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Phuket Rallies For Expat Sailor Kevin Ashby


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Phuket rallies for expat sailor Kevin Ashby

Phuket Gazette

PHUKET: -- Hundreds of people turned out at the Ao Chalong Yacht Club (ACYC) on Friday night to contribute much-needed money for the life-saving surgery of beloved Phuket expat sailor Kevin Ashby.

Kevin, 42, was recently diagnosed with stage three colon cancer, but does not have the health insurance needed to cover the critical surgery.

“It was a great event. More than 200,000 baht has been raised already,” said friend Ali Goebel.

Prizes totaling about 60,000 baht were raffled off at the event, including a brand-new Honda Wave motorbike.

“The man who won it was a ‘friend of a friend’ in Australia, so in the true spirit of the event, he just put it in to be raffled again,” Ali said.

The fund raising continues with an all-day charter tour of Phang Nga Bay up for grabs.

“There are 35 tickets left – and only 40 tickets available in total,” Ali explained. “The trip includes a stop at the world-renowned snorkeling site Koh Khai.”

The ACYC will host a quiz night on Saturday December 22, starting at 7pm, to raise more funds. A raffle of donated items will also be running that night.

“A big ‘thank you’ goes out to the whole of Phuket as a community. The support has been tremendous, with people from all over the world making donations,” Ali told the Phuket Gazette.

“Some donations have been 2,000 or 3,000 baht – but every bit counts,” Ali added.

Kevin’s prognosis is positive, as long he receives the required treatment as soon as possible. The treatment, including surgery, is expected to cost up to 500,000 baht.

“Kevin has been consulting with specialists about post-surgery living and how this will affect his diet and other aspects of his life,” Ali explained.

Originally from South Africa, Kevin moved to Phuket about eight years ago and has sailed in many Phuket regattas. He has since become a familiar face at the Phuket Race Week and Phang Nga Bay and Phuket King’s Cup Regattas.

Any persons wanting to make a donation – cash or a prize to be raffled – are urged to email [email protected]

Source: http://www.phuketgaz...shby-19722.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2012-12-17

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Yes, it's good that he is being supported, but, over the last couple of years, this seems to be getting more and more common with expats that have accidents, or, who fall sick. I see a time when charity fatigue will set in amongst the expat community if this scenario gets repeated often enough.

Shouldn't everyone have health insurance, or, at least the means to drum up cash through either yourself or, family before you go cap in hand to the public?

Hope he gets better. Have lost a few friends to cancer over the last couple of years.

I agree totally, I know so many people living here without health insurance but not just for themselves but for their families as well. I have health insurance through my company but it still costs $2000 a year but is worldwide cover and I can use places like Bangkok/Rayong or Bumrungrad etc. People need to wake up, if you're from the UK at least have enough money for an air ticket back as you know the good old nhs won't turn you down.

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It's just human nature to think 'I'll be OK or 'I'll fly back home'. I had a friend with cancer who ran out of his own funds with hospital care, tried to fly back to the UK but the airline refused to take him, their doctor examined him and said no. He died a few weeks later. Quite sad. We all chipped in for his temple burning. Not a bean to his name.

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I wish him the best of luck with his operation and treatment.

This topic came up a while ago in a thread with a tourist asking for some advice. The tourist was advised to take out travel insurance. The topic then digressed into whether health/medical insurance is value for money or in fact needed at all.

Whilst I begrudge paying it, I view it as a necessity, and therefore, just another bill or tax to pay as part of daily living.

In that thread, it was surprising how many members were not insured, yet had no problems insuring their car etc.

Of course, once you are diagnosed with an illness, in general, you can't get insurance for it as it's a pre-existing condition, and motor vehicle accidents, assault, slip and falls etc could happen anytime without warning. Many can afford an air ticket home, but how many can afford a medical evacuation home?? This is usually an ambulance to the airport. The flight is in the first class section of the plane with a doctor escorting you. Then, you are met at the airport by an ambulance which takes you to a hospital. It's not cheap.

As we all age, and given the lifestyle many lead on Phuket, I would have thought health/medical insurance a priority.

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Lots of members saying 'Get Insurance". Fine for you younger folks but us older ones could never afford it - latest estimate I received was 18,000 bt (600 US) a month with an $8,000 US deductible. If any of you can come up with better plans, please let us seniors know about it. BTW, I am 84 and lucky to have a US Medicare supplement that will at least pay for 'Emergency Care'!

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The man's age is exactly half of yours.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that after more than twenty years of a working life, you can't raise 500,000 Bt (US$17,000) through savings, or family and have to resort to charity.

Seems personal responsibility is going out of style.

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The man's age is exactly half of yours.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that after more than twenty years of a working life, you can't raise 500,000 Bt (US$17,000) through savings, or family and have to resort to charity.

Seems personal responsibility is going out of style.

I must admit, the same thought entered my mind. In any case, 42 years of age and residing in Thailand long term, I would think health/medical insurance to be a must have, and at his age, would be reasonably cheap.

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Lots of members saying 'Get Insurance". Fine for you younger folks but us older ones could never afford it - latest estimate I received was 18,000 bt (600 US) a month with an $8,000 US deductible. If any of you can come up with better plans, please let us seniors know about it. BTW, I am 84 and lucky to have a US Medicare supplement that will at least pay for 'Emergency Care'!

And that came as a surprise to you? Suddenly you turned 84 and had no options anymore?

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Lots of members saying 'Get Insurance". Fine for you younger folks but us older ones could never afford it - latest estimate I received was 18,000 bt (600 US) a month with an $8,000 US deductible. If any of you can come up with better plans, please let us seniors know about it. BTW, I am 84 and lucky to have a US Medicare supplement that will at least pay for 'Emergency Care'!

And that came as a surprise to you? Suddenly you turned 84 and had no options anymore?

Always someone with a sarcastic comment but no help, which is why I have been a member for almost ten years and have few posts. As they say in the US "AlwaYS a smart-ass in the crowd").

I merely asked a question about health insurance which I have done previously over the years and researched it extensively as best I could.- hopefully someone has more info than I was able to get. No one suddenly turns 84 - I hope you are lucky enough to survive that long..

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Lots of members saying 'Get Insurance". Fine for you younger folks but us older ones could never afford it - latest estimate I received was 18,000 bt (600 US) a month with an $8,000 US deductible. If any of you can come up with better plans, please let us seniors know about it. BTW, I am 84 and lucky to have a US Medicare supplement that will at least pay for 'Emergency Care'!

And that came as a surprise to you? Suddenly you turned 84 and had no options anymore?

Always someone with a sarcastic comment but no help, which is why I have been a member for almost ten years and have few posts. As they say in the US "AlwaYS a smart-ass in the crowd").

I merely asked a question about health insurance which I have done previously over the years and researched it extensively as best I could.- hopefully someone has more info than I was able to get. No one suddenly turns 84 - I hope you are lucky enough to survive that long..

Yes, I also hope I am lucky enough to survive that long.

But my point is: already for a long, long time you knew this problem might happen, yet you did not get insurance, so you would have been covered now. And now it is too late to take action.

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Lots of members saying 'Get Insurance". Fine for you younger folks but us older ones could never afford it - latest estimate I received was 18,000 bt (600 US) a month with an $8,000 US deductible. If any of you can come up with better plans, please let us seniors know about it. BTW, I am 84 and lucky to have a US Medicare supplement that will at least pay for 'Emergency Care'!

And that came as a surprise to you? Suddenly you turned 84 and had no options anymore?

Always someone with a sarcastic comment but no help, which is why I have been a member for almost ten years and have few posts. As they say in the US "AlwaYS a smart-ass in the crowd").

I merely asked a question about health insurance which I have done previously over the years and researched it extensively as best I could.- hopefully someone has more info than I was able to get. No one suddenly turns 84 - I hope you are lucky enough to survive that long..

Yes, I also hope I am lucky enough to survive that long.

But my point is: already for a long, long time you knew this problem might happen, yet you did not get insurance, so you would have been covered now. And now it is too late to take action.

You did not read my comment thoroughly - I have been trying over the years - when I first decided to live here full time I was already past 65 but my US insurance at the time covered me worldwide, however they have changed. As I also said, I am presently covered for emergencies - and I do have enough for my ticket back to the US but still looking for other insurance. Still hoping for someone to have some suggestions which would help all of us, not only myself.

It's always very easy for people to say 'why didn't you do this or that or whatever' after the fact, especially when not knowing the full facts - seems like on this board, that's all that too many members want to do instead of being helpful

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