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Successful Tourist Visa For Thai Boyfriend

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Hi everyone,

I am new to here, however I have found this site really useful over the past few weeks so I thought I would share my story from a female perspective.

I met my Thai boyfriend 9 months ago and we have been living together 7 months (in Thailand). I was studying the first semester of my masters online and needed to come back to Australia to continue my studies here so wanted to get my boyfriend a tourist visa.

After reading over the forms etc I was really worried about hitting some of the criteria but decided to go ahead anyway.

This is what I included - photo copies of his passport, house registration, school report, Id and bank acc. Original copies of his bank book and passport. His bank acc had next to nothing in it as we opened it for the purpose of the visa. None of these documents were translated.

I included a letter of invitation from myself and my father and copies of both of our passports and id. I also included copies of my tourist visa pages to show how long I had been in Thailand. I had copies of my degree and my current enrolment, along with an email from my boss saying she was happy to re-employ me.

Other things I included were about 20 photos in a little album dated and labelled in a timeline & receipts of us living together. We all dated and signed everything.

I never showed any of my bank statements or my dads and my boyfriend is self-employed so there was no letter from the boss or anything! I simply wrote a list of reasons he would return to Thailand.

We lodged it at the post office on the 26th and received the passport and visa letter today (1 week) it was successful and we are both very happy (I flew back on the 27th).

I'm not sure if I was lucky or not but I hope this helps others.. Especially any females attempting a tourist visa as I noticed not to many post on the site.

Good luck to you all :)

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Agreeing with the boys above ... we really appreciate those who share their story with us as we add to our experience.

Hope that you and your man enjoy your time in Australia and if you have anything further to add, please come back and share with us.

Have a look at this ... I wrote last year.

There are a few links that might help you there, for example, the Australian Arrival Card in Thai etc.

Best of luck.

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