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Help Wanted With Crones Disease


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Hi, I have crones disease & I was wondering if anyone has the same problem, & could help me.

I'm 65yrs old, but excercise almost every day on my bicycle, doing anywhere between 60 & 120 klm, but I still can't get ride of my pot belly. I look 6mths pregnant, not good on a man

Is there any way of getting rid of the belly with a diet, or does it mean having a op.


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Are you on prednisolone for the Crohn's (or similiar steroid)? As what you describe coul;d be related tio steroid use. If so you should see your doctor

If it is not steroid-related, then weight loss will help to some extent, depending oin how overweight you are and how much you lose. Liposuction will copmpletely and permanently remove the localized fat but should be a last resort especially given your medical condition.

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Crones disease has an psychological obsessive/compulsive element to it.

If you can break your particular obsessive/compulsive behavior the disease may go into remission.

A friend of mine was a nurse in the UK who specialized in the treatment of crones patients.

This was always her advice to her patients and it seemed to work.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Hi Sheryl, no i'm not on any medication now. I was diagnosed about 4yrs ago. I took medicine for a while then gave up on it. I try not to take any medication of any kind if I can help it.

OK, that is goiod.

How many kg overweight are you?

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Hi Tommo, thanks for the reply, but I don't think I have any obsessive/compulsive behavior, none that I can think of anyway.

Hi Sheryl, not sure how overweight I am, but i've gone from 34in to 40in waist in the last few years.

All the weight is at the front of my stomach & not much at the sides. The rest of my body is fine.

You spoke of liposuction as a last resort, I will try anything as long as it is safe, is it safe? & are there any side effects? Can you recomend any clinics & what about price, have you any idea?

Thanks again to both of you

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Liposuction is a surgical procedure so like all surgeries it carries some risk, and there is also some down time afterwards, takes a few months to fully see the results, but when you do, it's permanent.

Do not have it at a clinic, only at a hospital.

Cost will depend on the size of the area and whether or not they need to take in loose skin. Suggest you go to Yanhee Hospital and get an estimate there (you van also do this online by sendingh photos but that may put you in the "medical tourims" track which may cost more).

There are also some good docs at Bumrungrad for this but typically costs a bit more than at Yanhee.

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cycling isnt the best method for you to lose the midriff,try some gentle tummy excmercises 2/3times a day only 5 mins to start.

Eat a crohnes disease specific diet many on google.

Consider a ultrasound for fatty liver 1thd bht at your local hospital,fatty liver prohibits weight loss.

Hope this helps

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