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Americans Fight For Right To Bear Arms - At Work


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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead.

The next time there is a mass shooting at the workplace, one of two things will happen;

1) there will be a high body count because the person who went crazy decided to ignore any rule/law, and shot everyone he wanted and there was nothing anyone could do about it until the police arrived.

2) The shooting would be over quickly because another employee got his own gun out of his vehicle and shot the crazy person long before police arrived on the scene.

I'd rather work at a place like situation #2, and no, I would not want to live in a country where the gov't decided that private citizens can not own guns at all because laws won't stop the crazy and criminals.

btw - If gun laws could actually reduce gun crime, why is it gun crime is highest where gun laws are the most most strict (Chicago, Washington DC)?

Or situation

3) the first shooters friend has also his gun in his lunchbox and shoots his workmate who just shot his friend, which in return has a few friends who brought their gun to the workplace and ................

Probably it would be a good solution to bring the unemployment figures down.

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Imagine if they raised taxes a smidgen.

They could afford to pay more police and provide better teachers in schools so kids didn't end up in cycles or poverty and crime.

This is outsourcing of law enforcement pure and simple. Yep, but the Republicans would outsource their mother if they could.

If they are being consistent with their philisophy, they should downsize the military too.

Many things wrong with the above:

US Police are well paid - an HS grad makes more than many College grad Engineers, so police forces are fully manned.

The average 'poor person' in the US has a free or low rent apartment, furniture, a car and a flat screen TV.

"When seconds count, the Police are only minutes away." & "The police carry guns for their own protection, not yours."

A strong military ensures others will not attack and the US doesn't have the largest military, only better housed, better fed, with better Medical & Dental benefits, and moderately better paid than most others.

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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

And do you really think a rule or law like that is going to deter a disgruntled/disturbed employee from bringing his weapon from home?

I don't think this is about safety, more likely about liability issues for insurance companies.

And if a registered CCW gun owner is prohibited from having his legal firearm at work and suffers serious injury or death from not being able to protect himself, what kind of lawsuit might that evoke? All such a regulation does is insure that a disgruntled employee will meet no resistance in carrying out his carnage because when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Even if it is insurance premium related, it is more likely companies (insurance and otherwise) wagging their tails and licking Obama's boots for the next stimulus handout.

Truthfully said, but a CCW is an infrngement and a violation of the 2nd Amendment - 4 states do not require CCW, licensing, or registration to own and carry a firearm - they also have the lowest crime rates.

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And yes, the Democratic Party has many solutions to the problems of guns in the United States, but as long as the NRA remains strong and well funded - and with Republicans in majority control of the U.S. House of Representatives - we won't see any more Democratic Party passed gun measures such as the one we got while Bill Clinton was prez - a ban on the sale, purchase, ownership, possession of military assault weapons.

Democrats also support gun ownership. Believe it or not, Democrats hunt too, especially rural Democrats. Guns are just plain cool to shoot and I've seen your typical peace-loving, anti-war Euro get all giddy after firing one. So it is ignorant to claim that only right-wing Republicans like guns.

The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 wasn't about "military" assault weapons. Because of its name, people tend to think the ban was about keeping AK-47s and M-16s off the streets when mostly it banned certain features of semi-automatic rifles (types of grips) and types of removable magazines.

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Americans fight for right to bear arms - at work

You mean now they can actually roll up their shirt-sleeves at work without offending anybody?

As far as firearms are considered I's under the impression Americans could already bring their

guns to work...and to shopping malls & movie theatres etc...lot's of this stuff make it to the papers.

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The only reason we have to listen to all this claptrap is because there are too many americans. ;) If this was a conversation about gunlaws in Belgium or Denmark it would be a very different story, and a lot less noisy.

Guns (gunpowder) was invented by the chinese so make sure USA would fail miserably. Looks like the plan is working well.....w00t.gif

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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

Yes but, the next time there is a shooting in the work place maybe some other employee carrying a gun will kill the shooter before he kills more innocent employees.

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everybody should be allowed to carry a gun anywhere anytime.

much safer......would you steel from an armed person ?

Would u pull a gun in public ?

Gangsters,pimps,frauds.......would not last that long.

Racism will disappaer instandly.

A lot of agression would end much sooner.

Or am i wrong?

You are VERY right !

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Imagine a whole nation whose inhabitants are scared of their own shadows. Who scared them to that extend? Their church? Their politicians? Their parents? Their mirrors? Pathetic really.

They wouldn't be scared if they all had guns.

Everyone would be a hell of a lot more polite and respectful.

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Americans fight for right to bear arms - at work

You mean now they can actually roll up their shirt-sleeves at work without offending anybody?

As far as firearms are considered I's under the impression Americans could already bring their

guns to work...and to shopping malls & movie theatres etc...lot's of this stuff make it to the papers.

There are so many guns in America that statistically speaking it is amazing how few people are killed by someone with a gun. If you want to ban something because of deaths its use can cause, there are lot more things out there that kill more...cigarettes, cars and slippery bathtubs to name a few.

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There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

I wonder if you will dare say that when they all have guns at work!


When it is illegal to bear arms, only the criminals will have them.

Is that what you all would like to see ?

Works well in many countries of Europe. In the most densely populated country of the world, England, even the police isn't routinely armed. You know dense populations encourage crimes, everybody blends in the anonymity. Anyway, can you as probably American imagine a world withouth airport-quality metal detectors nowhere but on airports? Not in schools, libraries, theaters, universities, sport stadiums, private enterprises, banks? Can you imagine corporations and banks without security, or if they have one at the gate, he's not armed for sure?

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Works well in many countries of Europe. In the most densely populated country of the world, England, even the police isn't routinely armed. You know dense populations encourage crimes, everybody blends in the anonymity. Anyway, can you as probably American imagine a world withouth airport-quality metal detectors nowhere but on airports? Not in schools, libraries, theaters, universities, sport stadiums, private enterprises, banks? Can you imagine corporations and banks without security, or if they have one at the gate, he's not armed for sure?

1) Let us not forget we are talking about America here.

2)I don't really understand your point.

Maybe you can be more clear......

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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

Yes but, the next time there is a shooting in the work place maybe some other employee carrying a gun will kill the shooter before he kills more innocent employees.

That happens more often than people realize but those stories don't make the headlines as often.


http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/xcinfobase.asp?catid=43 (an old site, not updated in a decade)

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The vast majority of posters here are the same who seem to always miss the the issue and simply babble. While the tittle and topic are ripe for humor and parody, the fact is, this is an issue of rights. It is like freedom of speech, a rule by an employer that prevents someone from saying the F word in certain places or situations is not about appropriateness or morality, it is about the constitutional right to free speech. The NRA is pushing the legislature on this is as just another battlefield over our constitutional right to bear arms. No European can understand this because they don't have the same aversion to gov't control, many of them still believe that one particular person who pops out of one women's vag I nah verses another is somehow superior to all the rest of us. America is messed up in many ways, but its still the freest country in the world due to our constitution that has only needed 27 amendments in 223 years...not like Thailand that has had 18 different constitutions in just 80yrs.

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The vast majority of posters here are the same who seem to always miss the the issue and simply babble. While the tittle and topic are ripe for humor and parody, the fact is, this is an issue of rights. It is like freedom of speech, a rule by an employer that prevents someone from saying the F word in certain places or situations is not about appropriateness or morality, it is about the constitutional right to free speech. The NRA is pushing the legislature on this is as just another battlefield over our constitutional right to bear arms. No European can understand this because they don't have the same aversion to gov't control, many of them still believe that one particular person who pops out of one women's vag I nah verses another is somehow superior to all the rest of us. America is messed up in many ways, but its still the freest country in the world due to our constitution that has only needed 27 amendments in 223 years...not like Thailand that has had 18 different constitutions in just 80yrs.

Americans have a very skewed concept of "rights". There is absolutely no way that carrying a lethal weapon - gun, knife, grenade, whatever - can be described as a "right" in anyone's eyes other than a republican american. Many countries have strict controls on guns and the people arguably feel more secure than the average paranoid republican american.

Let's get it clear - there is no problem if you want to own a hunting rifle in UK - but you will be interviewed by the police and your records checked extensively. You can own a handgun in UK, if you satisfy the authorities about your intent (usually target practice at a recognised range). In UK you are required to keep your firearm concealed when in a public place, but that is to reduce the possibilty of theft and to decrease the public alarm factor.

Edited by jpinx
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I think everyone should be able to carry a gun everywhere in the USA. Just make rounds of ammunition $10 000 each. People would seriously think twice before shooting someone for $50 in the cash till. "Hey Otis, shoot the man", No way M.....F...... you shoot the man", "hey come on man I just got this bullet on lay-a-way , you shoot him", "no way man, the bank got my car as guarantee on this M.....F...... bullet, use your bullet man....aawwww come on, this aint fair, it's not my turn Man, I used the bullet 8 years ago and there was only a 20 in the till, took me 8 years workin at Walmart to save for this M....F....."".

Edited by GentlemanJim
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The vast majority of posters here are the same who seem to always miss the the issue and simply babble. While the tittle and topic are ripe for humor and parody, the fact is, this is an issue of rights. It is like freedom of speech, a rule by an employer that prevents someone from saying the F word in certain places or situations is not about appropriateness or morality, it is about the constitutional right to free speech. The NRA is pushing the legislature on this is as just another battlefield over our constitutional right to bear arms. No European can understand this because they don't have the same aversion to gov't control, many of them still believe that one particular person who pops out of one women's vag I nah verses another is somehow superior to all the rest of us. America is messed up in many ways, but its still the freest country in the world due to our constitution that has only needed 27 amendments in 223 years...not like Thailand that has had 18 different constitutions in just 80yrs.

Americans have a very skewed concept of "rights". There is absolutely no way that carrying a lethal weapon - gun, knife, grenade, whatever - can be described as a "right" in anyone's eyes other than a republican american. Many countries have strict controls on guns and the people arguably feel more secure than the average paranoid republican american.

Let's get it clear - there is no problem if you want to own a hunting rifle in UK - but you will be interviewed by the police and your records checked extensively. You can own a handgun in UK, if you satisfy the authorities about your intent (usually target practice at a recognised range). In UK you are required to keep your firearm concealed when in a public place, but that is to reduce the possibilty of theft and to decrease the public alarm factor.

I'm sure that's why I hear so many Brits complaining about violent crimes in their cities in the UK. And, also read so many Brits on this board complaining about violent crime in their cities in the UK. I'm sure that the criminals in the UK also follow all those "may I please, Guv?" rules that you enumerate.

You may enjoy begging your master's permission to own a firearm for your own use. Keep right on begging if you like. When I'm back home in the U.S.A, I'll stick to standing up on my own two feet and claiming my rights as a U.S. citizen.

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I'm sure that's why I hear so many Brits complaining about violent crimes in their cities in the UK. And, also read so many Brits on this board complaining about violent crime in their cities in the UK. I'm sure that the criminals in the UK also follow all those "may I please, Guv?" rules that you enumerate.

You may enjoy begging your master's permission to own a firearm for your own use. Keep right on begging if you like. When I'm back home in the U.S.A, I'll stick to standing up on my own two feet and claiming my rights as a U.S. citizen.

When they wrote in the constitution that you had the right to bear arms over 250 years ago, the world was a bit of a different place now wasn't it, lets agree on that. Nobody is questioning your 'rights', the issue is that people now want to make it a 'right' to carry a gun to work. A right is a right for everyone. So off to work kindergarten teacher, pub worker, local Minister or Preacher, youth club leader, little league coach.....so where does the right end for 'workers'? Many workers commute to work on airlines, Protecting yourself in your own home.....sure, anything else is a free for all in the streets and why bother having police with 300 million vigilantes out there.

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Maybe I am wasting my breath, but for the record - let's get a few facts on the table.

The government is elected by the people and is not our master.

Violent crime statistics are difficult to compare, given the different ways of categorising an incident, but it is probably not unreasonable to say that UK and USA are not much different per capita.

Some of my best friends are republicans and I have heard all about the "right bear arms" but it has little to do with the american constitution. The real argument always boils down to taking reasonable steps to ensure that a firearm owner is capable of understanding and abiding by the legalities of such ownership as constituted by the government which was elected by the majority of voters. No-one has suggested that USA citizens should not be allowed to have a firearm, the problems always arise when discussing things like background checks on potential owners.

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The vast majority of posters here are the same who seem to always miss the the issue and simply babble. While the tittle and topic are ripe for humor and parody, the fact is, this is an issue of rights. It is like freedom of speech, a rule by an employer that prevents someone from saying the F word in certain places or situations is not about appropriateness or morality, it is about the constitutional right to free speech. The NRA is pushing the legislature on this is as just another battlefield over our constitutional right to bear arms. No European can understand this because they don't have the same aversion to gov't control, many of them still believe that one particular person who pops out of one women's vag I nah verses another is somehow superior to all the rest of us. America is messed up in many ways, but its still the freest country in the world due to our constitution that has only needed 27 amendments in 223 years...not like Thailand that has had 18 different constitutions in just 80yrs.

Americans have a very skewed concept of "rights". There is absolutely no way that carrying a lethal weapon - gun, knife, grenade, whatever - can be described as a "right" in anyone's eyes other than a republican american. Many countries have strict controls on guns and the people arguably feel more secure than the average paranoid republican american.

Let's get it clear - there is no problem if you want to own a hunting rifle in UK - but you will be interviewed by the police and your records checked extensively. You can own a handgun in UK, if you satisfy the authorities about your intent (usually target practice at a recognised range). In UK you are required to keep your firearm concealed when in a public place, but that is to reduce the possibilty of theft and to decrease the public alarm factor.

I'm sure that's why I hear so many Brits complaining about violent crimes in their cities in the UK. And, also read so many Brits on this board complaining about violent crime in their cities in the UK. I'm sure that the criminals in the UK also follow all those "may I please, Guv?" rules that you enumerate.

You may enjoy begging your master's permission to own a firearm for your own use. Keep right on begging if you like. When I'm back home in the U.S.A, I'll stick to standing up on my own two feet and claiming my rights as a U.S. citizen.

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The only reason we have to listen to all this claptrap is because there are too many americans. wink.png If this was a conversation about gunlaws in Belgium or Denmark it would be a very different story, and a lot less noisy.

Guns (gunpowder) was invented by the chinese so make sure USA would fail miserably. Looks like the plan is working well.....w00t.gif

When I was in the PRChina recently the clone CCP's always tried to make a big deal of there being so many guns in the United States. I always told the Chicoms that because there are 80 million members of the Chinese Communist Party, we Americans need all the guns we can get, which always shut 'em up.


Edited by Publicus
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The vast majority of posters here are the same who seem to always miss the the issue and simply babble. While the tittle and topic are ripe for humor and parody, the fact is, this is an issue of rights. It is like freedom of speech, a rule by an employer that prevents someone from saying the F word in certain places or situations is not about appropriateness or morality, it is about the constitutional right to free speech. The NRA is pushing the legislature on this is as just another battlefield over our constitutional right to bear arms. No European can understand this because they don't have the same aversion to gov't control, many of them still believe that one particular person who pops out of one women's vag I nah verses another is somehow superior to all the rest of us. America is messed up in many ways, but its still the freest country in the world due to our constitution that has only needed 27 amendments in 223 years...not like Thailand that has had 18 different constitutions in just 80yrs.

Americans have a very skewed concept of "rights". There is absolutely no way that carrying a lethal weapon - gun, knife, grenade, whatever - can be described as a "right" in anyone's eyes other than a republican american. Many countries have strict controls on guns and the people arguably feel more secure than the average paranoid republican american.

Let's get it clear - there is no problem if you want to own a hunting rifle in UK - but you will be interviewed by the police and your records checked extensively. You can own a handgun in UK, if you satisfy the authorities about your intent (usually target practice at a recognised range). In UK you are required to keep your firearm concealed when in a public place, but that is to reduce the possibilty of theft and to decrease the public alarm factor.

Re handguns...no you cannot own a handgun in the UK unless it is an antique or an air pistol. This has been the law since a sad nutjob decided to kill 16 children and a teacher at a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland in 1996 (the tennis player, Andy Murray, was a kid at the time in the next door classroom)

No loss to mankind when this piece of garbage removed himself and the only good news from this tragedy was that it enabled hand guns to be removed from the agenda.

Personally I have always regarded handguns as a complete waste of time in terms of genuine effectiveness unless you are intent on murdering small children at close range, but in coldly statistical terms the piece of garbage, aka the late Thomas Hamilton, fired 109 rounds and killed 17 innocent people and injured another 15, before removing himself from this planet. The only good news was that he was unable to access semi-automatic weapons as Michael Ryan had been able to do in 1987 to murder 16 people in Hungerford.

People whine about nanny state in the UK, but having lived in both the UK and USA, the ludicrous attitude to civilian ownership of weapons in the latter is a tragically, oft-repeated, disaster waiting to happen.

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The only reason we have to listen to all this claptrap is because there are too many americans. wink.png If this was a conversation about gunlaws in Belgium or Denmark it would be a very different story, and a lot less noisy.

Guns (gunpowder) was invented by the chinese so make sure USA would fail miserably. Looks like the plan is working well.....w00t.gif

When I was in the PRChina recently the clone CCP's always tried to make a big deal of there being so many guns in the United States. I always told the Chicoms that because there are 80 million members of the Chinese Communist Party, we Americans need all the guns we can get, which always shut 'em up.


Bet they were really impressed.....!

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