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Big-Wigs Threaten Thai Park Rangers


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At least the Rangers are trying, and I imagine the threat to their well being is very real. Good on their boss for standing by them and accompanying them when they go out. With this sort of publicity, maybe, just maybe a difference will be made. If even one animal is saved, it's a giant step in the right direction.

They should let the rangers shoot the poaching bstards on site. That'd stir things up.

The inevitability of that is that it will happen.

Fire with fire if there is no justice.

The gathering of evidence is woefully inadequate and the opportunity to simply shoot someone deep in a forest with no chance of being caught is an option for the concerned rangers. It may becoem a consideration for the disgruntled ranger.

It would be quite easy to turn their guns on themselves and therefore make it look like a mass shoot out by a hunting party upon their own. The wondeful Thai police would explain the event as ' a personal conflict' or ' a business conflict' or even ' a drunken fall out.'


Unless the rule of law is enforced then eventually decent people, and particularly highly motivaed animal lovers, will take the law into their own hands.

Personally, with the rotten state of Thai society, I can not understand why vigilanteism is not wide spread, as clealry the justice system fails olrdinary Thais.

The rule of law must succeed and wrong doers, irrelevant of status, must be prosecuted.

But this is Thailand so let's have a bit of shoot 'em up in the hidden depths of some forest - and would any of us miss some scum cop and his animal killing mates?

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At least the Rangers are trying, and I imagine the threat to their well being is very real. Good on their boss for standing by them and accompanying them when they go out. With this sort of publicity, maybe, just maybe a difference will be made. If even one animal is saved, it's a giant step in the right direction.

They should let the rangers shoot the poaching bstards on site. That'd stir things up.

The inevitability of that is that it will happen.

Fire with fire if there is no justice.

The gathering of evidence is woefully inadequate and the opportunity to simply shoot someone deep in a forest with no chance of being caught is an option for the concerned rangers. It may becoem a consideration for the disgruntled ranger.

It would be quite easy to turn their guns on themselves and therefore make it look like a mass shoot out by a hunting party upon their own. The wondeful Thai police would explain the event as ' a personal conflict' or ' a business conflict' or even ' a drunken fall out.'


Unless the rule of law is enforced then eventually decent people, and particularly highly motivaed animal lovers, will take the law into their own hands.

Personally, with the rotten state of Thai society, I can not understand why vigilanteism is not wide spread, as clealry the justice system fails olrdinary Thais.

The rule of law must succeed and wrong doers, irrelevant of status, must be prosecuted.

But this is Thailand so let's have a bit of shoot 'em up in the hidden depths of some forest - and would any of us miss some scum cop and his animal killing mates?

I imagine it is the fear of an eye for an eye.... if a vigilante takes out Mr. X, then his friends/relatives/boss will return the favor. The only people who can really engineer these sorts of things are those who are high enough up so as not to feel threatened. And it's these people who are problem for Thailand in the first place.

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