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Thai Bank Account Lien

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I have an EX going after me in the States for some old bills. They are hers but I think her lawyer convinced her I can be made to pay them. I don’t know who will win at this point. If she does how easy will it be for her to lien my Thai Bank account from the US?

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I have an EX going after me in the States for some old bills. They are hers but I think her lawyer convinced her I can be made to pay them. I don’t know who will win at this point. If she does how easy will it be for her to lien my Thai Bank account from the US?

Legal issues aside, how would she find the account? If she knows where it's at now and the number, I'd imagine you could move the money and there's no way to figure it out.

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If your EX gets a court order against you, she cannot use it to garnishee your account in Thailand. To do that, she would have to go to court in Thailand. The US court's jurisdiction does not extend beyond the borders of the US.

On the other hand, delinquent spousal support can be reported to the Federal government and they can intercept any payments due you from the government.

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If your EX gets a court order against you, she cannot use it to garnishee your account in Thailand. To do that, she would have to go to court in Thailand. The US court's jurisdiction does not extend beyond the borders of the US.

On the other hand, delinquent spousal support can be reported to the Federal government and they can intercept any payments due you from the government.

No support, no kids. Her credit card bills for buying Gucci shoes and the like. :o

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If your EX gets a court order against you, she cannot use it to garnishee your account in Thailand. To do that, she would have to go to court in Thailand. The US court's jurisdiction does not extend beyond the borders of the US.


As a practical matter, even if she were willing to go to that expense and difficulty, getting a Thai court to order the garnishing of a bank account here would be next to impossible since the concept doesn't exist in Thai law. Besids, you would see the ploy coming a year or two in advance (Thai courts move v-e-r-y slowly) and could simply move the account.

Rest easy.

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I have an EX going after me in the States for some old bills. They are hers but I think her lawyer convinced her I can be made to pay them. I don’t know who will win at this point.

I think comon sense would say if they your EX's bills then you have nothing to do with that. Tell the lawyer to stop harassing you or you will press charges against him for harrassment.

If she does how easy will it be for her to lien my Thai Bank account from the US?

She could not because they are her bills not yours.

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The above post is a classic example of the kind of half-literate ignorance that so often passes for 'advice' on this board. Yes, by all means, 'tell the lawyer you will press charges against him for harrassment.' I'm sure you will get a big kick out of the hysterical laughter that will follow, and you will forever be marked down as a complete putz.

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