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Bangkok Traffic Police To Become 'smart'


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Bangkok traffic police to become 'smart'

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The Metropolitan Police yesterday joined forces with National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre, 3BB Wi-Fi and the Thai Intelligent Transport Systems Association to launch the 'Smart Police' system at 395 intersections across Bangkok.

Each intersection will be equipped with webcams to provide a real-time feed of traffic to the Traffic Control and Command Centre, allow video conferencing to resolve unexpected traffic problems help the police look out for stolen vehicles via a licence-plate detection system.


-- The Nation 2012-11-06

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Bangkok traffic police to become 'smart' ?????? Really ? why ? they were stupid before ? I am quite happy with those new technology but before that ...why did they watch the traffic ? Lets hope the 4 to 6 minutes or sometime more waiting at intersection will disappear soon ......

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Totally agree.

Here in Pattaya you always know when a policeman is overiding the lights at a junction because the traffic is alot worse.

I want to know who told them or advised that allowing traffic from each side to go for twice or even 3 times longer is the answer to clearing the traffic.........lol

Edited by rinteln
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My understanding is the current "traffic control system" was installed by a Japanese company and worked fine, until the company was pressured into telling the police how to override the system. It's been downhill and mega traffic jams ever since!

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I always like it when I see a Police Officer waving the traffic forward. "Why thank you officer. If you hadn't been there I am sure we would have all stopped our cars and got out and walked the rest of the journey" blink.png

I remember when I worked in Bang Plii. Whenever there was a traffic jam at this one round-about, there was always a police officer there controlling the traffic. To this day I still don't know which came first, the chicken or the egg.

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The average heart beats at 60+ per minute. If the blood don't flow the body stops. Ditto the traffic. 4-5 minutes per side at an intersection and you have instant chaos - miss the light and you could be 20 minutes. Having police override electronic controls is sheer stupidity. Teach the traffic police to not interfere, sync the lights along streets to be timed so traffic all moves continuously and set them at no more that 45 second intervals in peak hours and bingo. No waiting for Constable Somchai to stop sipping coffee whilst talking to his Gik on his iPhone 5 he obtained by .... means. Web cams? Sure, why not, but don't let the B.i.B. put their sticky little fingers anywhere near buttons.

I believe Thailand is unique: Longest traffic lights in the world.

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So basically they are going to spend billions on some hardware and software that will create large kick backs for politicians. Expect the system to be working for 70% the first year, 40% the second year and it will most probably be nonfunctional the third year.

Next smart idea please...clap2.gif

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If they are going to spend money on anything it should not be webcams etc.

just set the traffic lights up correctly based on traffic flow (complicated but most of the world can do it)

Ban uneducated cops from touching anything, in fact disable any overrides.

Fine people for driving poorly i.e. being in the wrong lane, for whatever reason.

I know I am in dreamland and this wont happen but with correct administration it could.

Incidentally it is not only Thailand, KL is also a nightmare for mostly the same reasons.

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So basically they are going to spend billions on some hardware and software that will create large kick backs for politicians. Expect the system to be working for 70% the first year, 40% the second year and it will most probably be nonfunctional the third year.

Next smart idea please...clap2.gif

Precisely. Seems to me that the mean time between failures of the traffic lights in Pattaya is measured in not too many hours.

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'Look Sir, we can see on the webcams that we have a jam all the way along Sathorn'

'Get on the video conferencer and tell the booth officers - who are standing right there'

'Couldn't they just radio each back down the line Sir?'

'No, .... they're only responsible for the flow at their own intersection. We need to tell each one individually'

'If only we had a master control room so we could direct the flow when we see problems occuring .... then the booth officers could be out catching people.'

Good business plan,,, bet you wish u r Thai traffic cop.

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My understanding is the current "traffic control system" was installed by a Japanese company and worked fine, until the company was pressured into telling the police how to override the system. It's been downhill and mega traffic jams ever since!

The original traffic control system was installed by a British Company Peek Traffic Control when Krisida Arungwong Na Ayuthaya was Governor of Bangkok. The traffic lights were all controlled as a "Smart" system so that traffic lights would turn green in sequence in the direction of flow. However the police thought that their system was much better and refused to cooperate. In order to demonstrate the system would work, the Company had to send money by motor cycle couriers to the police boxes at every junction. On the demonstration days there resulted in no traffic jams and a good flow of traffic. After the handover the Police went back to playing with the lights.

Quite right, about 20 years ago. Having been here 30 years, watched the rise of the police traffic light box, and seen no improvement in that simplest of things that these dummies could actually do if someone told them to -- change the lights more frequently -- which would solve a great deal of traffic flow problems in one fell swoop, I see no hope of change in the future. These people are dinosaurs, commanded by dinosaurs. They have no clue, and never will have a clue.

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