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Baby Stair Gates


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Trying to keep my baby from going up the stairs. Looking for one that attaches to the banisters but has a way to unlock so I can go up (I've found semi-permanent ones but we go upstairs a number of times a day). Been to Robinsons, the used baby store near Hillkopf Coffee and the baby place behind Big C Extra. Any ideas?

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Bangkok. I doubt you will find it here. You've been to all the right places. Can order on-line too. Otherwise, do as the Thais do and get those things that they use to build shelving for Walking Street stalls sold at Makro. They have 2 different sizes. Just tie them to the bannisters with something easy to undo. They are in the aisle where the pots and pans, cooking items are sold. They work great.

Good luck.

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Don't know why I thought of Ikea when I saw your post. I know it's in Bangkok, but if push comes to shove maybe you can have it sent to you. Here's a link:http://www.ikea.com/...ducts/90226518/. Also, it looks like there is an extension if it is not wide enough.

Nice but 2700 THB. The thing at Makro is about 200 THB and works great and you can pick it up right away.

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Don't know why I thought of Ikea when I saw your post. I know it's in Bangkok, but if push comes to shove maybe you can have it sent to you. Here's a link:http://www.ikea.com/...ducts/90226518/. Also, it looks like there is an extension if it is not wide enough.

Nice but 2700 THB. The thing at Makro is about 200 THB and works great and you can pick it up right away.

Wow.. What a difference. Maybe they have it at the Makro here.

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