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Canadian, Australian Found Dead In Bangkok Hotel Room


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I am just curious where some people are from that they expect to be kept informed

Two boys partying? Why would they come to Thailand to sit in a room and snort substances in each other's company unless they were gays? Let's wait for the substance report. Sounds like that may open a few more options and I would bet there is foul play involved. Hotel in Klong Toei? Again why would anyone want to stay there?

Your post is –again- so insane. How can you come up with your gay speculation?

You’d bet there’s foul play involved, two young men on a holiday. Seems that you've stayed at this place before, as I don’t even know where it’s located.

Are you gay?

People die every day overdosed and you’ll see that there was no foul play, just some young guys who wanted to do something what NOT ALL foreigners who come to Thailand like to do.

Better we wait for the report, please do me a favor and don’t write so much nonsense.

Thank you in advance, hope you change your style a little.---wai2.gif .

I was wondering if there is actually a real expectation for the facts to be released about their sexual orientation and why they chose that hotel to stay. Being that we are in Thailand and English is not even recognized as an official second language, I don't expect the best in English based news reports but I am always dumbfounded when there is some expectation that the police and news will provide more details here then they would in the west in a major city. If this even made the news (a couple foreigners die in a hotel with drugs) then chances are there would be very little details provided except they died of suspected drug overdose and drugs were found in the room. There would be no follow-ups to the story unless the speculation turned out to be wrong or one of them was connected to somebody that was a newsworthy figure.

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Why oh why would you want to do this to yourself?? 27 and 31 <deleted>.

Drugs are the scourge of our time.

What a joke this statement is. Drug policy is the scourge of our time.

Alcohol is a drug. Tobacco is a drug. Medication from the pharmacy are drugs. Drugs are clearly not 'the scourge of our time.' It is the way we view drugs, the way we isolate some and discriminate against them, and mostly it is the way we view drug users / addicts - not as sick people who desperately need our help but as criminals who deserve to be punished for their crimes.

Sick? Flu, migraine, food poisoning, et. al, are sick. When you can substantiate that people opt-in to flu, migraine, and food poisoning by choice, then and only then may you possibly have a point.

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Why oh why would you want to do this to yourself?? 27 and 31 <deleted>.

Drugs are the scourge of our time.

Do you mean alcohol, the most harmful type of drug in Thailand and the world?

We don't know if they even ingested the so-called 'white powder'. Regardless, two men dying at the same time is extremely rare. If one dies (or becomes gravely ill), the other will likely freak out and go running for help. Another scenario: they were murdered, and the two drugs (alcohol and mystery powder) were placed there to put off easily-put-off Thai detectives.

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Why oh why would you want to do this to yourself?? 27 and 31 <deleted>.

Drugs are the scourge of our time.

What a joke this statement is. Drug policy is the scourge of our time.

Alcohol is a drug. Tobacco is a drug. Medication from the pharmacy are drugs. Drugs are clearly not 'the scourge of our time.' It is the way we view drugs, the way we isolate some and discriminate against them, and mostly it is the way we view drug users / addicts - not as sick people who desperately need our help but as criminals who deserve to be punished for their crimes.

No one ever burgled my house in the UK for beer or fag money.

are you sure about that?

i would think that beer and fags were pretty high up on the list of things bought with your average burglar's ill gotten gains

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One from Australia and one from Canada two different ages, sounds to me that these two have met up whilst out on the turps and struck up a friendship. The conversation of drugs has come up and they have gone to one of the guys room and taken a bad batch of something. There is nothing in the story to indicate foul play apart from what exactly it was they took.

And there is no evidence yet to support a claim of drugs. Were is the chemical analysis of this mystery powder? Where are the autopsiy reports? Initial autopsy report? <deleted> is that? No qualified medical examiner wuill ever state drugs as COD until the tests have been conducted.

Until some actual evidence is presented, it really is inappropriate to claim drugs.

Yep, point I was trying to make a couple of posts of above, but not as eloquently or direct as yours.

Authorities, in circumstances such as this, should always, and I mean always, begin the investigation with the presumption of a crime has been committed and work their backwards showing no crime and just self inflicted.

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Poor guys , sorry for them but also stupid of them for using drugs (if they were really using). RIP.

If they really were using drugs, then I don't feel sorry for them. As a previous poster said, drugs are the scourge of our time.

Please be aware that relatives and friends of the deceased might also read these posts. You don't feel sorry for them, if they wanted to use drugs, got the wrong stuff and died?

Drugs were and will always be around us. Used for medicine, but also used as drugs to get high.

Considering that alcohol is the worst, but -of course- legal- drug, because of incoming taxes.

I'd say that alcohol's the scourge of our time. What's also fascinating is that TV members do know so much about drugs that we could make our own police force and a story telling department for mentally destroyed dinosaurs.

Whatever they wanted to sniff or inject, you'll find places in Thailand, where it's tolerated.

There's a place in the north of Thailand, where something similar happens pretty often. Of course the foreigners didn't die overdosed on heroin as Thailand is drug free regarding some politicians.

Rest in Peace guys.---wai2.gif

I will agree with you that alcohol is indeed the scourge of our time,and in my opinion, the majority of retirees in Thailand do have an alcohol problem.

Passed the local hang out this morning on the way to work. 8.15, cooked breakfast and a Chang in tow.

He was in a tie so possibly of to teach somewhere. Bizarre.

Back to the subject, stupid to trust anyone flogging drugs in bangkok. Were these guys long lost buddies, or how does a Canadian and an Australian end up sharing a room?

Sad and stupid way to go.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Poor fellas, just trying to have a good time in Bangkok eh and look what happens. Terrible. Just terrible. Low quality Thai drugs are to blame, not the choices of these two individuals who were only trying to party

Are you joking? Have a good time in Bangkok, my ass! If you don't know you're way around, don't know who you are buying from you're bound to be busted! Rule no. 1.: stay away from drugs, and if you're looking for a "good time" - get pissed with some trustworthy friend close by.

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Why oh why would you want to do this to yourself?? 27 and 31 <deleted>.

Drugs are the scourge of our time.

What a joke this statement is. Drug policy is the scourge of our time.

Alcohol is a drug. Tobacco is a drug. Medication from the pharmacy are drugs. Drugs are clearly not 'the scourge of our time.' It is the way we view drugs, the way we isolate some and discriminate against them, and mostly it is the way we view drug users / addicts - not as sick people who desperately need our help but as criminals who deserve to be punished for their crimes.

What a crock!!! Comparing something like crack cocaine to a dram of whiskey is absolute garbage. I'm from the UK and have run into the sort of scum that sell heroine and coke and seen what it can do to people. Users think nothing of offering drugs to others because they are sick in the head and unlike going out for a few beers or even having a few joints there's nothing social about taking hard drugs

I can go out on a night and drink a bottle of whiskey go home get up and go to work and not have another drink for a month like most people can

I take one hit of crack cocaine and it is very possible Icould be dependent on that drug for the rest of my days and end up muuging some old lady or maybe even killing someone to get a fix.

Sure some people end up alchoholics but the vast,vast, vast majority people never become addicted.

These people had a choice when they first decided to take drugs. Despite all the education they recieved about how drugs can ruin your life, hurt your family and freinds and turn you into some sort of zombie they thought what the hell I'll give it a try.

Drugs are certainly the scourge of our time and no one treat someone seeking help as a criminal there are many many people who they can go to who will gladly help.

The scum who don't care and would knife you as quick as look at you or give their sh!t drugs to unsuspecting teens are the ones we look down upon because they are criminals of the worst kind.

There is no defence against hard drug taking least of all pointing out the fags and a beer is taking drugs.

I do agree with part of what you say, but if you can go out and drink a bottle of Whiskey and go to work the next day, - you probably have a problem. And i also disagree with the serious drug addicts making a choice to get addicted. Some, for sure choose to try a "high" for sanouk, but most people who end up as serious addicts do so because of any number of psychological reasons: they were sick even before they became addicted. Read: an unfortunate way of self-medication.

Recent research has shown that up to 70% of alcoholics with one or two alcoholic parents are genetically prone to alcoholism , drugs have been around for as long as alcohol - but hard drugs are relatively new. If same "quota" applies to hard drugs, we - or our children - are up shit creek.

Nobody makes the choice, knowingly, to ruin their life and that of their family! People make bad choices, for sure, we all do! Every day probably, but I truly resent you - One bottle of whiskey and fit for work - demeaning lives I do not think you understand.

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This is really common, I had a friend die this way in Cambodia. These chaps thought they were buying cocaine but ended up with heroin. One can snort a great deal of cocaine and be no worse off than a shocking hangover and agonizing embarrassment but the same amount of heroin will kill.

We spent a couple of months in Cambodia, and there were a lot of deaths like this. People thinking they were getting cocaine but it was actually quite pure heroin. Most were found with their heads on the table, some with the straw still in their nose. Don't know if it's calmed down, but it was a huge problem when we were there a couple of years ago.

If it's not in a blister pack from a reputable pharmacy, don't take it. Why would you in Cambodia - there are no restrictions on drugs; generation of doctors lost when Pol Pot killed all of the educated people. Pharmacists were obviously smarter than doctors and better at disguising themselves as the village idiot or whatever to escape execution. People still need medication, doctors or not, so everything was available over the counter, and still is today. If you can get yourself some legal amphetamines, why bother with white powder which could be anything. As I said, when we were there it was heroin, not mixed too much so very very strong - strong enough to kill if you have no tolerance to it, an people who snort cocaine want uppers are unlikely to also snort a downer such as heroin.

RIP to the two gentlemen, my thoughts are with their families who must be devastated. At those ages they would likely have parents and grandparents to cope with the grieving.. Let's hope something good comes of this and it scares others off doing the same thing.

Don't know much about heroin or cocaine but from what I have read it seems that heroin IS A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE THAN COCAINE... So why would a vendor sell you heroin at the same price as heroin..?? Or is the price so cheap that the user / buyer thinks he's getting a good deal on cocaine.. >> Dunno something just doen't seem logical here..?

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Two young men overdosing at the same time on a drug in powder form is highly highly unlikely. Either (a) they were sold poison, or ( b ) something else entirely happened.

What the police choose to "believe" in Thailand is rarely relevant.

Agreed; the likelihood that two users would OD at the same time in the same room is negligible--unless the "powder" was cut with something poisonous. It sounds like the typical cover story: "dead foreigners were no-good drug users to begin with.".

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Rolled up bank note indicates they were snorting it... so at the very least they thought it was coke i guess... what are the pink pills next to it do you reckon? The powder has the colour of babymilk

Snorting heroin is common. However the spoons likely indicate they were either cooking the drug for injection or using the spoon to crush up pills or crystal meth to snort or inject. My guess would be they were mixing drugs and alcohol. No real way to tell what the white powder is by the picture as cocaine and speed can be white to off white and heroin can be anything from white to black. I am curious about the pills as well as the plastic bag with something black in it.

Didn't see any seringes in the photo...?? Spoons yes, rolled up bill yes .. Ummm...??

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Based on the information at hand and reasonable speculation as to how this will turn out, I'd have to say these two fellows were responsible for their own deaths. Drug dealers from Thailand or back home could have played a part as could many other things but when all is said and done, the responsibility and choices they made that led to their death appears to be their own.

I got no problem with people using illegal drugs as long as they are not hurting others but there is inherent risks in choosing this lifestyle from the unregulated drug ingredients and potency to playing the role of being your own doctor & pharmacist to the fact you are buying the drugs from somebody you know is a criminal.

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Rolled up bank note indicates they were snorting it... so at the very least they thought it was coke i guess... what are the pink pills next to it do you reckon? The powder has the colour of babymilk

Snorting heroin is common. However the spoons likely indicate they were either cooking the drug for injection or using the spoon to crush up pills or crystal meth to snort or inject. My guess would be they were mixing drugs and alcohol. No real way to tell what the white powder is by the picture as cocaine and speed can be white to off white and heroin can be anything from white to black. I am curious about the pills as well as the plastic bag with something black in it.

Didn't see any seringes in the photo...?? Spoons yes, rolled up bill yes .. Ummm...??

As I stated in the post you responded, we don't know if they were shooting up or not. but I didn't see any dead bodies in the photo either -- does that mean nobody died? Could it be plausible the needles are next to or still in the body? If the reports are true that the police and initial autopsy suspect overdose then it is probably more likely than not they were shooting up. If they were just snorting then I think they would be suspecting possible poisoning but there could be (actually there is) a ton of things we don't know because this is a news report of an incident and not an evidence report for people to play detective. It could be there was numerous drugs and paraphernalia found in the apartment not mentioned. I believe they have identified the cocaine as a drug found and it would be highly unlikely two people died at the same time from an overdose of cocaine and their bodies be in the positions that were described. To me it sounds more like a heroin or opiate overdose or possible barbiturate type drug. Mixing cocaine with heroin or downers is common and it also greatly increases the risk of overdosing.

Edit: there is also something in the photo I cannot identify. Not looking now but believe it was in the top middle of the photo and looked to be a folding (like a book) case or kit of some sort. I cannot make out what it is but wouldn't be surprised if it was a "kit" to hold syringes, cotton and such for cooking and shooting heroin. But again, this is just all speculation and guessing. We may never know the actual drugs taken or way they were taken (or if they were gay as one posters feels should be an issue) as it really is irrelevant to the general public and the best info we may ultimately get, through no further reporting, is that their initial suspicions of it just being another drug overdose case was confirmed.

Edited by Nisa
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Rolled up bank note indicates they were snorting it... so at the very least they thought it was coke i guess... what are the pink pills next to it do you reckon? The powder has the colour of babymilk


Snorting heroin is common. However the spoons likely indicate they were either cooking the drug for injection or using the spoon to crush up pills or crystal meth to snort or inject. My guess would be they were mixing drugs and alcohol. No real way to tell what the white powder is by the picture as cocaine and speed can be white to off white and heroin can be anything from white to black. I am curious about the pills as well as the plastic bag with something black in it.

Didn't see any seringes in the photo...?? Spoons yes, rolled up bill yes .. Ummm...??

As I stated in the post you responded, we don't know if they were shooting up or not. but I didn't see any dead bodies in the photo either -- does that mean nobody died? Could it be plausible the needles are next to or still in the body? If the reports are true that the police and initial autopsy suspect overdose then it is probably more likely than not they were shooting up. If they were just snorting then I think they would be suspecting possible poisoning but there could be (actually there is) a ton of things we don't know because this is a news report of an incident and not an evidence report for people to play detective. It could be there was numerous drugs and paraphernalia found in the apartment not mentioned. I believe they have identified the cocaine as a drug found and it would be highly unlikely two people died at the same time from an overdose of cocaine and their bodies be in the positions that were described. To me it sounds more like a heroin or opiate overdose or possible barbiturate type drug. Mixing cocaine with heroin or downers is common and it also greatly increases the risk of overdosing.

Edit: there is also something in the photo I cannot identify. Not looking now but believe it was in the top middle of the photo and looked to be a folding (like a book) case or kit of some sort. I cannot make out what it is but wouldn't be surprised if it was a "kit" to hold syringes, cotton and such for cooking and shooting heroin. But again, this is just all speculation and guessing. We may never know the actual drugs taken or way they were taken (or if they were gay as one posters feels should be an issue) as it really is irrelevant to the general public and the best info we may ultimately get, through no further reporting, is that their initial suspicions of it just being another drug overdose case was confirmed.

If there is a rolled up bill, which there is in the photo, it definitely means they were snorting IF IN FACT THEY WERE DOING DRUGS...?? This is easy to set up to make it look like they were.... So if you are snorting you are DEFINITELY NOT SHOOTING ... A set up with seringes is a little more difficult to do .. IF THEY WERE SET UP ...???

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Could be the tip of an iceberg! The southern beach areas had quite a few tourist die for no explainable reason. The police blamed an air-conditioner at a hotel. My bet was bad drugs cut with a poison or just poison to begin with so the dealer could move on without problems from angry tourist.

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If there is a rolled up bill, which there is in the photo, it definitely means they were snorting IF IN FACT THEY WERE DOING DRUGS...?? This is easy to set up to make it look like they were.... So if you are snorting you are DEFINITELY NOT SHOOTING ... A set up with seringes is a little more difficult to do .. IF THEY WERE SET UP ...???

Clearly you don't know much about druggies because they can shoot, they can snort, they can smoke, they can such and they can swallow drugs and they also can do all these things in the same night and when you have more than one person they could each be using different ways and/or start off using one way and then use another and/or be taking one drug via one method and another drug via another method. You are absolutely 100% wrong to say they definitely were not shooting if they were snorting. They very well might not have been shooting up but just as many reasons to not discount it as a possibility as there are to discount it.

As for being set up, I think that hypothesis borders on being delusional given the facts as we know them so far. But certainly could be there was a hit put on these two and for unknown reasons it would need to look like an accident (maybe they were secret agents that stumbled onto a sinister plot) and it is possible somebody forced them to take drugs or otherwise get drugs into them, while making it look like they took them willingly (drugs and inflamation in nasal passages), without any struggle and then set up the room to make it look like they were doing drugs all in some plan to murder these two but make it not look like a murder and not leave behind any clues as to a motive for a murder and being sure they weren't caught on security cameras entering or leaving the room or with the two alleged victims. I'm also guessing they needed to somehow know these two were drug users otherwise it would be a pretty strange for them to go through all the planning of the perfect murder only to find out everyone who knows them says they never took drugs and tests reveled they too had not taken any drugs in months but somehow came to Bangkok and decided to do hardcore drugs together alone in a hotel room.

Maybe it is just me being whacky but at this point I tend to think that just maybe they overdosed or got hold of some bad drugs.

Edited by Nisa
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If they could have popped along to a chemist and bought cocaine safely certainly they would still be alive.

So in a way I suppose, you are correct.

Why would that be then? It's impossible to overdose on drugs from a chemist, is it?

Another idiotic comment.

Just an observation re some other comments; there seems to be an uncomfortably large number of posters who know so much about illegal drugs and their consumption. It's almost as if some are bragging about their knowledge. Maybe this should be taken into account when reading some of the non-sensical posts that appear on TV.

In fact all I stated was that were people able to buy such drugs without being either cut with other substances or in the certainty of receiving cocaine rather than heroin then the likelihood is that there would be less deaths occurring than buying them illegally.

Do read posts properly before labelling them in the way you have chosen. Attempting to suggest I take drugs myself is rather a childish retort.

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If there is a rolled up bill, which there is in the photo, it definitely means they were snorting IF IN FACT THEY WERE DOING DRUGS...?? This is easy to set up to make it look like they were.... So if you are snorting you are DEFINITELY NOT SHOOTING ... A set up with seringes is a little more difficult to do .. IF THEY WERE SET UP ...???

Clearly you don't know much about druggies because they can shoot, they can snort, they can smoke, they can such and they can swallow drugs and they also can do all these things in the same night and when you have more than one person they could each be using different ways and/or start off using one way and then use another and/or be taking one drug via one method and another drug via another method. You are absolutely 100% wrong to say they definitely were not shooting if they were snorting. They very well might not have been shooting up but just as many reasons to not discount it as a possibility as there are to discount it.

As for being set up, I think that hypothesis borders on being delusional given the facts as we know them so far. But certainly could be there was a hit put on these two and for unknown reasons it would need to look like an accident (maybe they were secret agents that stumbled onto a sinister plot) and it is possible somebody forced them to take drugs or otherwise get drugs into them, while making it look like they took them willingly (drugs and inflamation in nasal passages), without any struggle and then set up the room to make it look like they were doing drugs all in some plan to murder these two but make it not look like a murder and not leave behind any clues as to a motive for a murder and being sure they weren't caught on security cameras entering or leaving the room or with the two alleged victims. I'm also guessing they needed to somehow know these two were drug users otherwise it would be a pretty strange for them to go through all the planning of the perfect murder only to find out everyone who knows them says they never took drugs and tests reveled they too had not taken any drugs in months but somehow came to Bangkok and decided to do hardcore drugs together alone in a hotel room.

Maybe it is just me being whacky but at this point I tend to think that just maybe they overdosed or got hold of some bad drugs.

If I recall correctly, you blamed the Candian sisters of killing themselves by ingesting deet trying to get high because Thai authorities leaked such an abserd theory even though everyone was posting scientific evidence that the amount needing to be consumed made such a scenario virtually impossible.

My complaint here is that once again Thai authorites jumped to conclusion and release a preliminary pathalogy report (which is highly improper) absent formal forensic examination and toxicology reports. The fact that this was leaked under the guise of medical examinar preliminary report even before they had tested the white powdery substance makes the whole situation even more of a keystone cop scenario.

Proper procedure is to treat as a crime scene, preserve evidence, interview witnesses, test the powder, run toxicology and mass spec to determine what and how mcuh is in the blood stream and then start forming opinions about whether it was OD or something all together different. Almost, but not quiet, as assinine as preliminary report on the sisters about statements that prescription drugs being the cause when it was just motrin.

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Two young men overdosing at the same time on a drug in powder form is highly highly unlikely. Either (a) they were sold poison, or ( b ) something else entirely happened.

What the police choose to "believe" in Thailand is rarely relevant.


White powder in Thailand will either be:

- Cocaine

- Ketamine


- Heroin

Most likely it'll be cocaine. ODs are pretty rare.

With Heroin, that's a lot more likely to kill 2 users, esp if it's a lot stronger than they are used to.

There are a lot of other white powders around, but I agree with you. Mostly like Coke and ODs on Coke are very rare. Two ODs of fit young men is too unlikely to be considered a possibility ...

If it was heroin, that's a different matter. But as far as I know, people inject heroin or smoke it, not snort it. There's no mention of "drug paraphernelia" at the scene ....

If the "white powder" comes back as Coke, I wouldn't believe in 1000 years they both OD'd on it. I trust the police will be analyzing the powder as well. Be interesting to know if their "valuables" (passport, credit cards etc) were still in the room.

Snorting heroin may not be common today, but it was very common to snort "China White" (pure heroin) during the Vietnam War era, in Vietnam and in Thailand. Heroin was snorted just like cocaine.

Most of the time it was smoked in a cigarette and sometimes smoked with a marijuana joint. In very rare cases heroin was injected but that was by some very hardcore heroin addicts.

I am very glad that I always turned down the offer of snorting or smoking heroin. Bad stuff to use there and here where I live!

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Why oh why would you want to do this to yourself?? 27 and 31 <deleted>.

Drugs are the scourge of our time.

What a joke this statement is. Drug policy is the scourge of our time.

Alcohol is a drug. Tobacco is a drug. Medication from the pharmacy are drugs. Drugs are clearly not 'the scourge of our time.' It is the way we view drugs, the way we isolate some and discriminate against them, and mostly it is the way we view drug users / addicts - not as sick people who desperately need our help but as criminals who deserve to be punished for their crimes.

If they could have popped along to a chemist and bought cocaine safely certainly they would still be alive.

So in a way I suppose, you are correct.

Why would that be then? It's impossible to overdose on drugs from a chemist, is it?

Another idiotic comment.

Just an observation re some other comments; there seems to be an uncomfortably large number of posters who know so much about illegal drugs and their consumption. It's almost as if some are bragging about their knowledge. Maybe this should be taken into account when reading some of the non-sensical posts that appear on TV.

I've taken it into account, and my conclusion is they know something of what they are talking about and you don't!

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If there is a rolled up bill, which there is in the photo, it definitely means they were snorting IF IN FACT THEY WERE DOING DRUGS...?? This is easy to set up to make it look like they were.... So if you are snorting you are DEFINITELY NOT SHOOTING ... A set up with seringes is a little more difficult to do .. IF THEY WERE SET UP ...???

Clearly you don't know much about druggies because they can shoot, they can snort, they can smoke, they can such and they can swallow drugs and they also can do all these things in the same night and when you have more than one person they could each be using different ways and/or start off using one way and then use another and/or be taking one drug via one method and another drug via another method. You are absolutely 100% wrong to say they definitely were not shooting if they were snorting. They very well might not have been shooting up but just as many reasons to not discount it as a possibility as there are to discount it.

As for being set up, I think that hypothesis borders on being delusional given the facts as we know them so far. But certainly could be there was a hit put on these two and for unknown reasons it would need to look like an accident (maybe they were secret agents that stumbled onto a sinister plot) and it is possible somebody forced them to take drugs or otherwise get drugs into them, while making it look like they took them willingly (drugs and inflamation in nasal passages), without any struggle and then set up the room to make it look like they were doing drugs all in some plan to murder these two but make it not look like a murder and not leave behind any clues as to a motive for a murder and being sure they weren't caught on security cameras entering or leaving the room or with the two alleged victims. I'm also guessing they needed to somehow know these two were drug users otherwise it would be a pretty strange for them to go through all the planning of the perfect murder only to find out everyone who knows them says they never took drugs and tests reveled they too had not taken any drugs in months but somehow came to Bangkok and decided to do hardcore drugs together alone in a hotel room.

Maybe it is just me being whacky but at this point I tend to think that just maybe they overdosed or got hold of some bad drugs.

If I recall correctly, you blamed the Candian sisters of killing themselves by ingesting deet trying to get high because Thai authorities leaked such an abserd theory even though everyone was posting scientific evidence that the amount needing to be consumed made such a scenario virtually impossible.

My complaint here is that once again Thai authorites jumped to conclusion and release a preliminary pathalogy report (which is highly improper) absent formal forensic examination and toxicology reports. The fact that this was leaked under the guise of medical examinar preliminary report even before they had tested the white powdery substance makes the whole situation even more of a keystone cop scenario.

Proper procedure is to treat as a crime scene, preserve evidence, interview witnesses, test the powder, run toxicology and mass spec to determine what and how mcuh is in the blood stream and then start forming opinions about whether it was OD or something all together different. Almost, but not quiet, as assinine as preliminary report on the sisters about statements that prescription drugs being the cause when it was just motrin.

I am not sure there is a single thing in your post that is connected to reality from your claims of the Canadian girls and quantity of deet needed to kill (especially when mixed with other drugs) to a release of report that wasn't officially or otherwise released to you acting like it is not the norm for police (just about anywhere) to speculate what they think happened or likely cause of death to the press as well as comments about initial medical finding all the way through your jabber about the way things should be handled as if to suggest things have not been handled that way. Not sure where you where born or where you come from but this news report is little different than what you find in most of the west as are the police comments and the quoting of unnamed sourced when it comes to some details such as initial finding of the preliminary autopsy being leaked.

So, as I often am with your posts in these farang death threads, I am perplexed as to what point you are trying to make except to again suggest some incompetence or cover up going on despite anything based in reality to suggest such a thing has happened which seems to always be the case in these threads but for some reason unknown to me you cannot accept that farangs die in Thailand because they make stupid choices just like some do back home.

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Two boys partying? Why would they come to Thailand to sit in a room and snort substances in each other's company unless they were gays? Let's wait for the substance report. Sounds like that may open a few more options and I would bet there is foul play involved. Hotel in Klong Toei? Again why would anyone want to stay there?

What a nasty post!

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This is really common, I had a friend die this way in Cambodia. These chaps thought they were buying cocaine but ended up with heroin. One can snort a great deal of cocaine and be no worse off than a shocking hangover and agonizing embarrassment but the same amount of heroin will kill.

We spent a couple of months in Cambodia, and there were a lot of deaths like this. People thinking they were getting cocaine but it was actually quite pure heroin. Most were found with their heads on the table, some with the straw still in their nose. Don't know if it's calmed down, but it was a huge problem when we were there a couple of years ago.

If it's not in a blister pack from a reputable pharmacy, don't take it. Why would you in Cambodia - there are no restrictions on drugs; generation of doctors lost when Pol Pot killed all of the educated people. Pharmacists were obviously smarter than doctors and better at disguising themselves as the village idiot or whatever to escape execution. People still need medication, doctors or not, so everything was available over the counter, and still is today. If you can get yourself some legal amphetamines, why bother with white powder which could be anything. As I said, when we were there it was heroin, not mixed too much so very very strong - strong enough to kill if you have no tolerance to it, an people who snort cocaine want uppers are unlikely to also snort a downer such as heroin.

RIP to the two gentlemen, my thoughts are with their families who must be devastated. At those ages they would likely have parents and grandparents to cope with the grieving.. Let's hope something good comes of this and it scares others off doing the same thing.

Don't know much about heroin or cocaine but from what I have read it seems that heroin IS A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE THAN COCAINE... So why would a vendor sell you heroin at the same price as heroin..?? Or is the price so cheap that the user / buyer thinks he's getting a good deal on cocaine.. >> Dunno something just doen't seem logical here..?

Don't know where you do your reading but heroin is generally lots cheaper than coke especially in Asia where heroin is much more prevalent than coke.

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Don't know where you do your reading but heroin is generally lots cheaper than coke especially in Asia where heroin is much more prevalent than coke.

I was wondering about this. Any idea what the prices are or more to the point the percentage in price difference? I was of the initial mindset that heroin would be much cheaper but I remember a few years ago drinking on Sukhumvit and ended up bs-ing with a couple of the Nigerian dealers that roam around the area and was asking them what they sell the various drugs for and I thought heroin and cocaine were going for the same price ... seemed everything actually was 3,000 baht as kind of a minimum purchase. I don't recall for sure but thought the price for heroin and cocaine were both for a gram at 3k. Not that this information is accurate but just happens to be my only possible knowledge of cost of drugs in Thailand.

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Two young men overdosing at the same time on a drug in powder form is highly highly unlikely. Either (a) they were sold poison, or ( b ) something else entirely happened.

What the police choose to "believe" in Thailand is rarely relevant.

No offence......


There have been repeated instances of overly pure drugs killing several fit young men stone dead.

I know of two that died in a village near me ( pop 350 ) in Scotland in one night.

If you don't know what you are talking about then don't comment please.

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