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I have googled for hours and never get straightforward info. Am going to buy a new manual Nissan Almera for 455000 Bath. Its two months waiting here in Chiang Mai for a darkblue but can get it in Chiang Rai. My woman will be the buyer as she can get a 64000 refund next year. Saleswoman said insurance will cost 13000 Bath but doesnt Nissan have a better deal for first time buyers called Premium Protection and I also heard if we buy it with Nissan Leasing we shud get a cheaper insurance. I intended to buy it cash but if there is a better deal with leasing, why not. Can anybody assist me since I have difficulties getting clear answers from thai salespeople.


Hi, didn't you read the Nissan Thailand website? All the info about Nissan's Premium protection insurance is there in English under the Finance tab. If the saleswoman is offering you 1st class insurance then it's through that programme - she should be able to tell you and I'd think twice before buying a car from someone who couldn't, you are going to have to go back there every 10,000km or 6 months to get the car serviced, so start as you mean to go on and all that.

If you want to shop around and buy your own insurance, simply google 'insurance brokers thailand' and phone or email whoever you want - brokers will email you a range of options from different companies to choose from and you have to compare the coverage to decide which premium offers best value. Be warned that really low premiums usually have the car repaired at an authorised garage instead of a Nissan dealership which isn't recommended, make sure you check this.


Thank you, yes I have read about Nissan Premium insurance on their website but they dont say what it cost only what it covers. Is it so that only the shop where I buy the car can give free service, means I have to go to Chiang Rai every time ? Very strange. cause if I buy a Volvo in Sweden I can go to any authorized Volvo dealer for service.


"Be warned that really low premiums usually have the car repaired at an authorised garage instead of a Nissan dealership which isn't recommended, make sure you check this."

I had my car insured via Nissan, all that happened was that is got repaired at an authorised garage, very badly, and my request to have the quality of repair checked by Nissan was ignored (well, not ignored, they claimed it was checked by Nissan, which would surprise me since the bonnet could not be opened after the repair).

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