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I'll preface this story with - it has naught to do with being a cheap charlie and I love the baht bus as most of us here do.

I'll happily pay the 10bht fare however I draw the line when my gf is with me - total fare price is 15bht even though I am paying 5bht more than I should. However the price seems to go up for my gf since she happens to be with a farang. I also realize paying the correct fare of 15bht only works if you have exact change, so does no good if you expect change back because the baht bus driver simply laffs and drives off.

One night coming from bar on Soi8 (actually bumped into Prof Fart/Jangles) with my gf and my mates (Carl/Andy) who have a couple ladies with them.




We take it all the way to Walking Street (few blocks prior because of traffic). We hop off and my mate is paying for all us. My gf and I are walking and get across the arch and turn around - mates aren't there. I wait a few minutes and nothing. I ring Andy and ask where they got to - he explains there has been a problem with bht bus and my mate Carl has smashed the passenger side window. I leg it back there and bht bus is still there w/smashed window. How the fk this happened I don't know?

I ask Carl why he broke the window? Apparently Carl didnt have exact change and asked for his change back. The driver laffed at him and started driving away as my mate had his hand in the window. He literally tapped the window with his other hand - (tapped was confirmed by Andy) and the window broke.

Anyways thai driver is going mental and says police are coming while my gf is basically telling him he is trying to cheat - fare is 5bht for everyone and is posted. Anyways the lad is demanding 4000bht to replace the window - not sure what the price for a window in thailand is prob around 20quid in the west. Plus I'm thinking he can prob get reimbursed from his insurance. Any rate police come and situation is explained and mate says fk it and gives the lad 2000bht. Other mate demands for the 15bht to be returned and driver does return it, prob because he just made 1985bht! :D Funny the MIB is laffing and asks if my mate Carl wants to Thai Box - he has great power literally touches a window and it breaks. :o

Moral of the story always carry correct change if you don't have it then it might save your pocket a faire few bht by letting the small amount go. :D

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Moral of story as well as carrying the correct change could be... not to `tap` on baht bus window :o

1/4 way open and shake when baht bus moves - probably correct not the sensible thing to do - bit of pressure bound to break. :D


Moral of story as well as carrying the correct change could be... not to `tap` on baht bus window :o

1/4 way open and shake when baht bus moves - probably correct not the sensible thing to do - bit of pressure bound to break. :D

...hardly worth the aggro for 15 baht....but there again 5 baht per person is the correct fare.

Moral of the story always carry correct change if you don't have it then it might save your pocket a faire few bht by letting the small amount go.

the more that people put up with these thieving toerag taxi trash , be it pattaya , phuket or samui , the more they will seek to take unfair advantage of visitors.

why allow yourselves to be robbed like that.

how come the local press down there , pattaya city news or the local newspaper doesnt publicise the fact that falangs should ensure that they always carry the correct change and offer the proper amount when getting on and off these baht buses.


if you are that keen over the change don't hand the driver the cash until he has your change to give to you - just show him the note.

I personally am happy to just pay 10 baht per person.

if you are that keen over the change don't hand the driver the cash until he has your change to give to you - just show him the note.

I personally am happy to just pay 10 baht per person.

me too...10 baht and no aggro.

If I need change I hold the (lets say 20 baht coin) in one hand and hold my other hand out for the change....never failed yet....and the driver knows he can`t have your brass without giving you the change. A polite thank you and a smile doesn`t go amiss either. :o

If I need change I hold the (lets say 20 baht coin) ...

Careful, these 20 baht coins should be fakes or at least not legal tender. :o


Moral of story as well as carrying the correct change could be... not to `tap` on baht bus window :o

1/4 way open and shake when baht bus moves - probably correct not the sensible thing to do - bit of pressure bound to break. :D

...hardly worth the aggro for 15 baht....but there again 5 baht per person is the correct fare.

5 Baht and not one Satang more...

A couple of months ago some baht bus driver wanted to take me for a ride and his lady was yelling out of the window "where you go, where you go". I didn't reply, as they anyways drive in circles fom beach road to second and back. Driver stops, gets out of the car and yells at me that I have to tell him where I want to go. I pointed at the sign that states the 5 Baht fare and he made it clear that he is not willing to accept me as a customer.

I took my digital cam out, held it in his face and took pictures of him, his lady and the car, including the license plate. In the other hand my mobile phone, dialing the complaint number indicated on the fare sign. Funny enough...after dialing, a voice tells me "the number you are trying to reach...."

Anyways, driver got very excited, but realized that he couldn't scam me, so he got back in his car and drove off.


Its called a ha bt bus because the fare is offically...5 bt.....If and only IF is was a Sip baht bus then the fare would be 10bt.....if......Jes.. Cri...if it was a Nung Pan baht bus then the fare would be.....take a guess...wot you recon........answers in a sealed brown envelope to Pattaya City Hall,dept of Corruption/Extortion....... :o


If I need change I hold the (lets say 20 baht coin) ...

Careful, these 20 baht coins should be fakes or at least not legal tender. :o

Yes thank you for pointing out the error. Should have said note. :D

Moral of the story always carry correct change if you don't have it then it might save your pocket a faire few bht by letting the small amount go.

the more that people put up with these thieving toerag taxi trash , be it pattaya , phuket or samui , the more they will seek to take unfair advantage of visitors.

why allow yourselves to be robbed like that.

Now there are Baht bus drivers rigging their windows for 2,000 Baht "scores."



Funny...you just bought the topic up...coz me and my other half just got back from the area a few weeks ago, after 3 weeks spent there.

First of all - we stayed at a condo in Jomtien. We found out that there're about 2 places that we encountered that bad and notorious songtheaw drivers. They are working in Pattaya area, not even single one is honest. The second area is along Theprasit road, running from Lotus to the 3 ways intersection that goes to either beaches.

We had seen those bad one again and again. Oh...I knew for a fact that it doesn't happen to just farangs, but the thais too! At one time we just hop on at Lotus - Jomtien, the side of the bus said to Jomtien beach,...then came 4 young thais ladies who just finished their shoppings but they didn't appear to know each other. Do you know what the driver did? We suppose to go to Jomtien beach from there, but at the 3 ways intersection - he told all of us to get out and demaned 30b from each of those 4 thai girls! I felt sorry for those girls. I know 30b is not a big deal for us even though it's wrong, but for those girls 30b is like enough for a one whole thai meal for them! It's supposed to be only 10b each.

I don't mind so much for those drivers in front of Lotus and Carefour wanted to charge me 150b from there back to my condo. But at least they would tell me upfront before I get in. So I would have a choice to agree or not. But the songtheaw drivers are another story!

I and my other half love Jomtien beach area, but those songtheaw drivers are completely a turn-off for us. They are immoral, notorious, disgusting, purse grabbing...greedy scums! :o

Next time I will make sure to bring along my portable bike.


PattayaFox - yeah agrravation wasnt worth it, but fine if I pay 10bht but I'll be ###### if I will pay 10bht for a thai person. (that alone is just taking the piss) I admit if I dont have correct change I wont hassle over it, but if I do then baht bus beware!!! :o

PattayaFox - yeah agrravation wasnt worth it, but fine if I pay 10bht but I'll be ###### if I will pay 10bht for a thai person. (that alone is just taking the piss) I admit if I dont have correct change I wont hassle over it, but if I do then baht bus beware!!! :o

Come on Brit do tell

What would you do, post them a strong letter of disapproval ?

Or send the girl guides round.

Baht bus drivers the salt of the earth,, sorry I meant the scum of the road.

Beep Beep. :D

Bad tempered glass I guess...


A more sophisticated scam of creating fake glass from toffee like they do in the movies.

Ingenious way to blag a couple thou out of Khun Fat Wallet Farang :o

Its called a ha bt bus because the fare is offically...5 bt.....If and only IF is was a Sip baht bus then the fare would be 10bt.....if......Jes.. Cri...if it was a Nung Pan baht bus then the fare would be.....take a guess...wot you recon........answers in a sealed brown envelope to Pattaya City Hall,dept of Corruption/Extortion....... :o

I didn't find it easy to get the gist of your post. In my 13 years of continuous residence in Pattaya, I have never ever heard the term "ha bt(baht) bus".....nor has my wife who has lived here much longer than myself!....She is Thai.

I agree that, in the last few years, some of the drivers of these buses have developed into mercenary, chiselling and morally reprehensible gangsters. I say "some" because there are some decent baht bus drivers out there..and you can find them. The argument about whether the fare is 5 baht or 10 baht has been flogged to death and I don't intend to raise it in this posting. Well, maybe!

However, assuming that the 'official' fare is 5 baht then the thing that I don't understand is why, 13 years ago, when the price of diesel was 4 baht per litre, this fare was 5 baht.... and now, when the price of diesel is nearly 24 baht per litre, the fare still remains at 5 baht!

I hope that you get my drift all of you who need the extra 5 baht more than the driver.


Its called a ha bt bus because the fare is offically...5 bt.....If and only IF is was a Sip baht bus then the fare would be 10bt.....if......Jes.. Cri...if it was a Nung Pan baht bus then the fare would be.....take a guess...wot you recon........answers in a sealed brown envelope to Pattaya City Hall,dept of Corruption/Extortion....... :o

I didn't find it easy to get the gist of your post. In my 13 years of continuous residence in Pattaya, I have never ever heard the term "ha bt(baht) bus".....nor has my wife who has lived here much longer than myself!....She is Thai.

I agree that, in the last few years, some of the drivers of these buses have developed into mercenary, chiselling and morally reprehensible gangsters. I say "some" because there are some decent baht bus drivers out there..and you can find them. The argument about whether the fare is 5 baht or 10 baht has been flogged to death and I don't intend to raise it in this posting. Well, maybe!

However, assuming that the 'official' fare is 5 baht then the thing that I don't understand is why, 13 years ago, when the price of diesel was 4 baht per litre, this fare was 5 baht.... and now, when the price of diesel is nearly 24 baht per litre, the fare still remains at 5 baht!

I hope that you get my drift all of you who need the extra 5 baht more than the driver.


How many of you remember this bus?

The fare was the same for everyone.

.25 Baht (25 satang)

However, assuming that the 'official' fare is 5 baht then the thing that I don't understand is why, 13 years ago, when the price of diesel was 4 baht per litre, this fare was 5 baht.... and now, when the price of diesel is nearly 24 baht per litre, the fare still remains at 5 baht!

I hope that you get my drift all of you who need the extra 5 baht more than the driver.

I think the point is not 5, 10 or 30 baht but double pricing. I'll pay whatever anyone else pays. Who say I have more money than any Thai? Toxin would pay 5 baht, i think he can afford it better than any farang, yet he get to pay the Thai price.

Besides, get rid of 2/3 of the baht busses and the rest of us would perhaps be able to start getting around instead of sitting in the traffic all day - and the rate of accidents caused by errattic bahtbus drivers who seem to think they're the only road users would perhaps decline a little.

I think the point is not 5, 10 or 30 baht but double pricing. I'll pay whatever anyone else pays. Who say I have more money than any Thai? Toxin would pay 5 baht, i think he can afford it better than any farang, yet he get to pay the Thai price.

Besides, get rid of 2/3 of the baht busses and the rest of us would perhaps be able to start getting around instead of sitting in the traffic all day - and the rate of accidents caused by errattic bahtbus drivers who seem to think they're the only road users would perhaps decline a little.

No, the point of the topic raised by the original poster, and many replies to that post, was the unscrupulous and conniving nature of many of the baht bus drivers...not double pricing which is a separate and well-trodden, and national, issue entirely.

Your contention that Toxin would pay 5 baht is hypothetical and cannot be proven...even though, I'm sure that you are right, but that is not the point. My posting was created with the conscious aim of putting some perspective or reasoning into why these particular baht bus drivers behave the way they do. Any thoughts on that?

I go along with your view about slashing the number of baht buses around Pattaya. Do that and not only the traffic will flow more smoothly and safely but a greater share of the customer base would improve every remaining baht bus driver's income.......and, hopefully, attitude.


I think a lot of people dont realise that the fare is a scaled one....5 baht for a set distance...then 10 baht etc... I guess some of you guys would insist that a trip from Royal Garden to Jomtien should be 5 baht too...Wrong !!!.

But after all what are you getting aggro about ....in Oz 5 baht is about 16 cents....10 trips and you have been "ripped off" a whole dollar sixty.....Get some perspective guys....The flagfall on an Aussie taxi is more than the entire Thai fare...


I think a lot of people dont realise that the fare is a scaled one....5 baht for a set distance...then 10 baht etc... I guess some of you guys would insist that a trip from Royal Garden to Jomtien should be 5 baht too...Wrong !!!.

But after all what are you getting aggro about ....in Oz 5 baht is about 16 cents....10 trips and you have been "ripped off" a whole dollar sixty.....Get some perspective guys....The flagfall on an Aussie taxi is more than the entire Thai fare...


Where is the aggro? That's an exaggeration.

I believe that every person who has been in Pattaya for even a short period of time is aware of the vague scaling of fares operated by the Baht Bus Consortium. The fare scaling, the distance travelled and the number of passengers are so ill-defined and, to some people, unintelligible. Make this clear and (more) comprehensible and the mystery and controversy surrounding baht bus fares could disappear.......but, as this is Pattaya, probably not!

Just a thought. Why is it that, like the baht bus fare scaling sticker and the English language brochures available at many hotels/restaurants/attractions in Pattaya (and elsewhere in Thailand) are not produced with the help of a native English speaker? The text verges on gobbledygook. :D

Where is the aggro? That's an exaggeration.

Breaking windows....the amount of farangs that get into arguments and even fight with the drivers.... all over a pittance in their own country... I wasnt talking about aggro on this thread.

You get these guys that take their girls out for a meal and a drink or three...good intentions for the night and then get aggro over 5 or 10 baht....ruins the night....why bother. They would leave that and more as a tip in the bar...

After they argue over the 5 or 10 baht...they go to a bar and throw money around like they own a mint, making out they are loaded farangs....sickening really.



I will agree with Mr. Burns from Oz. These guys exist in abundance and will throw their money around as if there is no tomorrow.....drinks, tips, bar fines, whatever and then quibble over a paltry 5 baht. Please don't reply with it's all about principle...the graveyards are full of men with principles.


Where is the aggro? That's an exaggeration.

Breaking windows....the amount of farangs that get into arguments and even fight with the drivers.... all over a pittance in their own country... I wasnt talking about aggro on this thread.

You get these guys that take their girls out for a meal and a drink or three...good intentions for the night and then get aggro over 5 or 10 baht....ruins the night....why bother. They would leave that and more as a tip in the bar...

After they argue over the 5 or 10 baht...they go to a bar and throw money around like they own a mint, making out they are loaded farangs....sickening really.


I agree it was stupid of my mate - we all chipped in 500bht so he was only down 1000bht for his lil escapade. Have to admit - he has a story to tell as I do, so perhaps it was worth it in the end? :D

I will agree with Mr. Burns from Oz. These guys exist in abundance and will throw their money around as if there is no tomorrow.....drinks, tips, bar fines, whatever and then quibble over a paltry 5 baht. Please don't reply with it's all about principle...the graveyards are full of men with principles.

All your comments about Diesel are true, but the stuff about spending money on bars fines, tips and drinks, Is in a bit of different league, as I don’t wish to shag a bath bus driver!!!!

Have a nice day :o

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