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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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" Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing".

No brainer......do it and let a charity be 5 million better off.

Don't do it........selfish bastard!

That's one way of looking at it. Another way might be:

Do it and take part in a sleazy extortion and dignify an insidious insinuation.

Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'd like to see Obama's college records because I'm sure they aren't flattering to the fraud in the WH. But the theatrics by Trump are just that, theatrics. I wish we could avoid things like that the last month or two before the election. If Trump were at all serious, he should have offered at least $20 million.THAT would make people notice.

Besides, I wonder why some of these hackers from Anonymous don't find them and put them up someplace.

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Would that be anything like Obama responding to Putin and Medvedev (sans the wig)?

Let's see...interaction with the former and current heads of state of a nuclear armed country. Responding to ridiculous attention grabbing by a reality TV star of zero consequence on the world stage....

Hmmm...I'm going to say, those are two different things.

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This is interesting that you seem to approve Obama making some sort of secret arrangement "after" his election is perfectly acceptable.

You must not be familiar with Chicago politics.

That's what it seems like to you, does it?

OK then.

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Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'm not so sure Obama has behaved like a president, I don't think any of them do once elected.

I think if he called Trump for what he is and produced the goods, he would win this election in a canter.........and a charity of his choice would be very happy.

Small issue though about effectively blackmailing a president don't you think?

Blackmailing? Not at all. Blackmailing would be someone threatening to release his records unless he did something.

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Would that be anything like Obama responding to Putin and Medvedev (sans the wig)?

Let's see...interaction with the former and current heads of state of a nuclear armed country. Responding to ridiculous attention grabbing by a reality TV star of zero consequence on the world stage....

Hmmm...I'm going to say, those are two different things.

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This is interesting that you seem to approve Obama making some sort of secret arrangement "after" his election is perfectly acceptable.

You must not be familiar with Chicago politics.

I am at a total loss as to what you are implying.

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People who pour scorn on 'birthers', should check out this youtube video.

It's kinda technical but it demolishes the credibility of Obama's birth cert.


Of course the naysayers will say....'Oh...it doesn't matter where he was born'...etc

It does if you are the freakin President!

you've kind of had 2 years to take it to the supreme court and get them to rule on its authenticity haven't you?

btw...I think you dropped your tin foil hat.

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People who pour scorn on 'birthers', should check out this youtube video.

It's kinda technical but it demolishes the credibility of Obama's birth cert.

Of course the naysayers will say....'Oh...it doesn't matter where he was born'...etc

It does if you are the freakin President!

None of these mounting scandals seem important to some whereas Mitt Romney's tax returns are?


Quite extraordinary and bizarre

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Of course the naysayers will say....'Oh...it doesn't matter where he was born'...etc

It does if you are the freakin President!

Sure it matters. He was born in Hawaii. End of story. Unless you're a birther.

There has never been a President subjected to this type of constant personal discrediting, not only on his birthplace, but also on his college records (which are completely irrelevant). Added to that, perhaps some you remember Bill O'Reilly's interview with Obama in the White House, which was very disrespectful.

Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

Edited by keemapoot
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If women votes needed a reminder of who is on the Romney team;

<snipped the video where the idiot says God probably intended rape to happen>

Romney has already said he disagrees with that statement.

Yes, but he's probably also said at another time that he agrees with it; Romney will say anything to anyone.

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" Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing".

No brainer......do it and let a charity be 5 million better off.

Don't do it........selfish bastard!

That's one way of looking at it. Another way might be:

Do it and take part in a sleazy extortion and dignify an insidious insinuation.

Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'd like to see Obama's college records because I'm sure they aren't flattering to the fraud in the WH.

I'm guessing it is his unflattering academic record which got him on as editor of the Harvard Law Review and then internships and the law firm where he met his wife.

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" Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing".

No brainer......do it and let a charity be 5 million better off.

Don't do it........selfish bastard!

That's one way of looking at it. Another way might be:

Do it and take part in a sleazy extortion and dignify an insidious insinuation.

Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'd like to see Obama's college records because I'm sure they aren't flattering to the fraud in the WH.

I'm guessing it is his unflattering academic record which got him on as editor of the Harvard Law Review and then internships and the law firm where he met his wife.

Amen! Do any members reading this know what it takes to make editor of law review at any good law school, not even Harvard? I do. Only the brightest and hardest-working my friends...

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Of course the naysayers will say....'Oh...it doesn't matter where he was born'...etc

It does if you are the freakin President!

Sure it matters. He was born in Hawaii. End of story. Unless you're a birther.

There has never been a President subjected to this type of constant personal discrediting, not only on his birthplace, but also on his college records (which are completely irrelevant). Added to that, perhaps some you remember Bill O'Reilly's interview with Obama in the White House, which was very disrespectful.

Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

I hate simplistic answers to important questions and I hate the overuse of "racist/racism" (let me be clear: I speak of OVERuse. They exist and we need to be aware of it and call it when warranted). But while I don't know that it's the MAIN reason (I suspect the extremely heated political divide in the US is more a factor), I do think that it is a not insignificant reason.

I've always said that while the US has made huge strides in dealing with racial issues we are left with the most insidious and difficult to eradicate racism -- the relatively benign and latent (sometimes unconscious) racism. The kind where people show or or perhaps even feel no animosity towards another race, but have inviolable boundaries and set perceptions and attitudes based on race. I've no doubt that all but a tiny fringe of Obama haters would vigorously deny racism playing a part and that some of them would be sincere in doing so. I'm also convinced that some of them would not be telling the truth (knowingly or not).

You forgot to mention another thing -- the "arrogant" meme. He may or may not appear genuinely arogant to many people. He may BE arrogant. But I'm convinced that for some people it's the fact that he's black that makes it so hard to take. In other words, "arrogant" is really another word for "uppity".

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There is nothing illegal about keeping funds overseas - many legit businessmen do it - and buying businesses that are already going bankrupt and saving them if possible or shutting them down if they can't is not a crime either. America is a capitalist country and Romney is very successful capitalist.

Agree. Nothing illegal about keeping money overseas, unless it's for avoiding taxes. If Romney is really rooting for American prosperity, then he should put his money where his mouth is: in America.

What? Purposely making a bad investments that lose money is not what I look for in a President. If it were, Obama would get my vote hands down. I don't think we should have a government which passes laws that make it a losing proposition to invest in America then try to shame people into making that bad investment. Talk about blackmail.

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^ @ steelejoe. You know what I think about arrogance? I think the smartest, biggest winners all have some element of it in their personality, and even though not attractive, it is a fact. Lack of self-confidence is not a trait you want in a President, and most don't get to that level without it, but rising to arrogance I would say depends on the situation. Any highly successful person will on occasion let their arrogance show.

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Poll shows Arkansans backing Romney over Obama by wide margin

HOUSTON, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- Voters in the U.S. state of Arkansas prefer Republican candidate Mitt Romney over President Barack Obama and remain worried about the economy, according to a poll released Wednesday.

Arkansas. Not a swing state. Of no relevance to this election. Only a few states MATTER. Even mighty New York state and California ... do not matter. I hope to see Obama win and Romney win the popular vote. Then both parties will have been burned in recent history and there is a chance to abolish the ridiculous, archaic electoral college.

There is almost no chance that Congress will work with Obama if he wins. If Romney wins the popular vote, there is almost no chance Congress will work with Obama AND they'll have the popular vote to point to as a reason for it. So any petty hope for "payback" is just going to hurt the country more. A proper wish would be for the American voters to flatly reject Obama and his hurtful policies by at least 5%, giving the new President Romney a mandate that he can use to get Congress working again.

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^ @ steelejoe. You know what I think about arrogance? I think the smartest, biggest winners all have some element of it in their personality, and even though not attractive, it is a fact. Lack of self-confidence is not a trait you want in a President, and most don't get to that level without it, but rising to arrogance I would say depends on the situation. Any highly successful person will on occasion let that side win.

Could not agree more. Well said too.

Well except that I'm not sure that arrogance is always unattractive; I think there's often a masochistic element in humans (dare I say especially female) that sometimes likes it in others -- but this is getting subjective and semantic because we'd have to agree on what "arrogant" is or isn't.

But that goes back to my point: I think for some people, the arrogance is perceived and/or more intolerable because hes a black man (just as the cracks about Mrs. Obama's appearance or patriotism is sometimes about the fact that she is a smart and supremely confident black woman).

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Romney was not my first choice either, but he does have a large amount of management experience....

He's good at clandestinely shuffling some of his tens of millions of $$'s to Caribbean and overseas' numbered accounts. He's good at buying faltering businesses and shutting them down or hiring Chinese to replace the US workers. He's good at garnering large loans (he's done that for businesses he's bought, and he will do that for the US economy).

Nice batch of left-wing talking points but do you have any evidence to back them up? If you do, please forward to the IRS. Of course, we all know you have zilch for evidence. Just wild accusations. By the way, I have an oversea's bank account. It also has a number. Guess what? Nothing illegal or unethical about it at all.

The facts are that Romney has managed several private businesses, managed a successful 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, and served as chief executive (governor) of a U.S. state. That's the key and critical difference between Romney and the "community organizer". Obama's lack of comptetence and lack of management experience has been clearly demonstrated during the last three and a half years. There is no doubt.

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People like Donald Trump and Romney are particulary good at one thing: borrowing money. They use their dynamic personalities to win over the loaners. Sometimes they convince the loaners that, if they don't loan the money, it will be deep doo doo for greater region. Example: When Trump goes to the bank loan agents in NYC, he tells them, "if you don't loan me a big load of added money, then many people will be without jobs, and I'll likely move my real estate leveraging business to another city." When Wall Street execs and/or Auto industry CEO's or AIS go to Washington, they say, "Hey, you gotta give us a giant heap of money, or there will be crap flying all over the place." (or words to that effect). The banks always acquiesce, as does Washington. Those are Romney's type of people. Thaksin is similarly-minded. They all think that throwing big money at big problems will solve them. If Romney gets in the White House, he'll do what Reagan did: He'll balloon the federal deficit to stratospheric proportions, because all those big shot businessmen believe there's no problem you can't borrow and spend your way out of.

And how is that different from Obama's course of action the last 4 years?

He did not ask to borrow a few million to build something, he just took trillions in loans and wasted it.

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People like Donald Trump and Romney are particulary good at one thing: borrowing money. They use their dynamic personalities to win over the loaners. Sometimes they convince the loaners that, if they don't loan the money, it will be deep doo doo for greater region. Example: When Trump goes to the bank loan agents in NYC, he tells them, "if you don't loan me a big load of added money, then many people will be without jobs, and I'll likely move my real estate leveraging business to another city." When Wall Street execs and/or Auto industry CEO's or AIS go to Washington, they say, "Hey, you gotta give us a giant heap of money, or there will be crap flying all over the place." (or words to that effect). The banks always acquiesce, as does Washington. Those are Romney's type of people. Thaksin is similarly-minded. They all think that throwing big money at big problems will solve them. If Romney gets in the White House, he'll do what Reagan did: He'll balloon the federal deficit to stratospheric proportions, because all those big shot businessmen believe there's no problem you can't borrow and spend your way out of.

And how is that different from Obama's course of action the last 4 years?

Where would the US have been if it hadn't bailed out wall street and the car industry? Interesting question.

I'd like to know what people think where unemployment would be, how liqiud the financial industry would be, and what job growth would be like. Down the toilet my educated guess.

But if you think it was good - then why would it be so?

Look at this chart. The Recession ended in 2009, BEFORE any of Obama's policies went through, BEFORE any stimulus money had been spent. Obama did not turn the country around, it was already heading in the right direction. Then after 3 straight quarters of strong growth, as Obama's policies started to take effect, the economy started to decline. This chart proves, that if anything, Obama has made things worse, not better. So the left-wing talking point that Obama "saved" us from another Great Depression is just flat out false.


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Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

According to Twitter, Obama has a virtual monopoly on the racist vote. There are many of them declaring they will riot if that white guy wins in November.

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Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

According to Twitter, Obama has a virtual monopoly on the racist vote. There are many of them declaring they will riot if that white guy wins in November.

I suppose I should have qualified Maher's remarks by also pointing out that he (white) only dates black girls....wub.png

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I'd like to see Obama's college records because I'm sure they aren't flattering to the fraud in the WH.

I'm guessing it is his unflattering academic record which got him on as editor of the Harvard Law Review and then internships and the law firm where he met his wife.

Amen! Do any members reading this know what it takes to make editor of law review at any good law school, not even Harvard? I do. Only the brightest and hardest-working my friends...

Unless you are a mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

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Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

According to Twitter, Obama has a virtual monopoly on the racist vote. There are many of them declaring they will riot if that white guy wins in November.

Sorry, was that a joke?

According to twitter?

There are many of THEM?

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Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

According to Twitter, Obama has a virtual monopoly on the racist vote. There are many of them declaring they will riot if that white guy wins in November.

I suppose I should have qualified Maher's remarks by also pointing out that he (white) only dates black girls....wub.png

Not sure what relevance that might have (but I suppose it might have some). Anyway, I think Maher is an a**. But I sometimes agree with him and I think it's mostly good to have someone doing what he does.

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I'd like to see Obama's college records because I'm sure they aren't flattering to the fraud in the WH.

I'm guessing it is his unflattering academic record which got him on as editor of the Harvard Law Review and then internships and the law firm where he met his wife.

Amen! Do any members reading this know what it takes to make editor of law review at any good law school, not even Harvard? I do. Only the brightest and hardest-working my friends...

Unless you are a mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

Yeah, I remember that "clean" comment. One of Biden's best gaffes! Seriously though, Obama haters should at least give him credit for his remarkable academic achievements. You may get into undergrad with help from affirmative action, and even law school (though you still need a minimum LSAT score etc.,), but there's no way you make law review unless you are exceptional.

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Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

According to Twitter, Obama has a virtual monopoly on the racist vote. There are many of them declaring they will riot if that white guy wins in November.

Sorry, was that a joke?

According to twitter?

There are many of THEM?

Well, most are just about assassination but there are a lot about rioting as well. A long list for you to read here.


Imagine the play something like this would get on the news if it were about rioting is Obama wins? Of course, if they threaten to assassinate the President that's a different story and would result in arrests.

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People who pour scorn on 'birthers', should check out this youtube video.

It's kinda technical but it demolishes the credibility of Obama's birth cert.

Of course the naysayers will say....'Oh...it doesn't matter where he was born'...etc

It does if you are the freakin President!

you've kind of had 2 years to take it to the supreme court and get them to rule on its authenticity haven't you?

btw...I think you dropped your tin foil hat.

Watch the video I say...Supreme (cangaroo) Court my ass....

I understand what you are saying and I understand what the video is saying. It is worth investigating why the certificate was altered. But the historical newspaper accounts still say he was born in Hawaii so this is a dead issue.

On a similar note, my cousin (~65 yrs old) was orphaned at 8 years old. He has a long form birth certificate from the State of New Jersey, USA saying his mother (my aunt) was born in Vienna, Austria in 1908. To make a long - off topic- story short, I went to Ukraine, to the archives and have photos of the original hand written church records from 1908 showing she was born in a little village in what is now Ukraine - but then was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So, these modern, birth certificates the states issue are not always totally accurate. In my aunt's case, her parents must have somewhere along the line told the State of New Jersey that she had been born in Vienna. Too bad for my cousin who was hoping to get Austrian residency and be allowed to live in the EU indefinitely.

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That's one way of looking at it. Another way might be:

Do it and take part in a sleazy extortion and dignify an insidious insinuation.

Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

I'd like to see Obama's college records because I'm sure they aren't flattering to the fraud in the WH.

I'm guessing it is his unflattering academic record which got him on as editor of the Harvard Law Review and then internships and the law firm where he met his wife.

Amen! Do any members reading this know what it takes to make editor of law review at any good law school, not even Harvard? I do. Only the brightest and hardest-working my friends...

Then where are his transcripts and articles he wrote as Harvard Law Editor? One would think the release of a few more records might show how brilliant he is, instead of making it appear he is hiding something. Oh, right, he has had those records sealed!

I never claimed he wasn't smart but have always said he does not have one lick of common sense.

As I said in 2008 on this forum...Obama is nothing more than a sleazy politician from the cesspool of Chicago politics.

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Bill Maher does not pull punches about this. He plainly says it's racism. Pure and simple. That's the main reason why all the hate for Obama.

According to Twitter, Obama has a virtual monopoly on the racist vote. There are many of them declaring they will riot if that white guy wins in November.

Sorry, was that a joke?

According to twitter?

There are many of THEM?

Well, most are just about assassination but there are a lot about rioting as well. A long list for you to read here.


Imagine the play something like this would get on the news if it were about rioting is Obama wins? Of course, if they threaten to assassinate the President that's a different story and would result in arrests.

Oh, lordy...from Twitter as a source to Alex Jones?! I suppose I'm sort of obligated to respond since I (foolishly) replied to the original ridiculous post.

1) A list of twitter posts proves ZERO about anything at all.

2) It can not and does not show a "virtual monopoly on the racist vote". It shows that there are supposedly some stupid black people ---- along with some stupid white people -- who made stupid comments about rioting or killing Romney. Nothing to show that these comments aren't fake. Nothing to show that the people making them are racists. Nothing to show that there aren't as many or more racists who will vote for Romney.

Ridiculous. Utterly and totally ridiculous.

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Then where are his transcripts and articles he wrote as Harvard Law Editor? One would think the release of a few more records might show how brilliant he is, instead of making it appear he is hiding something. Oh, right, he has had those records sealed!

I never claimed he wasn't smart but have always said he does not have one lick of common sense.

Well, I got curious about this issue and quickly googled. It does look as though Obama's legal writings have been very few and obscure. But, again, that doesn't negate the fact that he made law review, and editor, the highest in the class. They did find one article, that the Obama campaign owed up to:

Law students elected to the prestigious Harvard Law Review spend two years working there. In their first year, most write the brief, anonymous "case comments" like Obama's, which bears the unwieldy heading: TORT LAW - PRENATAL INJURIES - SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE CAUSE OF ACTION BROUGHT BY FETUS AGAINST ITS MOTHER FOR UNINTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF PRENATAL INJURIES.
a spokesman responded accurately - but narrowly - that "as the president of the Law Review, Obama didn't write articles, he edited and reviewed them."

Looking quickly through other material, it seems he did not publish much, if at all at Chicago while teaching law too, which is quite unusual, unless he had a plan to do other things...like being a community organizer...or politics on a big scale. coffee1.gif

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