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Bringing Foodstuff Into Thailand


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Wow, I've never even seen the customs folks take an interest in anything. The four times I've come into the country, not once was I asked to put my bags through the x-ray.

I'm not entirely certain what a kipper is, but if it's factory-sealed, I'd think it should be ok as long as its not a controlled substance. I've brought in pepperoni, dried fruit, and all manner of food on every trip. Have I been tempting fate?

I'm off to search for the customs site to see if there's a listing of forbidden items...

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Wow, I've never even seen the customs folks take an interest in anything. The four times I've come into the country, not once was I asked to put my bags through the x-ray.

I'm not entirely certain what a kipper is, but if it's factory-sealed, I'd think it should be ok as long as its not a controlled substance. I've brought in pepperoni, dried fruit, and all manner of food on every trip. Have I been tempting fate?

I'm off to search for the customs site to see if there's a listing of forbidden items...

I come in twice a year with 5-6 bags loaded with stuff. No booze, no cigs, no food. We have to put everything through the x-ray machine. Got through one time, but that's because they were busy with someone else. We just went through very fast. Maybe it's because we're always pushing a fully loaded cart that they stop us?

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i,ve been going back to u.k for over 7 years for visa run and have never been stopped by customs in thailand ,

each time i return i bring about 30 kg of english food stuffs in my case everything from pork scrachings, tins corn beef

cheshire cheese , you could,nt buy in udon then or were way to expencive , never thought for 1 second i was breaking

any thai law .

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i,ve been going back to u.k for over 7 years for visa run and have never been stopped by customs in thailand ,

each time i return i bring about 30 kg of english food stuffs in my case everything from pork scrachings, tins corn beef

cheshire cheese , you could,nt buy in udon then or were way to expencive , never thought for 1 second i was breaking

any thai law .

Maybe I am old and my vision is not as good as it once was, however are there not large signs above the baggage collection carousals stating that bringing any food into Thailand is against the law?

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Touch wood - I've not had any problems at all and I can feed a small village.

Same here and have my bags x-rayed once or twice a year as well, they don't bat an eye lid, could be wrong but they seem intent on Ciggies and Booze.

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I usually come through with 2 large bags loaded with everything from frozen Ayrshire bacon, Orkney cheese, Clamato Juice, bottles of Old Golden Hen, cans of Caffrey's and McVitties Plain Chocolate Digestives to new clothing for the bairn, bits for my car and bike and my cigars. Never been pulled aside yet as they seem to favour locals and other Asians over farangs. I did have a buddy coming in from the US who had several items for different people here (including my cigars) and he timed his 'green channel' run at a time when they were stopping and x-raying absolutely everyone. They tried to nail him for the cigars but he had about $35 in his pocket so they accepted that and let my cigars through. They did confiscate the Dunkin' Donuts branded coffee that one of our other buddies couldn't live without.

Advice to the OP is take as many kippers as you like, frozen and flat-packed among the clothes in the bag and check if there's any extra effort going on at the x-ray machines at the green channel before you wander through. If they are doing extra screening, it won't be forever and go off and have a piss or check out the DF stalls till they lose interest.

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Touch wood - I've not had any problems at all and I can feed a small village.

Same here and have my bags x-rayed once or twice a year as well, they don't bat an eye lid, could be wrong but they seem intent on Ciggies and Booze.

I agree and I do see the folks pulled over and it is always booze and ciggy's on the table.

I embarrassed to post what my parents brought in but I'll just say it was one of the best Sunday Roast dinners I've ever had, so a few kippers they probably wont care.

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I bring in food on every trip and have had my bag searched. When they found no booze, I have been waved through each time.

not really related, but I came on the 19th Nov. and the immigration wanted to see the fly-back ticket from all the tourists in front of me (all Italian). On my check in Hongkong they needed to put my next ticket in the computer for the immigration of Thailand.

As it is well known that this government doesn't like foreigner....there might be a general shift at the immigration/customs to more enforcement of regulations???

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I think there has been a crackdown on importing meat in your personal luggage.

Here are some links from the customs website.




The way I read it, bringing in food is at least restricted. Which means they could start cracking down on this and as I saw, the fine can be quite large. My wife said one reason for the big fine was he didn't declare it. I.E. customs missed out on their cut! sad.png

Just because you've got away with it in the past, doesn't mean you will in the future. Depends on how lucky/unlucky you are?

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