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Krabi Tourism Hit By Dutch Video Clip


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Unfortunately, this is how Thai law works. Justice comes very slowly or usually not at all and not just in Krabi. In case you've forgotten, google Donald Whiting Hua Hin. This man was gunned down in his own front yard in an attempt by a criminal developer to shut him up. The developer's wife admitted to hiring the hit men as well as the people who set his car on fire a few weeks earlier as a warning. This was several years ago and neither the developer nor his wife have spent a day in jail while Donald is a bedridden quadrapalegic who requires constant round the clock nursing care just to survive.

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Then all of us should do are part both in open air and covertly attempt to abate tourism to these despicable places and people.

From jet ski skam operators, Tuk Tuk Assoc. lazy police and appathetic vendors. You and I together can starve this cancerous lesion and

start to put things right.

As they are so fond of saying "Up to you".

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The guy is a musician and is expressing his torment in a song how can you ven question the lyric

" Would You Feel The Pain that You Put Inside my child "

that is a father in pain and the only thing he can do is express his feelings in song.

I am with all the fathers here that say they would be serving time and I for one would visit that father and ensure his stay was a comfortable as possible,

Respect to this father.


After the police reaction and the comments by the Minister of Tourism yesterday Andrew Drummond who is speaking to the father predicts another song coming on on his website today

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Briandajew, post 79, good shout. Change needs to come from within and given the number of posts on

from decent Thai people, who knows? Maybe there is hope.

BTW its 231,000 and rising

I agree. I checked the video a few minutes ago and there were over 1,000 comments and I would estimate about 50% were from sympathetic Thais. Decent people of all nationalities abhor injustice...

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The guy is a musician and is expressing his torment in a song how can you ven question the lyric

" Would You Feel The Pain that You Put Inside my child "

that is a father in pain and the only thing he can do is express his feelings in song.

I am with all the fathers here that say they would be serving time and I for one would visit that father and ensure his stay was a comfortable as possible,

Respect to this father.


After the police reaction and the comments by the Minister of Tourism yesterday Andrew Drummond who is speaking to the father predicts another song coming on on his website today

Man that is unbelievable and quite shocking

So according to the minister we can eat dinner with his daughter and then have the right to bash her face in and then rape her and according to HIS OWN STATEMENT that would be ok

Man sometimes this place really is amazing thailand.

If they ban that video in thailand it will give it a VIRAL BOOST like no other


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This is a very smart campaign, hitting the Thais in the pocket where it hurts them. It is the only way to get their attention that "civilized' people do not tolerate crap like this.bah.gifThere is a increase in violent crime including, rapes and stabbings from groups of youth in gangs on scooter motorbikes who seem either untouchable by the police or the police have no interest in stopping their crime spree. The other problem is the the local courts and judicial system is ineffective with the violent criminals when they are caught. source

I have noticed many people commenting on the Youtube vid asking people to boycott Krabi and contacting tourist operators and letting them know why they are going to other places.

It's not a campaign, it's a understandable angry father's outcry, who's daughter was a victim of a severe crime. Civilized people...read the end of this post and just compare the rape stats worldwide. Your source isn't worth anything from that statement, it's an opinion of some blog. Hold's no weight at all.

I hope that this is truly the tip of the iceberg. The western world has little reference on the actual conditions that prevail in Thailand. Travel agencies do little dilligence and foreign embassys are sickening with regard to the pc manner that they sweep shit under the carpet.

Thailand has a civil war going on in the South, Extensive drug and weapons smuggling on most of its north and North Eastren borders. In all of the high profile toursit areas like Phuket,Bangkok and Pattaya, local and foreign Mafia and corrupt police control and orchestrate no end of vilonce, crime and extorsion. For those visiting these incidents seem like a one off occurance but for those of us living here they are a day to day event to which we become indIferent and often blase.

There is little accountability for Government or authorities and it will stay the same unless we can hit them where it hurts.

In think what this Dutch father has done is commendable and the more videos pertaing to crimes against tourist that can become viral on the internet the better. It is time the outside world came to know the true Thailand and the massive fallacy of how they promote themselves to potential visitors.

Krabi was as Hua Hin , one of the more sedate and pristine destination for familys and those who wished to enjoy Thailand without the vilonce, sex and debauchery aspect which is truly the only Hub this Nation can currently elude too.

Over the past few years this has been eroded as greed, corruption and disregard and distain for any form of law becomes common place .. This can oly happen in Krabi under the same conditions that it happens in Pattaya. The inmates run the institution. These groups could not operate with impunity nor would an individual such as a rapist if they felt that they could not deal with what has to pass as police in this country.

Sorry, but I live in Bangkok day in and day out and NEVER come across this sort of stuff. You make Bangkok (Phuket is a different story) sound like a crime central city, where you are not safe to go anywhere at night. This is just not true. The crimes against visitors are bad, but don't forget Thai's experience this as well. How about saying all crimes need to be fixed and stop dividing tourists and Thai's and forgetting that Thai's (especially middle and low class) get screwed every day by the legal system.

Over the last few years dozens of foreign women have been raped and some killed. The Thai men don't give a flying <deleted> about foreigners. The Thai police aren't capable of dealing with this properly. Do they really care? Women must travel in pairs - anywhere - anytime. Maybe the 20 year old German girl who lost her right hand thumb in a knife attack in Krabi only a few months ago and this Dutch guy can sing a duet about how dangerous Thailand is.

Tourists are such an easy target, in a foreign country, so far from home. They return home robbed, shattered and abused with very little likelihood that they will return and testify against the perpetrator of the crime. It just so hard for them.

And we have to remember that normal law abiding Thais are also the victim of similar violent crimes too.

Those Thai men that do these crimes also don't give a f*** about Thai women as well. I agree with your point that people are acting like this stuff only happens to foreigners, the truth is it doesn't and happens to us less than it happens to Thai's. Ask a Thai and they will tell you everything about Thailand, police etc and it's all from experience against them. It is not one side, out to get foreigners all the time.

And not belittling the fact this is a serious and horrible crime, which it is. How about some comparisons, since so many people here are acting like Thailand is the only place and worst place this happens in the world.

UN statistics for recorded rapes in 2010.

Thailand was at 4636 (6.9 per 100,000) (you can imagine that most of unreported rapes occur in low income areas, country etc) so these statistics would likely cover, Bangkok and major tourist areas.

Rape in the US 84,767 reported cases at 27.3 per 100,000, UK had 16,000 (28.8 per 100,000).

I can't imagine that 80,000 cases in Bangkok are going unreported and just comparing it to the US, rape is much much more frequent there. Besides the fact that in Thailand, if you want to get off, it's pretty easy without needing to resort to rape.

Some perspective is always good, considering this forum is full of many Thai bashing individuals. This particular guy is a absolute horrible human being, there is no doubt about it. but one or a dozen bad eggs, shouldn't mean people want to go out and bash the rest of the country.

How would people feel if I read the above UN figures and said, wow American's are a bunch of rapists...the police and government really need to tackle that problem. I am never going there.

I'm sure it would push a few buttons.........

There are bad individuals everywhere in the world, it doesn't matter if they are Thai, American, Australian etc. It's part of the variation in human nature.

Could those claiming this is a Thai issue, leave the Thai part out and just discuss how bad of an individual this guy is. We all know Thai courts aren't the best, but even in the west, there can be waits of a year or more for some legal proceedings. It's not as if it would be dealt with in a week. The legal system just isn't that dynamic.

No, we can't leave out the 'Thai' part. The reason this guy thought he could get away with raping the girl is because this IS Thailand where the system and government idiots are gonna blame the girl like they blame all foreignors for anything done wrong. It is always the fault of the foreigner. This guy is just an apologist for a system that is TOTALLY CORRUPT and inept. Crime is everywhere but in civilized countries unlike Thailand when you get caught you go to jail. The reason people in civilized countries generally abide by the law is because they know (except the idiots) that if they get caught they will pay a price. Here, the only price is how much wil that cost me.

Laws are a reflection of what 'society' requires its citizens to abide by. It comes from the govenment. But here the government is intellectually vacuous. I am surprised that there actually are any laws on the books since no one enforces them. Unless it is a motorbike blockade for the sole reason to line corrupt police pockets.

Can anyone imagine getting a ticket in England or the USA for not wearing a helmut and half an hour later stopping the 'same' cop who wrote you the ticket and asking for directions and not getting another ticket? This place is a joke.

Even in countries where laws didn't exist until governments formed, cultural traditions or customs required a certain correctness pertaining to how you treated your fellow man. It seems Thailand is still crawling out of the cro-magna man period where even there they abided by certain rules.

Here corruption is government. Corruption is the custom. Corruption is the tradition. Corruption is the culture.

A week ago I met a girl from Chiang Rai who came here to look for a job. We went to dinner, had a nice time and agreed to get together again soon. She spent the night and we had a nice time. She never asked for money. She is staying with her gf who works in a bar. For two weeks I tried to get ahold of her. She kept ignoring me. Finally, I sent her an sms offering her 5000 baht for sex. I got an sms back ten minutes later.

Her gf obviously brought her up to date regarding Thai custom. If you want sex you pay for it. LOL

I needed to buy an extra key for my motorbike yesterday. I stopped in a shop and he made the key and I asked how much and he said 500 baht. I told him to <deleted>.. off. The going rate is no more than 100 baht. He accepted 100 baht but here again the Thai custom is to <deleted>.. over any stupid farong that they can and the government goes along with this crap.

And now I see the President of the USA is going to Thailand on Nov 18th. Maybe someone should ask him what the hell is he thinking of?

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I don't think a single one of us on this entire forum knows what

this father is going through let alone what his daughter is still

enduring. I commend the father for making the video and

personally...I like the rifle shot at the end. He wants justice

and most likely knows that justice won't be served in his

daughters rape case. Same Same...different day, different

victim....I hope it does disgrace Krabi...disgrace it into

doing something positive about the shit situation there

in other regions in LOS...like Phuket for starters.

Father: +1

Constabulary-Judiciary: not enough zeros.

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My missus just said that she saw on thai tv that they are going to arrest this guy again and put him back in Jail apparently (third hand info) he is well to do and was educated abroad which the big cop said gave him no excuse as he was educated and not from the poor thai countryside

We will see how true this is as it was over by the time she got to me to change the channel

Lets hope so and the smartest move to nip this thing in the bud


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Thais will never learn and as far as punishment is concern , it is always a slap on the hand , what would happen if a farang did this to a Thai girl

Of course - poor Thai boy led astray by farang. "If she not here no crime" logic. The other way round and the farang guy would get several good kickings, "confess", serve a long and very uncomfortable prison sentence and then be deported and blacklisted. All seems fair in LOS!

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BP and The Nation did not report the initial rape story only the video story and its damage to tourism.

Why would the Thai papers report the rape of yet another farang girl, as if they would care less and it might harm tourism. However the video is a different matter as it potentially affects finances of the rich, powerful, corrupt and indifferent, their shareholders.

I doubt many will share this opinion but I believe Thailand is better as a sex tour destination as this is what it does best, this opposed to a family or general destination, as it has no will or desire to do anything whatsoever those type of keep travellers safe. Of course most have no problems, but I wonder out how many really do that we never hear about. After all it takes international media attention to even get a bi-line in the local tabloids, pretensious about being actual newspapers as they are.

Hope you are right - that many don't share your opinion.

Propogating the myopic sex tourist view of Thailand doesn't help. I remember when Spain and Greece first became hot tourist destinations. Cheap booze, loads of tourists - and the scams, beach chairs, extras on displayed prices, thieving, muggings, violence against tourists, rip-off hotels, overcharging taxis, car hire and jet ski scams too. Ever tried complaining to a Spanish or Greek cop - they make the BiB look lively. And, yes, the police and courts always favour their national against a foreigner whatever.

Edited by Baerboxer
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I feel very sad for the Girl & have huge respect for the Father in finding a way to hit the corrupt officials in the only way that will hurt, loss of money & face, this, hopefully will be one step in dragging this Country out of the dark age that it is stuck in as far as law & order & respect for other nationality's by the people with power here. Unfortunately there will always be ' Street Animals ' amongst the vast majority of decent Thai's, just as there are in every other Country on the planet...

If the vast majority of Thai were decent, then they would stand up and be counted when it comes to this sort of thing.

The problem with Thailand and the vast majority of Thais is that they don't give a dam_n until it affects their cash income - Third World Country with a Fifth Rate Police force and a seventh rate government!

If they had a set of balls they could rise up against this, but they won't rock the boat - it is only a Farang!

If they stand up to the powers that be 'Briandajew, Police etc. They know what will happen to them & their Family's, they've had hundreds of years of being trodden on & being powerless. It doesn't matter if it's Falangs or Thai's they stand up for the end result is the same for them. Grow up & stop being so Naive...
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I live in AO Nang for 5 years and obviously I was in Ao nang when this happened. I like to believe that I am pretty well informed what is going on in Ao Nang, but this is the first time I hear of this.... Of course, everything NOT good for Ao Nang (Thailand), is pretty much not talked about...

To be very clear, I support the farther 100% (I am Dutch as well!) and I hope they play this VDO before and after the Thai Hymn (everyday!) for an extended period... However, I lived in Thailand a long time and I would be very very surprised if anything would happen at all...

Money talks, and here it has always the last word!!!

Good Luck! I hope Justice will be done (but doubt it very much!)

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Having previously spent time on Koh Phangan where the rule of law is virtually non existant, particularly @ the monthly full moon party& if there's a local connection, is it any wonder that the alledged purportrator would consider a bang on the head & drag by the hair back to the longboat acceptable?

Edited by evadgib
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The tourism should be made to suffer until the powers that be do something about this.

Unfortunately the Thai tourism industry will only be adversely affected for a short period of time, then everything will return to normal.the Thai authorities know and expect this,

Tourist No's into Thailand will continue to rise.

How to make the Thai authorities take action against those Few bad Thai's, who think it's OK to commit crimes/scams against foreigners.1/Thru publicity in the foreign media,as this father is doing.2/ pressure from foreign governments,and their head of state's, such as the American Presidents on his visit to Thailand next week,but don't hold your breath on that.The American government needs to keep friendly with the Thai government,in order to rely on their backing vote at the UN etc.The European government is afraid of losing exports to Thailand,forgetting that Thailand gains far more from exports to Europe than the other way round.

Sorry if my predictions are depressing,let's hope I am completely wrong.

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Over the last few years dozens of foreign women have been raped and some killed. The Thai men don't give a flying <deleted> about foreigners. The Thai police aren't capable of dealing with this properly. Do they really care? Women must travel in pairs - anywhere - anytime. Maybe the 20 year old German girl who lost her right hand thumb in a knife attack in Krabi only a few months ago and this Dutch guy can sing a duet about how dangerous Thailand is.

Tourists are such an easy target, in a foreign country, so far from home. They return home robbed, shattered and abused with very little likelihood that they will return and testify against the perpetrator of the crime. It just so hard for them.

And we have to remember that normal law abiding Thais are also the victim of similar violent crimes too.

One of the reasons why Thai men do not give a rat's ass about foreigners, is that most of the low class ones, who are uneducated, are very weak, spineless, without much in the way of class, or dignity, and many do not want to work for a living. They are generally speaking, a very, very sad representation of the male class, and give very little back to their country. Of course I am speaking in generalities.

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After yesterday's remarks by the Tourist Minister of possibly blocking the vdo in Thailand, it went viral and the counter is now almost 139.000

Very interesting is also that he states in public (one can only hope he is misquoted) that it wasn't rape. wouldn't that be a case of the judges to determine?

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Seems like revenge is a dish best served digitally.

394,584 views as of now.

Well done that father.

When will the Thais realise, that in this internet age, the days of sweeping something like this under the carpet are well and truly over.

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The single most regrettable facet of living in this otherwise great place is that any thai can do whatever thay like to any farang and get away with it ! Very sad, and I feel for the unfortunate victim and her family, who are totally right in their rage and disappointment at the outcome so far. This country needs to wake up and realise that civilised people come here for holidays, and expect a civilised response in the case of any wrongdoing. That convicted murderers are released on bail after being sentenced to death pretty much puts it all in context, a total joke.

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Poor, poor girl. Really, this kind of thing gives me nightmares.

I think I read where the guy was beating her so badly that she had to make a choice, submit or get beaten to death. Then he raped her.

These animals walk among us, and yes, quite often get preferential "connection" treatment no matter the crime, shameful.

If I had a 19 year old daughter here, not sure I would let her out of my sight.

No penalty is enough for the perp, this gene needs to be taken out of the pool.

I pray the girl will be able to lead a normal life.

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Poor, poor girl. Really, this kind of thing gives me nightmares.

I think I read where the guy was beating her so badly that she had to make a choice, submit or get beaten to death. Then he raped her.

These animals walk among us, and yes, quite often get preferential "connection" treatment no matter the crime, shameful.

If I had a 19 year old daughter here, not sure I would let her out of my sight.

No penalty is enough for the perp, this gene needs to be taken out of the pool.

I pray the girl will be able to lead a normal life.

"These animals walk among us" - and you can find this animal every night in a bar in Ao Nang!!! Doesn't hiding and proud of this story!!!

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Poor, poor girl. Really, this kind of thing gives me nightmares.

I think I read where the guy was beating her so badly that she had to make a choice, submit or get beaten to death. Then he raped her.

These animals walk among us, and yes, quite often get preferential "connection" treatment no matter the crime, shameful.

If I had a 19 year old daughter here, not sure I would let her out of my sight.

No penalty is enough for the perp, this gene needs to be taken out of the pool.

I pray the girl will be able to lead a normal life.

"These animals walk among us" - and you can find this animal every night in a bar in Ao Nang!!! Doesn't hiding and proud of this story!!!

Horrible, point him out to the Dad for us when Dad comes back with a couple big Dutch thugs.

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I have done my fair share of Thai bashing in this past, but I have to disagree on your last point.

I have been involved in 4 car "prangs" in my 7 years of driving in Thailand. Each time it wasn't my fault and each time I successfully claimed against the local driver.

I live here in Aonang, and I have a lot of thai friends from Bangkok who have chosen to make their business here (resort, restaurant etc). They are all very liberated and progressive people and they have to put up with all this shit, i feel sorry if their businesses see any decline because of the ignorant lazy local thugs and the lacklustre, ignorant, lazy, incompetent police force.

There are a lot of violent and agressive scum riding the tails of the tourism industry here, as they have done elsewhere in the country, and they seem to act with complete impunity. I daresay the local police plus the scum ( if you can seperate the 2 ) are thick as thieves - probaly related somewhere along the line.

And yes, as a foreigner, if you are involved in a traffic incursion with a thai, you will always be in the wrong.

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