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The New Expats - Fact Or Fiction?


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For the record, it's "Iron Fairies". Iron Ferries- well, that wouldn't float my boat.

Fairies, Ferries whatever the place is called, its a very weird place and too uncomfortable to enjoy a drink.

But that article has truth in it there are many a new breed in BKK, its the gap year Uni students who went to Thailand at the turn of the century returning.

BKK certainly has turned very pretentious over the last 13 years ive been going, many a person with a half decent job would not so much as look at someone who worked in a similar role as their own manual working father!

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You got to be joking right? Comparing Stickman to some of the ignorant posters on here. That really is a laugh.

I am not going to judge Stickman on one article out of thousands and neither will I say i agree with everything he has done but he has put in a fair effort over the years and given many newbies valuable information on Thailand.

Maybe the reason is that he has a higher level of education than many posters here that is always guaranteed to alienate a lot of people.

I used to think Stickman was a god ...... spent all his time chasing hookers.

Then he got religion, found himself an educated hi-so ......... started doing the holier-than-thou act .... his was different, blah, blah.

Then his hi-so Mrs. screwed around, cheated, stole, and dumped him, same as all the hookers he now looks down on.

Seems he turned out exactly the same as many, 'my hi-so mrs. is different', posters on this forum.

Som nam naa .................

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Stickmans in the main eulogises about Thai women who sell their bodies and westerners who buy them,I recall the AIDS crisis in the late 80s in Thailand -few westerners were put off the bar scene by it,the 90s information age failed to dampen their enthusiasm.women throwing away their lives and men with a casual attitude to their own-not much has changed.At least the night owl had style and told us where to get those great McGintys pies.

Stickman-I don't give a hoot!

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You got to be joking right? Comparing Stickman to some of the ignorant posters on here. That really is a laugh.

I am not going to judge Stickman on one article out of thousands and neither will I say i agree with everything he has done but he has put in a fair effort over the years and given many newbies valuable information on Thailand.

Maybe the reason is that he has a higher level of education than many posters here that is always guaranteed to alienate a lot of people.

I used to think Stickman was a god ...... spent all his time chasing hookers.

Then he got religion, found himself an educated hi-so ......... started doing the holier-than-thou act .... his was different, blah, blah.

Then his hi-so Mrs. screwed around, cheated, stole, and dumped him, same as all the hookers he now looks down on.

Seems he turned out exactly the same as many, 'my hi-so mrs. is different', posters on this forum.

Som nam naa .................

Can't see why the pursuit of paid sexual gratification makes one worthy of deification but I'd be interested to know the story behind allegations his hi-so bird screwed around behind his back

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Is or was stickman ever relevant? i kinda thought he went stale many years ago ,trying to reinvent himself as Bernard trink type ,

I have always considered Stickman to be a reliable commentator.
Actually he is not. He will XXX out anything he believes might cause him trouble, legal or otherwise. If the truth suffers - so be it. He is quite judgemental and does not retain the common sense that anything can happen - even to guys that have been here forever and know the game well. Everyone written off wholesale as chumps. Ironically, he has been divorced. Im sure all his hanging out in bars did him no service. Read somewhere his blog brought him down. So, just a general skeezines as I do not ever recall in the few rants I read him talking about liasons in first person. Maybe he was smarter than that. Id like to think he was married and honored that - could be wrong.

He knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. That would seemingly include friendship.

Edited by bangkokburning
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