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Britain, Scotland Sign Deal For Independence Referendum


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I did not say that Salmond personally approved Trump's scheme, but he is not only the leader of the government who overturned the refusal but also the local MSP who ignored his constituents.

Not spoke to them and told them they were wrong; ignored them completely!

I asked you "Tell us; do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?"

You haven't answered; no surprise there.

You say this is now a non issue in Scotland. Not according to the locals; Trump planning second golf course

The development of a second courses comes weeks after one of Mr Trump's opponents called for a full public inquiry into all official dealings between the billionaire and Scottish authorities.

David Milne, who was threatened with eviction from his home to make way for the tycoon's golf and housing development, wants the investigation to cover central and local government.

That's from the Ellon Times; which you will also no doubt dismiss as biased against your hero.

The same paper also reports that after long, mainly one sided, conversations with Salmond, Trump is now confident that the wind farm wont go ahead! Wonder why.

Then there's the campaign; Tipping up Trump.

You and your hero Salmond obviously wish this was a dead issue and would go away; but it isn't and it wont until the locals get justice.

Something their MSP should be helping them achieve, rather than ignoring them as at present.

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So as usual no facts and no evidence and I am not going to search for your evidence,

you made the statement you provide the evidence simple!!!

I have provided the evidence; it is now up to you to find evidence to refute me.

If you can't...................

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So as usual no facts and no evidence and I am not going to search for your evidence,

you made the statement you provide the evidence simple!!!

I have provided the evidence; it is now up to you to find evidence to refute me.

If you can't...................

You have provided information that you think supports your view but you have completely

failed to provide any evidence whatsoever to support that information. I believe the blether

has adequately dealt with anything you or folium or nontabury have had to say nobody but

you three care get over it!!!! sad.png

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So as usual no facts and no evidence and I am not going to search for your evidence,

you made the statement you provide the evidence simple!!!

I have provided the evidence; it is now up to you to find evidence to refute me.

If you can't...................

You have provided information that you think supports your view but you have completely

failed to provide any evidence whatsoever to support that information. I believe the blether

has adequately dealt with anything you or folium or nontabury have had to say nobody but

you three care get over it!!!! sad.png

I'm not joking when I say I'm astounded that 7x7 is putting so much weight by the Trump story......Trump is a figure of ridicule in Scotland and the recent slap down by Salmond has killed any ( imaginary at that ) notion of a cosy relationship stone dead.

This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

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So as usual no facts and no evidence and I am not going to search for your evidence,

you made the statement you provide the evidence simple!!!

I have provided the evidence; it is now up to you to find evidence to refute me.

If you can't...................

You have provided information that you think supports your view but you have completely

failed to provide any evidence whatsoever to support that information. I believe the blether

has adequately dealt with anything you or folium or nontabury have had to say nobody but

you three care get over it!!!! sad.png

I'm not joking when I say I'm astounded that 7x7 is putting so much weight by the Trump story......Trump is a figure of ridicule in Scotland and the recent slap down by Salmond has killed any ( imaginary at that ) notion of a cosy relationship stone dead.

This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

How about the Telegraph for a right wing, reactionary view on most subjects? Seems like they agree though with the Guardian and other media outlets that Salmond has had some interesting dealings with folk such as Trump and Murdoch.


Bottom line, Salmond is no different to any other manipulative, scheming politician, that's why he is where he is. Cosy dinners with Trump, Murdoch or the whole al-megrahi episiode sadly are all part and parcel of realpolitik.

Love the idea that I am some PR front for the Guardian or whatever....just someone who is wary of politicians and their agendas.

I mentioned Bertie Ahern earlier and the delights he brought to Ireland, hopefully Salmond will not take Scotland down the same path.

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You have provided information that you think supports your view but you have completely

failed to provide any evidence whatsoever to support that information. I believe the blether

has adequately dealt with anything you or folium or nontabury have had to say nobody but

you three care get over it!!!! sad.png

I'm not joking when I say I'm astounded that 7x7 is putting so much weight by the Trump story......Trump is a figure of ridicule in Scotland and the recent slap down by Salmond has killed any ( imaginary at that ) notion of a cosy relationship stone dead.

This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

How about the Telegraph for a right wing, reactionary view on most subjects? Seems like they agree though with the Guardian and other media outlets that Salmond has had some interesting dealings with folk such as Trump and Murdoch.


Bottom line, Salmond is no different to any other manipulative, scheming politician, that's why he is where he is. Cosy dinners with Trump, Murdoch or the whole al-megrahi episiode sadly are all part and parcel of realpolitik.

Love the idea that I am some PR front for the Guardian or whatever....just someone who is wary of politicians and their agendas.

I mentioned Bertie Ahern earlier and the delights he brought to Ireland, hopefully Salmond will not take Scotland down the same path.

I was going to ignore your post but I found myself admiring your inane persistance but the answer is

still the same. NOBODY BUT YOU CARES. GET OVER IT. MOVE ON !!!!!!! biggrin.png

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This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

What about the Ellon Times; the local paper for the area?

What about the Tipping Up Trump website and campaign, started and run by Scottish people living in the area.

What about You've been Trumped; a film made in Scotland by a Scot (albeit born in Rochdale; but if you can accept North London boy Rod Stewart as a Scot, you can accept him)? A film Salmond point blank refuses all invitations to see; unless he can do so in privacy without fellow Scots around to ask him awkward questions.

What about the objections raised by Scottish environmental organisations and RSPB Scotland?

You can't dismiss them as being English and ignorant of Scotland!

Michael Forbes, the unlikely hero of “You’ve Been Trumped," has won the Scotsman of the year award

You both seem to be ignoring them, just as Salmond ignores his constituents.

No matter how much you and Salmond wish it were, this is not a dead issue. As my quote from the local paper above shows, local residents are even now seeking a public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

I am amazed at how easily you dismiss the destruction of a SSSI! Particularly one as important as this; just one of two dunes of this type in the whole of Europe.

Developers must be rubbing their hands in glee at the precedent set here.

Third time of asking:

"Tell us; do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?"

You harangue folium for not answering your question when he has already done so; when will you answer this one?

Probably when you answer all the other awkward questions you have ignored; when hell freezes over.

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What about the people who live there; they care!

That is why they want public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

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This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

What about the Ellon Times; the local paper for the area?

What about the Tipping Up Trump website and campaign, started and run by Scottish people living in the area.

What about You've been Trumped; a film made in Scotland by a Scot (albeit born in Rochdale; but if you can accept North London boy Rod Stewart as a Scot, you can accept him)? A film Salmond point blank refuses all invitations to see; unless he can do so in privacy without fellow Scots around to ask him awkward questions.

What about the objections raised by Scottish environmental organisations and RSPB Scotland?

You can't dismiss them as being English and ignorant of Scotland!

Michael Forbes, the unlikely hero of “You’ve Been Trumped," has won the Scotsman of the year award

You both seem to be ignoring them, just as Salmond ignores his constituents.

No matter how much you and Salmond wish it were, this is not a dead issue. As my quote from the local paper above shows, local residents are even now seeking a public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

I am amazed at how easily you dismiss the destruction of a SSSI! Particularly one as important as this; just one of two dunes of this type in the whole of Europe.

Developers must be rubbing their hands in glee at the precedent set here.

Third time of asking:

"Tell us; do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?"

You harangue folium for not answering your question when he has already done so; when will you answer this one?

Probably when you answer all the other awkward questions you have ignored; when hell freezes over.

You'll find that Theblether is very picky on which questions to answer,I wouldn't be at all

surprised to discover that he is a politician, a minor one at best,or perhaps someone who hopes to become one.

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You have provided information that you think supports your view but you have completely

failed to provide any evidence whatsoever to support that information. I believe the blether

has adequately dealt with anything you or folium or nontabury have had to say nobody but

you three care get over it!!!! sad.png

I'm not joking when I say I'm astounded that 7x7 is putting so much weight by the Trump story......Trump is a figure of ridicule in Scotland and the recent slap down by Salmond has killed any ( imaginary at that ) notion of a cosy relationship stone dead.

This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

How about the Telegraph for a right wing, reactionary view on most subjects? Seems like they agree though with the Guardian and other media outlets that Salmond has had some interesting dealings with folk such as Trump and Murdoch.


Bottom line, Salmond is no different to any other manipulative, scheming politician, that's why he is where he is. Cosy dinners with Trump, Murdoch or the whole al-megrahi episiode sadly are all part and parcel of realpolitik.

Love the idea that I am some PR front for the Guardian or whatever....just someone who is wary of politicians and their agendas.

I mentioned Bertie Ahern earlier and the delights he brought to Ireland, hopefully Salmond will not take Scotland down the same path.

I was going to ignore your post but I found myself admiring your inane persistance but the answer is

still the same. NOBODY BUT YOU CARES. GET OVER IT. MOVE ON !!!!!!! biggrin.png

Sweeping generalizations and presuming that your views are those of all, and shouting for good measure...my,my; seems like you have a great grasp of the art of debating an isssue.

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This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

What about the Ellon Times; the local paper for the area?

What about the Tipping Up Trump website and campaign, started and run by Scottish people living in the area.

What about You've been Trumped; a film made in Scotland by a Scot (albeit born in Rochdale; but if you can accept North London boy Rod Stewart as a Scot, you can accept him)? A film Salmond point blank refuses all invitations to see; unless he can do so in privacy without fellow Scots around to ask him awkward questions.

What about the objections raised by Scottish environmental organisations and RSPB Scotland?

You can't dismiss them as being English and ignorant of Scotland!

Michael Forbes, the unlikely hero of "You've Been Trumped," has won the Scotsman of the year award

You both seem to be ignoring them, just as Salmond ignores his constituents.

No matter how much you and Salmond wish it were, this is not a dead issue. As my quote from the local paper above shows, local residents are even now seeking a public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

I am amazed at how easily you dismiss the destruction of a SSSI! Particularly one as important as this; just one of two dunes of this type in the whole of Europe.

Developers must be rubbing their hands in glee at the precedent set here.

Third time of asking:

"Tell us; do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?"

You harangue folium for not answering your question when he has already done so; when will you answer this one?

Probably when you answer all the other awkward questions you have ignored; when hell freezes over.

You'll find that Theblether is very picky on which questions to answer,I wouldn't be at all

surprised to discover that he is a politician, a minor one at best,or perhaps someone who hopes to become one.

Oh that's a bit harsh. He can't be that bad, though he does seem to have some of the necessary qualifications....

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This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

What about the Ellon Times; the local paper for the area?

What about the Tipping Up Trump website and campaign, started and run by Scottish people living in the area.

What about You've been Trumped; a film made in Scotland by a Scot (albeit born in Rochdale; but if you can accept North London boy Rod Stewart as a Scot, you can accept him)? A film Salmond point blank refuses all invitations to see; unless he can do so in privacy without fellow Scots around to ask him awkward questions.

What about the objections raised by Scottish environmental organisations and RSPB Scotland?

You can't dismiss them as being English and ignorant of Scotland!

Michael Forbes, the unlikely hero of “You’ve Been Trumped," has won the Scotsman of the year award

You both seem to be ignoring them, just as Salmond ignores his constituents.

No matter how much you and Salmond wish it were, this is not a dead issue. As my quote from the local paper above shows, local residents are even now seeking a public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

I am amazed at how easily you dismiss the destruction of a SSSI! Particularly one as important as this; just one of two dunes of this type in the whole of Europe.

Developers must be rubbing their hands in glee at the precedent set here.

Third time of asking:

"Tell us; do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?"

You harangue folium for not answering your question when he has already done so; when will you answer this one?

Probably when you answer all the other awkward questions you have ignored; when hell freezes over.

I think the fact the Alex Salmond has been re-elected with an increased majority by his constituents blows your argument clean out of the water.

He increased his own personal vote in his own constituency by 21.3% I believe.

Quite frankly that statistic should make you blush and realize how absurd you are being. Hence why I say this is surreal.

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i've got no intention of being a politician, I pity them having to wade through the sea of deranged BS that confronts them every single day in life. This Trump story is a prime example coffee1.gif

Anyway Folium, your the guy that has consistently refused to answer the simplest of all questions. Are you a Scottish resident?

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What about the people who live there; they care!

That is why they want public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

The only good thing I can see about independence is that the SNP will disband, once the struggle is over


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I'm not joking when I say I'm astounded that 7x7 is putting so much weight by the Trump story......Trump is a figure of ridicule in Scotland and the recent slap down by Salmond has killed any ( imaginary at that ) notion of a cosy relationship stone dead.

This is what happens when you read the English based Guardian, you end up with a Socialist and myopic view of just about everything, including Scottish politics. The current contentions being made are laughable.

How about the Telegraph for a right wing, reactionary view on most subjects? Seems like they agree though with the Guardian and other media outlets that Salmond has had some interesting dealings with folk such as Trump and Murdoch.


Bottom line, Salmond is no different to any other manipulative, scheming politician, that's why he is where he is. Cosy dinners with Trump, Murdoch or the whole al-megrahi episiode sadly are all part and parcel of realpolitik.

Love the idea that I am some PR front for the Guardian or whatever....just someone who is wary of politicians and their agendas.

I mentioned Bertie Ahern earlier and the delights he brought to Ireland, hopefully Salmond will not take Scotland down the same path.

I was going to ignore your post but I found myself admiring your inane persistance but the answer is

still the same. NOBODY BUT YOU CARES. GET OVER IT. MOVE ON !!!!!!! biggrin.png

Sweeping generalizations and presuming that your views are those of all, and shouting for good measure...my,my; seems like you have a great grasp of the art of debating an isssue.

Sometimes shouting at idiots works sometimes it doesn't. That's life.

But just you and your cronies keep flogging that horse!!!

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I think the fact the Alex Salmond has been re-elected with an increased majority by his constituents blows your argument clean out of the water.

He increased his own personal vote in his own constituency by 21.3% I believe.

He did increase his majority by around 20%; in an election which took place before his role in this sordid affair became widely known.

As Abraham Lincoln said;

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Salmond seems to be a great believer in the first two parts of that; but has forgotten the third, and most important part.

Anyway Folium, your the guy that has consistently refused to answer the simplest of all questions. Are you a Scottish resident?

This from a man who wont answer a single question put to him!

Calling those who oppose your viewpoint idiots and their sources rubbish while provideing no evidence whatsoever to back up your own argument may work in the playground; but we're all adults here (well I assume so but sometimes have to wonder) and more compelling debating skills are required.

You may think it surreal, but the residents who have been bullied and intimidated, who have had their water and electricity cut off, who have been denied access to their homes and whose MSP has done nothing, not even expressed his sympathy; they don't!

Shame on you for your attitude to their plight.

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i've got no intention of being a politician, I pity them having to wade through the sea of deranged BS that confronts them every single day in life. This Trump story is a prime example coffee1.gif

Anyway Folium, your the guy that has consistently refused to answer the simplest of all questions. Are you a Scottish resident?

I think you meant "resident of Scotland". I'm a Scottish resident, albeit of a foreign country

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I think the fact the Alex Salmond has been re-elected with an increased majority by his constituents blows your argument clean out of the water.

He increased his own personal vote in his own constituency by 21.3% I believe.

He did increase his majority by around 20%; in an election which took place before his role in this sordid affair became widely known.

As Abraham Lincoln said;

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Salmond seems to be a great believer in the first two parts of that; but has forgotten the third, and most important part.

Anyway Folium, your the guy that has consistently refused to answer the simplest of all questions. Are you a Scottish resident?

This from a man who wont answer a single question put to him!

Calling those who oppose your viewpoint idiots and their sources rubbish while provideing no evidence whatsoever to back up your own argument may work in the playground; but we're all adults here (well I assume so but sometimes have to wonder) and more compelling debating skills are required.

You may think it surreal, but the residents who have been bullied and intimidated, who have had their water and electricity cut off, who have been denied access to their homes and whose MSP has done nothing, not even expressed his sympathy; they don't!

Shame on you for your attitude to their plight.

More compelling than this post??? coffee1.gif

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I think the fact the Alex Salmond has been re-elected with an increased majority by his constituents blows your argument clean out of the water.

He increased his own personal vote in his own constituency by 21.3% I believe.

He did increase his majority by around 20%; in an election which took place before his role in this sordid affair became widely known.

As Abraham Lincoln said;

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Salmond seems to be a great believer in the first two parts of that; but has forgotten the third, and most important part.

Anyway Folium, your the guy that has consistently refused to answer the simplest of all questions. Are you a Scottish resident?

This from a man who wont answer a single question put to him!

Calling those who oppose your viewpoint idiots and their sources rubbish while provideing no evidence whatsoever to back up your own argument may work in the playground; but we're all adults here (well I assume so but sometimes have to wonder) and more compelling debating skills are required.

You may think it surreal, but the residents who have been bullied and intimidated, who have had their water and electricity cut off, who have been denied access to their homes and whose MSP has done nothing, not even expressed his sympathy; they don't!

Shame on you for your attitude to their plight.

I don't believe I actually called anyone an idiot, but cap and fits comes to mind.

If you are short on debating skills may I suggest evening classes, perhaps your

cronies might like to join you??

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theblether, more compelling than answering every point with a silly smiley.

Why don't you answer the questions put to you?

Phuketjock, it is not I who refuses to answer questions put to me.

Nor is it those you refer to as my cronies; by which I assume you mean those with a similar opnion to myself.

At least I can remember what I have posted, or have the sense to check if I can't!

You don't even remember what you posted yourself! See this post by you just 25 minutes ago!

Sometimes shouting at idiots works sometimes it doesn't. That's life.

I'll ask you the same question I asked theblether, with as much hope of getting an answer:.

Why don't you answer the questions put to you?

To you both; if you are so right and we are so wrong then you should find it simple to answer our questions and provide evidence to shoot us down; yet you have not been able to do so!

Why is that?

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That was not the question; and you know it.

So, I ask again: do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?

Simple question, it just requires a simple answer; yes or no?

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That was not the question; and you know it.

So, I ask again: do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?

Simple question, it just requires a simple answer; yes or no?

The police and courts deal with harassment issues, that's how it works in Scotland. smile.png

There's your answer..........oh, and 21.3%.

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theblether, more compelling than answering every point with a silly smiley.

Why don't you answer the questions put to you?

Phuketjock, it is not I who refuses to answer questions put to me.

Nor is it those you refer to as my cronies; by which I assume you mean those with a similar opnion to myself.

At least I can remember what I have posted, or have the sense to check if I can't!

You don't even remember what you posted yourself! See this post by you just 25 minutes ago!

Sometimes shouting at idiots works sometimes it doesn't. That's life.

I'll ask you the same question I asked theblether, with as much hope of getting an answer:.

Why don't you answer the questions put to you?

To you both; if you are so right and we are so wrong then you should find it simple to answer our questions and provide evidence to shoot us down; yet you have not been able to do so!

Why is that?

Once again your logic is sketchy to say the least.

I assume ( but I may be wrong ) that you are referring to my previous post when I said

" I don't believe I actually called anyone an idiot " and I stand by that, i was making an

observation of my personal experience in life, now if you decide to take that personally

I would say thats your problem not mine.

I am getting on in years so can you please tell me what question in particular you want

me to answer again??

BTW you and your cronies oops, persons with a similar opinion as yourself, have been

shot down more times than a target in a shooting gallery but you just keep popping up


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7by7 this might be of interest to you and people with a similar opinion to you, or not

Independence unity pledge


Representatives from across political parties and civic Scotland will be invited to work together with the Scottish Government if there is a yes vote in the 2014 referendum, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said today in a major speech on the case for independence.

If there is a yes vote for independence, Ms Sturgeon said, there would be an inclusive process around the negotiations that follow.

In the speech at Strathclyde University, she also said that Scotland was already 'half way there' and that bringing the rest of the powers reserved to Westminster home would build on foundations already in place. She further stressed that bringing powers home was essential to building a more prosperous and socially just nation.

Read the full text of the Deputy First Minister's speech

Ms Sturgeon said:

“You cannot guarantee social justice unless you are in control of the delivery.

Watch the video

“And that is my central argument to you today. Not just that independence is more than an end in itself. But that it is only by bringing the powers home, by being independent, that we can build the better nation we all want.

“Bringing the powers home has to be the in interests of long term substantial change.

“Yes, we will make changes in the short term – the sensible use of borrowing powers to get our economy growing faster, for example. Or action to deal with sky-high air passenger duty that is damaging trade and tourism. Or changes to welfare reforms. But this is also about change for the long term.

“It is about ending, once and for all, the cycle of deprivation so that our people can enter a thriving economy and contribute more meaningfully to their own well-being and that of the world.

“Over the next 12 months, as we approach the publication of the independence White Paper, through a range of papers, speeches and events, we will show how we would set about that task.

“And let’s never forget how far along the road to independence Scotland already is. We are not starting from scratch. Donald Dewar’s Scotland Act of 1998 may come to be seen as one the finest pieces of legislation ever. It set up a parliament which was fit for the 21st century – we are already governing in a manner which is light years from the UK. We have in place a great foundation – it was designed to be built on.

So we will remind people that we are already half way there – we have brought half the powers home, and made a success of it. Now we must build on the foundation and bring the home the rest. It is time to finish the job.

And if Scotland votes yes, I have no doubt that everyone – regardless of which side of the debate they were on – will want and work for the best for Scotland.

“The Edinburgh Agreement makes clear that the Scottish and UK governments will work together to implement the outcome in the best interests of the people of Scotland and the rest of the UK.

“And although the independence negotiations that will follow a yes vote will be led by the Scottish Government, we will not act alone.

“If there is a yes vote for independence, then let me make it clear - the Scottish Government will invite representatives of the other political parties and of civic Scotland to contribute to those negotiations.

“We will have had our debate and taken our decision. Each of us will have argued our case strongly and passionately. But when the people have spoken, we will emerge from it as one united nation.”

“We will be team Scotland, and at that moment in our history, I am sure – whatever they say this side of the referendum - that Johann Lamont, Ruth Davidson and Willie Rennie will argue Scotland’s case as strongly as Alex Salmond and Patrick Harvie.“

Listen to the speech on Soundcloud

http://soundcloud.com/scotgov/independence-unity-pledgeFull text of Deputy First Minister’s speech

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