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Making Friends In Bangkok


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If you really think i'm not Thai then feel free to jump on a video chat

and you'll see a thai looking guy with an australian accent

I have a Japanese friend who looks so Thai that he can't get into the clubs in Pattaya without a Farang to go with him. Nor can he speak a word of Thai. Who knows what or who you are or why you are playing this game on Thai Visa. Do you think some old punter will get a case of morals listening to your missionary stuff?

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OP: My stepson lives in Australia & is half Thai and speaks, reads & writes English & Thai fluently as he was encouraged by his Thai mother. Thais in Australia meet regularly and socialise in Thai. He also communicates in Thai with his Thai family In Thailand via social media as well as Thais living outside of Thailand.

I very surprised that you never, at a minimum, spoke Thai whilst in Australia - you must have lived in an Australian cocoon. Thailand has very many faces & the one that you are currently experiencing is a small aspect of Thai society - one day your Thai bubble will burst.

EDIT: He visits Thailand once every year or so & he never talks about foreigners with younger Thai girls, but the embarrassment he experiences as a Thai regards the endemic corruption and the lack of opportunity for Thais due to the generally appalling quality of education for the 'average" Thai.

he does enjoy the attention he gets from Thai girls being Luk krung

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If you really think i'm not Thai then feel free to jump on a video chat

and you'll see a thai looking guy with an australian accent

I have a Japanese friend who looks so Thai that he can't get into the clubs in Pattaya without a Farang to go with him. Nor can he speak a word of Thai. Who knows what or who you are or why you are playing this game on Thai Visa. Do you think some old punter will get a case of morals listening to your missionary stuff?

Ok mate well there's not really more i can do to prove to you that i'm being truthful. I'm not trying to change your stance or point of view, i'm just putting another point of view out there, but i see this has caused you some real anger, so again i apologise, i was just brought up to be able to discuss certain opinions openly and assess what others have to say in response. It's not meant to change your life.

best of luck and thanks for the debate

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OP: My stepson lives in Australia & is half Thai and speaks, reads & writes English & Thai fluently as he was encouraged by his Thai mother. Thais in Australia meet regularly and socialise in Thai. He also communicates in Thai with his Thai family In Thailand via social media as well as Thais living outside of Thailand.

I very surprised that you never, at a minimum, spoke Thai whilst in Australia - you must have lived in an Australian cocoon. Thailand has very many faces & the one that you are currently experiencing is a small aspect of Thai society - one day your Thai bubble will burst.

Well with an Aussie dad and no brothers and sisters, as well as no family on my mothers side there, it makes it pretty hard when noone else in your family speaks it whilst your growing up. Its not so much a cocoon, but i was born there and had no thai friends, my mother had some but i always hung out with my dad and his family. Australia is very multicultural, i have friends at home from all different races and a lot of them can't speak their parents native language, its not like its taught in schools or seen as an important aspect growing up there.

And as for other thai faces, i already know there is, otherwise i wouldn't still be here, but on this particular forum i'm just staying on topic. I don't hate Thailand, quite the opposite, i just thought this was an open forum with some people who could handle being challenged in a conversation whilst using only logic without emotions to cloud their judgement.

Edited by bobbysamuels
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OP: My stepson lives in Australia & is half Thai and speaks, reads & writes English & Thai fluently as he was encouraged by his Thai mother. Thais in Australia meet regularly and socialise in Thai. He also communicates in Thai with his Thai family In Thailand via social media as well as Thais living outside of Thailand.

I very surprised that you never, at a minimum, spoke Thai whilst in Australia - you must have lived in an Australian cocoon. Thailand has very many faces & the one that you are currently experiencing is a small aspect of Thai society - one day your Thai bubble will burst.

Well with an Aussie dad and no brothers and sisters, as well as no family on my mothers side there, it makes it pretty hard when noone else in your family speaks it whilst your growing up. Its not so much a cocoon, but i was born there and had no thai friends, my mother had some but i always hung out with my dad and his family. Australia is very multicultural, i have friends at home from all different races and a lot of them can't speak their parents native language, its not like its taught in schools or seen as an important aspect growing up there.

And as for other thai faces, i already know there is, otherwise i wouldn't still be here, but on this particular forum i'm just staying on topic. I don't hate Thailand, quite the opposite, i just thought this was an open forum with some people who could handle being challenged in a conversation whilst using only logic without emotions to cloud their judgement.

Perhaps you should look up the difference between preaching and challenging. You are a young kid making up all sorts of things to write that your family would never tell you. We know. A lot of us have moral and upstanding Thai families. We also know that the mother normally takes care of a Thai child. We also know lots of other stuff about buying land with Thai shareholders and lots of stuff.

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OP: My stepson lives in Australia & is half Thai and speaks, reads & writes English & Thai fluently as he was encouraged by his Thai mother. Thais in Australia meet regularly and socialise in Thai. He also communicates in Thai with his Thai family In Thailand via social media as well as Thais living outside of Thailand.

I very surprised that you never, at a minimum, spoke Thai whilst in Australia - you must have lived in an Australian cocoon. Thailand has very many faces & the one that you are currently experiencing is a small aspect of Thai society - one day your Thai bubble will burst.

Well with an Aussie dad and no brothers and sisters, as well as no family on my mothers side there, it makes it pretty hard when noone else in your family speaks it whilst your growing up. Its not so much a cocoon, but i was born there and had no thai friends, my mother had some but i always hung out with my dad and his family. Australia is very multicultural, i have friends at home from all different races and a lot of them can't speak their parents native language, its not like its taught in schools or seen as an important aspect growing up there.

And as for other thai faces, i already know there is, otherwise i wouldn't still be here, but on this particular forum i'm just staying on topic. I don't hate Thailand, quite the opposite, i just thought this was an open forum with some people who could handle being challenged in a conversation whilst using only logic without emotions to cloud their judgement.

To answer your original question, yes Thailand attracts weirdos, some of whom are Australians. Many expats also lead perfectly normal social lives. You've had a few suggestions of venues to check out, go for it...

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OP: My stepson lives in Australia & is half Thai and speaks, reads & writes English & Thai fluently as he was encouraged by his Thai mother. Thais in Australia meet regularly and socialise in Thai. He also communicates in Thai with his Thai family In Thailand via social media as well as Thais living outside of Thailand.

I very surprised that you never, at a minimum, spoke Thai whilst in Australia - you must have lived in an Australian cocoon. Thailand has very many faces & the one that you are currently experiencing is a small aspect of Thai society - one day your Thai bubble will burst.

Well with an Aussie dad and no brothers and sisters, as well as no family on my mothers side there, it makes it pretty hard when noone else in your family speaks it whilst your growing up. Its not so much a cocoon, but i was born there and had no thai friends, my mother had some but i always hung out with my dad and his family. Australia is very multicultural, i have friends at home from all different races and a lot of them can't speak their parents native language, its not like its taught in schools or seen as an important aspect growing up there.

And as for other thai faces, i already know there is, otherwise i wouldn't still be here, but on this particular forum i'm just staying on topic. I don't hate Thailand, quite the opposite, i just thought this was an open forum with some people who could handle being challenged in a conversation whilst using only logic without emotions to cloud their judgement.

Perhaps you should look up the difference between preaching and challenging. You are a young kid making up all sorts of things to write that your family would never tell you. We know. A lot of us have moral and upstanding Thai families. We also know that the mother normally takes care of a Thai child. We also know lots of other stuff about buying land with Thai shareholders and lots of stuff.

Ok then mike,

i may be younger than you but that doesn't make me that young, and that doesn't mean your wiser. Its clear you have no intentions of actually proving me wrong with any evidence and if your so sure about my family and i why don't you put your money where you mouth is, and we can actually see me in person or web cam with my dual citizenship, hell ill even take you to see my family in Pak Nam, just make the bet worth while. All do you feel more comfortable calling people liars behind a computer screen?

By the way i wasn't talking about buying land with thai shareholders, it's actually starting a PTY LTD and being the sole share holder which means you run a thai based company and own all the assets that is registered within the company meaning you can buy land here and be safe without relying on an actual thai person to put their name down too.

and lastly in the end of the day your still seen here as a farang to your extended family therefore they wouldn't tell you whats what, especially since you married their daughter in the circumstances we have been discussing

Edited by bobbysamuels
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> majority if not all of them seem to be older (like 55+) or just bloody crazy

> into the whole Hooker and show girls things, whilst the backpackers are all just a bunch of druggies

> aren't there any normal laid back people here

> Is it just me or does Thailand just seem to attract the crazies and desperate people from around the world?

It's not just you, but the old sex addicts and young drug addicts aren't crazy and desperate, we've just found a place to live where the kind hosts have created an environment designed to cater for our needs.

You prefer not to pay for it, some of us would never want the kind of woman who would sleep with us for free.

Plenty of sex workers are actually wonderful people.

No one cares what you personally find disgusting.

Maybe you shouldn't be so dam_n judgmental, live and let live. Then you might have more friends, among the "classes" that don't disgust you so much.

OK you are a luk krung who has come to Thailand to show off his Western ness. It freaks you out to see so many Thai women obviously enjoying themselves with old men without a care for your Western PCness. Get over it or go home. Thailand has been this way since 1400 AD. wai2.gif

So what happened back then?

That's as far back as he can remember


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I have a very hard time finding a parallel between the moral status of war and that of extreme age differences in relationships, so let's just stick to the latter issue.

I agree it doesn't happen often, but if an old man and a young girl meet in appropriate circumstances and actually genuinely fall in love and choose to marry, do you think there's a moral issue there?

Since I suspect that your "moral issue" is more likely to be the transactional basis of most of these relationships:

Do you think there is something morally wrong with a person choosing to use their youth and beauty to acquire money (or power, status whatever)? What about marrying for money or screwing the boss, as opposed to outright sex work?

For the sake of argument let's assume that both parties are aware of what's going on so there isn't any deception involved.

If you think that people do have the right to sell sexual services, then do you think there is something morally wrong with the customers partaking?

What about the idea of sex as sport, purely for pleasure, anything wrong with that from a "moral" point of view?

And if you do you really think "morality" is involved with any of these issues, do you really consider them in the same category as issues like lying, stealing, actually causing harm to others?

Not going so far as violence, much less war of course. . .

Yes i do thinking marrying for money, screwing your boss for an employment advantage is wrong, those examples right there is exactly what is wrong with society's way of thinking. Just because things are the way they are, doesn't mean that they should be. but no i don't think the transaction side of things are is wrong, I understand that these girls need to make ends meat and they are doing what they need to do to survive, but what i'm getting at about the moral issue is from the side of the gentlemen. I am not saying that a 70 year old has to be with a seventy year old or even a 60 year old, all i'm saying is a 70 year old with a 25 year old can't really have anything in common (in most cases). All i was saying is that wouldn't you be happier in the long run for the remainder of your life if you were with someone who understands you or has some of the same interest as you? Most of these girls can barely understand what you are saying to them half the times. What does this teach your children? That sex and shallowness trumps true and meaningful relationships with the opposite sex, and that a women is only as good if she is still young ?

And as sex for sport, definitely no problems there, but sex shouldn't be more important than integrity.

Again i am not saying you must be with someone your own age, just some one who you can actually have a real relationship with.

as for violence, stealing, lying and etc... ok well these are definitely a lot worst then what we are talking about, but it isn't hard to teach kids not to break the law, but it is a lot harder to teach them about social morals and to grow up with the correct beliefs and values to make them a better person for their future families.

Could you honestly say that you would have no problem telling your kids to find some sex toy a quarter of your age rather than do the hard yards and find something that may lead to some actual meaningful emotions?

I did eliminate the deception aspect, so how are transactional relationships sleeping with the boss or marrying for money wrong? To me they are morally no different from straight sex work, in other words perfectly OK as long as both parties have their eyes open (even though of course their awareness isn't usually explicitly acknowledged).

And no I have no interest in a sex partner past her prime, which these days for me 25 would be except for very sheltered athletes. I don't look for intellectual stimulation nor common interests other than sex in my sex partners myself, so do please stop telling me what you think "should" make me happy.

You are using terms in ways that beg the very question: "shallowness" "real relationship" "social morals" "correct beliefs and values" "meaningful emotions".

To me these terms do have very real and specific meanings, but none of them have anything to do with the IMO very dangerously false myths propagated by mainstream cultural programming of romantic love and lifetime monogamy. Sex as play, sport art and religion, is completely separate from real love (to me a verb, not a feeling, time, attention and hard work furthering the spiritual interests of the other) and although the brain-chemistry-based feeling is very nice, not at all the basis for committing to a life partner.

Would you tell a dancer she should only dance with a small number of partners, and only when they have meaningful emotional relationships and a long-term commitment? An Olympic ice skater? A Christian prayer group? A guitarist?

And wrt to my kids - still none of your busines but - I have plenty of true and meaningful relationships with women, including older ones, just not the same women as those I sleep with. And of course I don't actually share with my kids who I'm sleeping with at any given time, AFATC we're all just one happy household and such activities take place behind closed doors.

And BTW if the source of your information prejudices is a circle of educated urban Thais, they know very very little that is accurate about the rural poor, and are just as susceptible if not more to ASSuming they know about farang-Thai relationships, please don't take their POV as accurate nor fair, and their sexual morality usually has a lot more in common with fundamental muslims than modern sex-positive views, at least for wrt to the daughters they seek to control until they're married, after which it becomes the husbands job to control them.

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bigjohnnybkk, quick question, do you bed underage girls, not children, dont misunderstand, just underage.

not calling you a pedo.

Bedding 'under age' girls is, by definition, illegal. We don't discuss breaking the law on Thaivisa.

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I have a very hard time finding a parallel between the moral status of war and that of extreme age differences in relationships, so let's just stick to the latter issue.

I agree it doesn't happen often, but if an old man and a young girl meet in appropriate circumstances and actually genuinely fall in love and choose to marry, do you think there's a moral issue there?

Since I suspect that your "moral issue" is more likely to be the transactional basis of most of these relationships:

Do you think there is something morally wrong with a person choosing to use their youth and beauty to acquire money (or power, status whatever)? What about marrying for money or screwing the boss, as opposed to outright sex work?

For the sake of argument let's assume that both parties are aware of what's going on so there isn't any deception involved.

If you think that people do have the right to sell sexual services, then do you think there is something morally wrong with the customers partaking?

What about the idea of sex as sport, purely for pleasure, anything wrong with that from a "moral" point of view?

And if you do you really think "morality" is involved with any of these issues, do you really consider them in the same category as issues like lying, stealing, actually causing harm to others?

Not going so far as violence, much less war of course. . .

Yes i do thinking marrying for money, screwing your boss for an employment advantage is wrong, those examples right there is exactly what is wrong with society's way of thinking. Just because things are the way they are, doesn't mean that they should be. but no i don't think the transaction side of things are is wrong, I understand that these girls need to make ends meat and they are doing what they need to do to survive, but what i'm getting at about the moral issue is from the side of the gentlemen. I am not saying that a 70 year old has to be with a seventy year old or even a 60 year old, all i'm saying is a 70 year old with a 25 year old can't really have anything in common (in most cases). All i was saying is that wouldn't you be happier in the long run for the remainder of your life if you were with someone who understands you or has some of the same interest as you? Most of these girls can barely understand what you are saying to them half the times. What does this teach your children? That sex and shallowness trumps true and meaningful relationships with the opposite sex, and that a women is only as good if she is still young ?

And as sex for sport, definitely no problems there, but sex shouldn't be more important than integrity.

Again i am not saying you must be with someone your own age, just some one who you can actually have a real relationship with.

as for violence, stealing, lying and etc... ok well these are definitely a lot worst then what we are talking about, but it isn't hard to teach kids not to break the law, but it is a lot harder to teach them about social morals and to grow up with the correct beliefs and values to make them a better person for their future families.

Could you honestly say that you would have no problem telling your kids to find some sex toy a quarter of your age rather than do the hard yards and find something that may lead to some actual meaningful emotions?

I did eliminate the deception aspect, so how are transactional relationships sleeping with the boss or marrying for money wrong? To me they are morally no different from straight sex work, in other words perfectly OK as long as both parties have their eyes open (even though of course their awareness isn't usually explicitly acknowledged).

And no I have no interest in a sex partner past her prime, which these days for me 25 would be except for very sheltered athletes. I don't look for intellectual stimulation nor common interests other than sex in my sex partners myself, so do please stop telling me what you think "should" make me happy.

You are using terms in ways that beg the very question: "shallowness" "real relationship" "social morals" "correct beliefs and values" "meaningful emotions".

To me these terms do have very real and specific meanings, but none of them have anything to do with the IMO very dangerously false myths propagated by mainstream cultural programming of romantic love and lifetime monogamy. Sex as play, sport art and religion, is completely separate from real love (to me a verb, not a feeling, time, attention and hard work furthering the spiritual interests of the other) and although the brain-chemistry-based feeling is very nice, not at all the basis for committing to a life partner.

Would you tell a dancer she should only dance with a small number of partners, and only when they have meaningful emotional relationships and a long-term commitment? An Olympic ice skater? A Christian prayer group? A guitarist?

And wrt to my kids - still none of your busines but - I have plenty of true and meaningful relationships with women, including older ones, just not the same women as those I sleep with. And of course I don't actually share with my kids who I'm sleeping with at any given time, AFATC we're all just one happy household and such activities take place behind closed doors.

And BTW if the source of your information prejudices is a circle of educated urban Thais, they know very very little that is accurate about the rural poor, and are just as susceptible if not more to ASSuming they know about farang-Thai relationships, please don't take their POV as accurate nor fair, and their sexual morality usually has a lot more in common with fundamental muslims than modern sex-positive views, at least for wrt to the daughters they seek to control until they're married, after which it becomes the husbands job to control them.

I like some of the stuff you said and agree on certain POV of some of it. But what i have been talking about is not the old wham bam thank you mam one night stands, but rather the ones that end up getting married to a 25 year old. I'm saying that from a relationship point of view once you decide you want to be with a particular bar girl 50 years younger than you, that it just doesn't seem to work out properly, its not an actual real partnership, just a girl that you've put on a retainer until you die or your cash runs out.

If your into the whole cheating and lying to your family then thats up to you, and if it works for you great, i'm just not one to want to tell or teach someone one thing whilst i do another.

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I like some of the stuff you said and agree on certain POV of some of it. But what i have been talking about is not the old wham bam thank you mam one night stands, but rather the ones that end up getting married to a 25 year old. I'm saying that from a relationship point of view once you decide you want to be with a particular bar girl 50 years younger than you, that it just doesn't seem to work out properly, its not an actual real partnership, just a girl that you've put on a retainer until you die or your cash runs out.

If your into the whole cheating and lying to your family then thats up to you, and if it works for you great, i'm just not one to want to tell or teach someone one thing whilst i do another.

What I'm saying is that "getting married" can mean any one of many many things, and the reasons for doing so even more varied.

Nothing to do with bar girls either, there are lots of girls well under 25 would would very much like to achieve greater financial security by attracting a foreign man, and not only don't mind an older one, often prefer that - as an extreme example, say she wants to find an 80+ guy specifically because she knows she'll still be young when he carks it.

The old guy in turn knows perfectly well what she's after, and is very happy to turn his assets over to her in exchange for her taking care of his needs (perhaps sex itself being a minor issue at that point in his life).

Yes the whole idea may be "disgusting" to you but that to me has little to do with the "morality" of the arrangement.

And again, no idea what you're talking about with "cheating and lying to your family" I completely removed that element from the discussion, and actually in my case my family has been completely accepting with every partner I've ever showed up with. And if they did imply any disapproval I wouldn't hesitate to tell them to go jump in the lake, none of their business what I do with my life.

My condolences being a member of a family that feels they have the right to judge your choice of mate, not part of my culture.

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I like some of the stuff you said and agree on certain POV of some of it. But what i have been talking about is not the old wham bam thank you mam one night stands, but rather the ones that end up getting married to a 25 year old. I'm saying that from a relationship point of view once you decide you want to be with a particular bar girl 50 years younger than you, that it just doesn't seem to work out properly, its not an actual real partnership, just a girl that you've put on a retainer until you die or your cash runs out.

If your into the whole cheating and lying to your family then thats up to you, and if it works for you great, i'm just not one to want to tell or teach someone one thing whilst i do another.

What I'm saying is that "getting married" can mean any one of many many things, and the reasons for doing so even more varied.

Nothing to do with bar girls either, there are lots of girls well under 25 would would very much like to achieve greater financial security by attracting a foreign man, and not only don't mind an older one, often prefer that - as an extreme example, say she wants to find an 80+ guy specifically because she knows she'll still be young when he carks it.

The old guy in turn knows perfectly well what she's after, and is very happy to turn his assets over to her in exchange for her taking care of his needs (perhaps sex itself being a minor issue at that point in his life).

Yes the whole idea may be "disgusting" to you but that to me has little to do with the "morality" of the arrangement.

And again, no idea what you're talking about with "cheating and lying to your family" I completely removed that element from the discussion, and actually in my case my family has been completely accepting with every partner I've ever showed up with. And if they did imply any disapproval I wouldn't hesitate to tell them to go jump in the lake, none of their business what I do with my life.

My condolences being a member of a family that feels they have the right to judge your choice of mate, not part of my culture.

i can see your point,

very valid and appreciate you not stooping to name calling like others

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One assumes that the OP is actually talking about being half European/Australian rather than half Australian aborigine - somewhat similar to a vast percentage of the thai people who are actually half chinese -- possibly including his own asian family - or is he part of the Thai/Khymer mix? It is generally a good idea to be sure of your footing before ..........wai.gif

I wonder if the same missionary values are used to judge the Chinese, Japanese, Arab, African, Indian etc folks who have all at various times enjoyed Thai / Siamese hospitality. Thailand has never been truly conquered -- one wonders if their attitudes to foreigners has something to do with this.whistling.gif

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If you really think i'm not Thai then feel free to jump on a video chat

and you'll see a thai looking guy with an australian accent

I don't know if you are Thai or not. I don't care. It's none of my business. I just don't like your judgey preachy attitude after so little time and experience in and around Thailand. Some people come to Thailand and after two weeks when discussing some things hit the nail on the head. That however is not you. You brought too much baggage with you and haven't unpacked it yet. (mental baggage)

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I like some of the stuff you said and agree on certain POV of some of it. But what i have been talking about is not the old wham bam thank you mam one night stands, but rather the ones that end up getting married to a 25 year old. I'm saying that from a relationship point of view once you decide you want to be with a particular bar girl 50 years younger than you, that it just doesn't seem to work out properly, its not an actual real partnership, just a girl that you've put on a retainer until you die or your cash runs out.

If your into the whole cheating and lying to your family then thats up to you, and if it works for you great, i'm just not one to want to tell or teach someone one thing whilst i do another.

What I'm saying is that "getting married" can mean any one of many many things, and the reasons for doing so even more varied.

Nothing to do with bar girls either, there are lots of girls well under 25 would would very much like to achieve greater financial security by attracting a foreign man, and not only don't mind an older one, often prefer that - as an extreme example, say she wants to find an 80+ guy specifically because she knows she'll still be young when he carks it.

The old guy in turn knows perfectly well what she's after, and is very happy to turn his assets over to her in exchange for her taking care of his needs (perhaps sex itself being a minor issue at that point in his life).

Yes the whole idea may be "disgusting" to you but that to me has little to do with the "morality" of the arrangement.

And again, no idea what you're talking about with "cheating and lying to your family" I completely removed that element from the discussion, and actually in my case my family has been completely accepting with every partner I've ever showed up with. And if they did imply any disapproval I wouldn't hesitate to tell them to go jump in the lake, none of their business what I do with my life.

My condolences being a member of a family that feels they have the right to judge your choice of mate, not part of my culture.

i can see your point,

very valid and appreciate you not stooping to name calling like others

I went back and read all the posts. Unless I missed something no one has called you any names.

You on the other hand have said of us expats in Thailand and I quote, "

the majority if not all of them seem to be older (like 55+) or just bloody crazy

into the whole Hooker and show girls things, whilst the backpackers are all just a bunch of druggies

aren't there any normal laid back people here

Is it just me or does Thailand just seem to attract the crazies and desperate people from around the world"

Payak also insulted us older gentlemen with "nothing they (Thai Women) want more then a fat wrinkly old sweaty man panting all over them"

But I saw no one calling you names. Are you telling the truth about that? Go back and look, it is your thread after all and in the interest of truth, and honor and stuff like that one should keep it honest.

If no one called you a name maybe you should apologize to all concerned.

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time to stop the squabbling now. It is not the role of posters to decide if another is who he says he is.

If we don't do it, who will? He'll be like one of those scions of the well-to-do families who are to be found in late-opening nightclubs asking strangers "do you know who my father is?" He'll have no sense of identity, if we don't help him find out whether he is who he says he is.


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common sense, girls just love guys 40 years old who can barely walk, who cant get it up without a blue pill.

who have nothing really in common, its all the rage here.

nothing they want more then a fat wrinkly old sweaty man panting all over them.

Good thing you don't speak Thai. She is saying, "Eat your heart out kids; I'm going home with the boss in the Rolls."biggrin.png Actually she is saying it in Chinese but you get the idea.

take away the cash and watch her love quickly fade, or perhaps its amazing looks and personality she fell for.

I think that most relationships will breakdown.

If money walks out the door so will love in time it is not just a Thai thing. Get over it

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Well OP, you should probably know that Thailand isn't exactly the place to go to further your career in a plain vanilla way with loving girlfriend and rugrats in tow, not that it doesn't happen of course, it's just not common. Many western spouses end up going back home, not just in Thailand but in all of Asia because Asia is after all a man's place compared to the west. So you're not very likely to find many young western expat couples, becacuse they'd rather go to the US, Australia, London er similar. Btw, 'kept' guys many times make poor company for single guys, particularly those young ones who are in Bangkok to party for some time. And people mostly go to Bangkok to party, not to drink a few beers and then go home to the wife to watch soaps or dancing with the stars. So as you've found out, a significant portion of the travellers to Thailand seem to have a larger than normal drive for having a new bed partner every week whether paid or scored.

I think your main problem is your chosen occupation (teacher), where you are unlikely to meet other, more established expats. So my advice is to join some good clubs and maybe try loosening up a bit and not being so boring, because from your original post, your idea of a good time (a few beers, footy, back to watch telly with wife), may not be attractive to single blokes.

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