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Thai Name Changes , The Easy Way To Do!


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Just found!

I think only in Thailand, the name change is soo easy!

If someone not like there name, simple pay 25 bath, @ local city hall or what every and got a new name within minutes!

Today my name is nok!

Tomorrow apple, and after tomorrow cherry or what ever!

Is the time someone can change there name limited or not?

Here the full story!


Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I know the guy who changed his name 4 times But that's his official first name, the nickname that's he's called among family and friends will remain the same for the rest of his life.

Yes it's limited I believe to twice at most,many people here change their first names because they were normally named at the local Wat with ridiculously long and bizarre names.

On a contrary, each time, the name's changed, they're always longer and more bizarre and in most case the new names are from their local wats. ^^

Edited by patri
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After the name change you have to produce the 'name change certificate' every time you do something official.

My Mrs. has had two changes, needs each certificate when she gets a bank account, etc.

(birth name to lucky 'monk' Christian name to my surname)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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