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What Is The Best Bank?

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Looking for a better Thai bank, Siam commercial issued me a debit card that doesn't work to buy online and after speaking to them, they can't tell me when the service will be available. So the card is useless apart from ATM withdrawals.

Any other Aussies out there happy with their Thai bank?

Looking for a better bank with online banking and purchasing. What is the best bank for transferring to an from commonwealth bank?

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I've been happy with my Kasikorn setup.

You can apply for their online banking service and then for a "virtual" VISA account, no physical card but a number/code that works just like a CC online, but you can't use it in the offline world.

The funds are debited directly from your account.

You can also link your account to a Paypal (separate account if you already have one linked to your home account) and top up in both directions that way. They get you on the exchange rate, but the actual fees are very cheap for small amounts.

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I strongly consider some way of buying stuff online myself,

and the only reason i havnt done it yet is worries of getting ripped off.

But the idea of just have enough in account to do the current buy is tempting.

What is easiest and/or safest ?

credit card or paypal ?

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I strongly consider some way of buying stuff online myself,

and the only reason i havnt done it yet is worries of getting ripped off.

But the idea of just have enough in account to do the current buy is tempting.

What is easiest and/or safest ?

credit card or paypal ?

Safest is a "real" credit card from your home country, assuming they have the usual policy of taking your word in any dispute and automatically refunding your account, and leaving it to the merchant to prove that you're lying.

Nothing based in Thailand does that.

Paypal's the best IMO for small person-to-person transfers, and vendors that don't take credit cards, but don't leave much money in your PP account at any one time, they can freeze you out at the drop of a hat.

The Kbank "virtual" CC I described has the same buyer protection as other Thai CCs, AFAIK, meaning pretty lousy, you've got to make your case and it takes time and effort.

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Most of the big ones have their own upsides...

SCB # branches and atms (outside of south), service

K Bank about same as above

Bangkok Bank NYC branch

UOB strong in Asia

Those are all that have boasting rights imo. Most have e-banking and simcard banking.

Seems to be more the branch you luck out on than the overall bank imo.

Edited by bangkokburning
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I use Kasikorn Bank and Comm Bank in Australia. With CBA you can easily transfer funds to K-Bank via internet banking, but have to have the security token. Yet to transfer money back to CBA. K-Bank will also provide Cyber banking so that you can pay Thai bills online, e.g. True & AIS and pay for internet booking sites such as Agoda. For security they will enable a Thai mobile number for SMS of the OTP number.

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Seems the most important is the local branch/staff you're dealing with.

Bkk bank works just fine, decent online banking system, debit card works online,using a verified by visa system...

But have heard many horror stories dealing with their staff!

Buying stuff with paypal is actually very secure as they are rather siding with the customer in case of disputes...

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Thaivisa Connect App

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The more I read these threads, the more I think this thread should be renamed 'What is the Least Worst Bank?'.

The message I pick up is that there is risk in using any of the banks as your number one bank.

For the record I have an account with Krung Thai Bank. There are no problems because I hardly use it.

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you can compare the different banks rates here :


it looks like bangkok bank are offering the best TT rate at the moment but several months ago SCB were always better.

if your planning to book any air asia flights then you can save the booking fee with SCB online banking.

when your using your card to buy online maybe your making a mistake with your billing address or something ?

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Had problems with KBank just recient with two IMT refused and returned , also use Bangkok B , have had no trouble with BKKB ever.With your Thai CCard you may run into trouble with o/sea's transactions , thailand is still regarded in some quarters as corrupt and full of scammers, like Africa.coffee1.gif

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Anyone had any bad experiences with BKK bank?

I've had an account with them for over 25 years and never had any problems. Use their i-banking regularly, have a CC card from them and their fixed deposit accounts are usually competitive if you look for the promotions.

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BKK Bank are OK.

They handle Foreign transfer well.

They will sweeten Deposit Interest rates and Fx rates if you use one branch a lot and get to know the staff.

About the only thing I have not been able to get them to do is auto debit of Credit Card balance.

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I currently have accounts with 3 banks: Kasikorn, SCB, and Krungsri.

SCB is for work and great for online banking (bill payments etc).

Krungsri is where I have my credit card and I have never had a problem using it to purchase online, or when travelling abroad.

I got my Kasikorn account because of a previous job. I've kept the account as a savings account because I like their service.

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My Thai Visa card went to bat for me and got me a refund when I had a dispute with the Emporium.

Was this a debit card or a credit card? which bank?

I had a situation with BkB a few months ago where a refund was processed (and I had proof of the void slip + they admitted that it appeared the merchant voided it out). I had to still fill out a claim and it took almost 2 weeks to receive the credit to my account.

edit....but to be fair, I've mostly had no problems with BkB, TMB (hardly use) or K-bank. It may be annoying to fill out certain forms to do things, but I find that if you work it right, the banking can be quite flexible. I can't speak for the Foreign Deposit accounts (I might need one of those).

Perhaps some people can chime in on the FDA or FCA (foreign currency accounts). I hope it is as easy to open as the regular thai savings account. Wires outside thailand are supposed to be much easier with the FCA, with no restrictions.

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Yes the Thai banks will refund you charges but as I said it does take a bit of time and the burden's on you to show you got scammed.

Whereas at least with US banks it's instant with just a phone call, and then the burden's on the merchant, many don't bother disputing the customer, just fold the percentages into their pricing structures.

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