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Sleeping Trouble!


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Can't any doctor do a prescription?

Maybe they can "do a prescription." But I rather doubt they would have access to this drug. Nor would any of the local pharmacies. I would probably say the only place you could get this is through a hospital pharmacy as it is most likely a restricted drug in Thailand. It sounds way stronger than lorazipam, which I know is a restricted drug here. So, the OP's best bet would probably be going to Phuket International outpatient, they seem to have most drugs available here in Thailand, except synthetic morphine, they only had morphine sulphate. They said dilaudid wasn't available in Thailand. So who knows if Dormicum is actually even available here...

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Can't any doctor do a prescription?

Maybe they can "do a prescription." But I rather doubt they would have access to this drug. Nor would any of the local pharmacies. I would probably say the only place you could get this is through a hospital pharmacy as it is most likely a restricted drug in Thailand. It sounds way stronger than lorazipam, which I know is a restricted drug here. So, the OP's best bet would probably be going to Phuket International outpatient, they seem to have most drugs available here in Thailand, except synthetic morphine, they only had morphine sulphate. They said dilaudid wasn't available in Thailand. So who knows if Dormicum is actually even available here...

Might be a good idea to pinpoint the problem causing lack of sleep. Could it be you have OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)?

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i had trouble sleeping a couple of years ago because of stress induced buy my crazy business venture. i got a prescription from a local doctor for something (don't know the name) and it knocked me out cold, but only for 4-5 hrs, then i was wide awake at 3am again and unable to sleep so didn't really help much.

the only long term fix was to reduce the stress, in my case by selling the biz

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Dormicum (midazolam) is a potent drug, OP. Not used for problems sleeping. It makes you unconscious & forget everything that has happened. (Like rohypnol). Mainly used to get you off to sleep before surgery. Given IV, it's brilliant. I love it!

Used also in psychiatric emergencies.

stevehaig, you probably took temazepam, a short acting sleeping tablet. They are intended to get you off to sleep & not wake up feeling groggy. They have an effect for about 4 hours. Although you could have had midazolam. I'm only used to it as an injection. In the bottom or IV.

Any sleeping medication is SHORT TERM ONLY. All, apart from herbals, are potentially addictive. Harder (and longer) to get off than heroin. They also disturb your REM sleep and when you stop taking them, your brain tries to catch up, making you sleep lightly & dream more. People who are worried about sleep tend to think they are not sleeping much at all.

There has been a lot of work done on 'sleep hygiene'. I'm sure you can look it up. Main points are no caffeine drinks after midday (that can include tea as well as coke, coffee). Exercise is essential. No computer games for at least an hour before bedtime. Bed only for sleep & sex. (Some of us include books). No TV, no doing accounts, etc.

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