a big blow to are security. Here's a snip-it from my local newspaper.

"It came as former First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West, an ex-commander of a Devonport-based ship, warned Scottish independence could lead the UK to give up its nuclear deterrent altogether, because the cost of replicating the facilities would be too great."


Another good reason to vote 'yes', the UK doesn't need nukes.

It does if it wants to be able to protect its world interests. Or do you prefer the UK to break up and hope all the future issues that need facing will be settled by nice discussions? The lack of reality and credibility is astonishing.

Edited by Baerboxer
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I vote yes.

Now how do I ensure my right to a dual English/Scottish nationality with two passports?

Whats the point of it?

Free university education for your children.

Easier rules for immigration.

Different tax system.

Better health care.

Getting away from the current British police state.

Do I need to go on .......

Do you in your wildest Dreams think that Salmond can deliver all of these wishes?

Well yes, when he goes to England for a loan. Remember Greece, Spain, and sure more to come.

How can you have a independent Scotland when so many Scots live in England. Will Scotland keep Scots that are on benefits in England, or will that be all worked out by Salmond. rolleyes.gif


He can't do worse than the current British government.

And how do you define a Scot?

If you are English and move to Scotland, will your pension be frozen.

Will everyone in the UK be given a choice, will it be people who are living there at the time ........... etc.

The current UK government might not be the best or brightest but I assure you Alex Salmond could do a lot lot worse.

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Not only the Scottish should be able to vote on this referendum. It is splitting up the United Kingdom therefore all parts of the Kingdom should be involved; English, Welsh and Northern Irish as well as Scottish.

Absolutely agree with you. Why should the small population of Scotland be allowed to decide something for the whole of the UK? This should be a UK wide referendum.

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I vote yes.

Now how do I ensure my right to a dual English/Scottish nationality with two passports?

Whats the point of it?

Free university education for your children.

Easier rules for immigration.

Different tax system.

Better health care.

Getting away from the current British police state.

Do I need to go on .......

Do you in your wildest Dreams think that Salmond can deliver all of these wishes?

Well yes, when he goes to England for a loan. Remember Greece, Spain, and sure more to come.

How can you have a independent Scotland when so many Scots live in England. Will Scotland keep Scots that are on benefits in England, or will that be all worked out by Salmond. rolleyes.gif

You can be sure of one thing Salmond doesn't come to the negotiating table, only the free Banquet table!

If Salmond gets his dream of an independent Scotland he must remember that, as a new country he will have to apply to join the EU, should he so wish; and demonstrate he can meet the appropriate financial requirements etc.

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='MAJIC' timestamp='1350401003' post='5759011']

='MAJIC' timestamp='1350395291' post='5758812']

I vote yes.

Now how do I ensure my right to a dual English/Scottish nationality with two passports?

Whats the point of it?

Free university education for your children.

Easier rules for immigration.

Different tax system.

Better health care.

Getting away from the current British police state.

Do I need to go on .......

Do you in your wildest Dreams think that Salmond can deliver all of these wishes?

Well yes, when he goes to England for a loan. Remember Greece, Spain, and sure more to come.

How can you have a independent Scotland when so many Scots live in England. Will Scotland keep Scots that are on benefits in England, or will that be all worked out by Salmond. rolleyes.gif

You can be sure of one thing Salmond doesn't come to the negotiating table, only the free Banquet table!

"If Salmond gets his dream of an independent Scotland he must remember that, as a new country he will have to apply to join the EU, should he so wish; and demonstrate he can meet the appropriate financial requirements etc."

Or have another Referendum to see if the Scottish people want to rejoin,and there are many other things to resolve before the Referendum in 2014, I'm sure there will be a lot of trade offs during the next 2 years.

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The level of anti-English behaviour and attitudes in Scotland today shocks even Scottish born and bred locals.

If the English were given the chance of a referendum Scotland would be independent tomorrow....

The Scots have always (at least for the last 30-40yrs) complained that the union of 1707 was not voted on by the then majority

Of Scots, but by a small number of land owners and rich business people,and I think this is a good point. However they never mention that the majority of the English,also never had the opportunity to vote on the Union,again it was the English

land owners and the rich business people who voted on their behalf.

In around 1997 the Scots where given a referendum on changing the terms of the union, no referendum was offered to the English.

Come 2014 the Scots people as a whole will vote on separation,again the English are denied the opportunity to vote on this issue,even though there is a larger % of the English who want the separation,according to opinion polls carried out over recent years.

Yet it may be that the English will get their wish by being very clever,you see this agreement was not drawn up by Alex Salmond, but by one of his deputies

A Yorkshire lass called Nicola Sturgeon,in fact if you look up the SNP members in the Scottish parliament and the London

Parliament you will find a number of them who are not really Scottish.

My worry is if in 2014 the Scottish electorate reject the yes vote, what will then happen, will the SNP in say 20 yrs, again demand a vote,they certainly will not be able to put forward the case that the whole electorate was not involved as in 1707.

Indeed, the original Acts of Union in 1706/07 were largely put in place to bail out the well connected if financially naive who had been bankrupted by the Darien Scheme, Scotland's last shot at national aggrandisement.

The average Scottish peon barely had a look in electorally till 1918, and if they were born with the perceived misfortune of being female, without property and under 30, had to wait until 1928 for true universal suffrage.

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I am just annoyed because Rod Stewart will probably be able to vote and I will probably not - despite the fact that I was born, raised and lived in Scotland all my life until moving to Thailand, and Rod Stewart was born, raised and lived in Highgate, North London before moving to the the USA.

If Rod Stewart lives in the USA, he will not be able to vote. Only eligible residents of Scotland will be.

That is anyone on the electoral roll on Scotland plus 16 and 17 year olds resident in Scotland who register.

So the joke is that someone who has been resident in Scotland for 2/3 or whatever years as proscribed, gets to vote on independence but the same person may not qualify as a Scottish citizen once independence is achieved? Meanwhile the sons and daughters of Scotland due to their non resident status get no vote but later a blue passport with an inscribed thistle? Amazing Scotland.....

Meanwhile most English and certainly all non Labour voters would have shot of the Scots tomorrow.

Edited by folium
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Not only the Scottish should be able to vote on this referendum. It is splitting up the United Kingdom therefore all parts of the Kingdom should be involved; English, Welsh and Northern Irish as well as Scottish.

Absolutely agree with you. Why should the small population of Scotland be allowed to decide something for the whole of the UK? This should be a UK wide referendum.

Sure, but about as much chance as a UK wide decision on Scottish independence as a genuine, "unguided" vote for all citizens of Thailand.....

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<snip> So you want all the rights of being British but none of the responsibilities! I'm not surprised.

Apologies for snipping your post 7by7 but that is a comment I feel a reply should be made as in my opinion its the right to make our own decisions and take responsibility for our failures which leads me to believe 100% in Scottish independence.

It will prove a rocky road and a difficult transition for many in our country but its the right one as our philosophy on how a country should run is fundamentally different to England.

There is much common ground however and we should remain close partners in many areas but in terms of government and funding separate.

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I work with a couple of Scottish people who are both Christians.

They tell me that they fear being marginalised under a Scottish Nationalist Government run by Alex Salmond.

They really told you that? What is Salmond a bit of a satanist or maybe like something off the Wickerman. You are telling me all those Catholics and Protestants, Anglicans, Baptists and Masons are going to allow themselves to be marginalized? They are obviously not working in Scotland so why are they worried?

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I work with a couple of Scottish people who are both Christians.

They tell me that they fear being marginalised under a Scottish Nationalist Government run by Alex Salmond.

They really told you that? What is Salmond a bit of a satanist or maybe like something off the Wickerman. You are telling me all those Catholics and Protestants, Anglicans, Baptists and Masons are going to allow themselves to be marginalized? They are obviously not working in Scotland so why are they worried?

Maybe he meant the country as a whole, and th religion was an irrelevant aside

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I work with a couple of Scottish people who are both Christians.

They tell me that they fear being marginalised under a Scottish Nationalist Government run by Alex Salmond.

They really told you that? What is Salmond a bit of a satanist or maybe like something off the Wickerman. You are telling me all those Catholics and Protestants, Anglicans, Baptists and Masons are going to allow themselves to be marginalized? They are obviously not working in Scotland so why are they worried?

Maybe he met the country as a whole, and th religion was an irrelevant aside

Possibly, but he seems to make a point of the religious stuff. Why mention Christians and Nationalists. I think he would have just said 'I work with two scottish people who are concerned.......' I am sure he will grace us with an answer at some point ;)

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I think you would get an overwhelming vote in favor of Scottish independence if you held the referendum in England and asked the English!

...Until they actually sat down and thought about it for a moment. Thw breakup of the USSR was hardly a triumph for it`s peoples in the cold light of day, was it?

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Not only the Scottish should be able to vote on this referendum. It is splitting up the United Kingdom therefore all parts of the Kingdom should be involved; English, Welsh and Northern Irish as well as Scottish.

Absolutely agree with you. Why should the small population of Scotland be allowed to decide something for the whole of the UK? This should be a UK wide referendum.

Sure, but about as much chance as a UK wide decision on Scottish independence as a genuine, "unguided" vote for all citizens of Thailand.....

But one can dream can't they. We're not all apathetic.

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