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Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Crushes Opponents On The Streets And In Parliament


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I have not actually heard one of them in tune on The Voice here in Thailand.

but back on topic

Yingluk could cure cancer, aids, bring world peace and and end to poverty and hunger, and people on here would still try and belittle this woman (that has achieved more than any of them in her life, maybe that's the problem) based on who her brother is, its sad really.

luckily the people that matter, the voters, have a say in this rather some of the posters on here.

I'd be impressed if she could put a cup and saucer together

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GK, I really believe that you are a smart person. But I just can't understand how you can believe in what you write. She gains nothing, she gets comfortable just because she now becomes a professional cheat and liar, same as her brother and all the muppets who sit with her.

What are the achievements of this government? How can any reasonable electorate of this "duly elected PM" (Tongue in cheek here) be more comfortable, knowing that this PM and associates (same as in a company) have delivered NOTHING???

Take you red glasses off, and look around you. Truth might hurt at first, but you gonna get used to it.

Let's deal with the subject at hand: The slow, but steady growth the government's popular support. The issue is not what has been delivered or will be delivered. What matters in this discussion is the solid support base the government enjoys. If there was a viable alternative, I would embrace it, but there isn't. This is Thailand, and the political group called Slim Pickings dominates.

What's the alternative? Another military dictatorship? It isn't the Democrats, led by a weak "leader" and with its own sordid history of abuses and corruption scandals, and it isn't one of the small special interest political parties. I keep hoping that someone, somewhere will come out of the woodwork, a person with impeccable credentials, without the taint of corruption and with an understanding of the changes that need to be done. I don't think Thailand can improve until there is somesort of change in society that would see severe penalties imposed for corruption and the elimination of all the debauched deviant excesses that make Thailand so desirable for so many people. Call me a puritan, or a commie, but I don't think Thailand will evolve into a nation where the rule of law means something, where the poor are not exploited, where the police,military,judiciary and government will lead by example and can be trusted, without a major social upheaval, along the lines of what one saw in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Until then, we are stuck with people like PM Yingluck. One plays the game with the cards that are dealt.

Where do you see the steady grow of support?? The polls can't be taken seriously



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To use weekly Thai polls as some sort of show of popularity is a different form of hilarity.

One cleaves strongly Dems, the other cleaves even more strongly PTP.

The credibility and validity of these weekly short questionnaire/short numbers polls is negligible.

And since the biased choices of question phrasing and methodologies are so diametrically different,

you really can't accurately split the difference between the two and prognosticate a mean public sentiment.

I understand why they keep trying to foist this B.S. on us; small minded political expediency,

but to take them seriously is sheer wishful thinking.

Polls are reliable indicators of trends. The polls showed the PTP was on its way to a win in the election. Supporters of the Democrats couldn't believe it. A sham they cried. The polls are wrong they insisted. The election results proved the trend identified by multiple polling was accurate.

You can choose to ignore the trends. Live in denial if it makes you feel better. The polling since the election shows that the PTP has held on to its popular support and is slowly but surely building on that support base. I can see why some people are scared.

OK ignore the polls.

Take a walk around rural Thailand and talk to the people.

Most I talk to are pro PTP. Not just my village but diverse locations when we visit my wifes family!

Their arguement is that the Dems never did anything for them (very valid point) and only looks after big biz the military etc.

They don't think PTP has made miracles yet but they do believe that it is going in the right direction.

These people not us (guests) are the voters!

Yeah I know what you mean. I hear this same bullshit up here in Udon. I use to explain to my friends here the real story but they only believe what they are told by the village heads who are only reds shirts so we are pissing against the wind so to speak. I had one guy tell me the Democrats are the ones that took the free school uniforms away from them. I ask him where he learned this and he said from the village head.

Theres the truth behind the popularity of Thaksin and the PTP, the redshirt cult.

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Since when am I in charge of your education ? I'm not your mother.

While I appreciate you confess your ignorance of current affairs, you should educate yourselves by reading the news before posting in this forum, you wouldn't embarrass yourselves like this.

Do you have a subscription to red shirt publications in English?

You can start here http://www.economist.com/


A really interesting weekly. May I recommend this article, from tomorrows print edition:

"Not only has the ceaseless plotting on Mr Thaksin’s behalf proved fruitless, it has also been damaging to the government of his sister. During her election campaign, Ms Yingluck promised “unity and reconciliation”, a sensible attempt to woo voters who were tired of continuous clashes between Mr Thaksin’s “red shirt” supporters and his “yellow shirt” opponents. But the blatant efforts to rewrite the law and tamper with the constitution chiefly for Mr Thaksin’s benefit have undermined that promise and inflamed his old adversaries. Abhisit Vejjajiva, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party and the previous prime minister, has fought against every manoeuvre to let Mr Thaksin come back a free man. “Their interest is only in Thaksin”, says Mr Abhisit, referring to the Pheu Thai government, “and not in justice and reconciliation”."


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Hilarious what passes for news, especially about YL and Thaksin. The Nation has been spinning the 'Thaksin clone' lie since the moment YL announced for office. It doesn't really matter if she gets advice from him...that is her privilege as PM, she can get advice from whomever she wishes. All Thais knew she was Thaksin's sister and they voted for her anyway. The Nation: get over it...move on.

This article is just one more example of Thais being poor sports and bad losers.

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Yeah I know what you mean. I hear this same bullshit up here in Udon. I use to explain to my friends here the real story but they only believe what they are told by the village heads who are only reds shirts so we are pissing against the wind so to speak. I had one guy tell me the Democrats are the ones that took the free school uniforms away from them. I ask him where he learned this and he said from the village head.

Theres the truth behind the popularity of Thaksin and the PTP, the redshirt cult.

The Cult Of Money and Power, and plain old, old-world Feudal Patronage,

purchasing the propaganda and boots on the ground.

This is not the new modern metaphor or methods for governance,

but old as the hills, and same as the old guard, but amoral and more heartless,

I imagine a very different Thailand if the rice pledging scheme had collapsed sooner.

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Hilarious what passes for news, especially about YL and Thaksin. The Nation has been spinning the 'Thaksin clone' lie since the moment YL announced for office. It doesn't really matter if she gets advice from him...that is her privilege as PM, she can get advice from whomever she wishes. All Thais knew she was Thaksin's sister and they voted for her anyway. The Nation: get over it...move on.

This article is just one more example of Thais being poor sports and bad losers.

What is the "Thaksin's clone" lie? Thaksin himself called Yingluck his clone.

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