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Abhisit, Suthep Could Face 700 Charges Of Attempted Murder: Tarit


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It was reliably reported that Thai Amy snipers that shot the people in the Temple.

I am reliably reporting that you have either

(a) forgot what happened during that torrid time

(B) Have a mental health problem

© You weren't even here in Thailand at that time

Now. How reliable is that, compared to your recent post?

I'm gonna go with a + b ... but that is just my opinion and not backed up with any facts and therefore might not be very reliable.

Edited by Tatsujin
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Nice to see you back WB, care to address the earlier points I raised ???

I did. You even scored it.

It's interesting that you readily accept that the army shot everyone even though no individual soldier has been identified, but then deny that the red shirts burnt down Central World because no individual has been found guilty.

Where do i readily accept the army shot everyone ??

Please don't put words in my mouth or continue your innuendo.

Arrested, charged and put through due process is what should happen and that is what is now happening.

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So, Abhisit/Suthep to face 700++ charges of attempted murder. Seriously!

How about the wounded soldiers? Will the duo be charged for that as well? May I add another obvious murder case, the one with the chap who failed 'bomb making 101'. Clearly for all to see, that again is the fault of our illustrious duo.

BTW checking the ICC site I noticed at least one case referring to an incident in Korea in November 2010. A few other in early stage regarding 'incidents' in 2011. Strange that the ICC seems to ignore the submission of Robert A. c.s. regarding a possible crime against humanity and red-shirts

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Why is it that the yellow team (let's call them that for ease of reference) are allowed to get away with abusing other posters (the red team)?

"need your meds" "on another planet" "your (misspelt) a clown " "only in the minds of the ignorant" "anybody with a few braincells.."

I thought this was against forum rules.

Edited by Rich teacher
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It was reliably reported that Thai Amy snipers that shot the people in the Temple.

It was also reliably reported that the red shirts burnt down Central World (among a number of other buildings).

Any evidence my dear chap ???

Like arrests, convictions etc ??

I suspect there will will soon be charges, arrests and quite probably convictions regarding the military folks who shot the people in the temple.

From the man who had trouble acknowledging the Arisman tape.

I suspect: Loose translation: making it up as we go along.

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Why is it that the yellow team (let's call them that for ease of reference) are allowed to get away with abusing other posters (the red team)?

"need your meds" "on another planet" "your (misspelt) a clown " "only in the minds of the ignorant" "anybody with a few braincells.."

I thought this was against forum rules.

There isn't a yellow team, but there certainly is a 'Thaksin Should Be Locked Up Team'.

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I have not read all the verbal sh##t on this thread for about 5 pages

would any of you 3 Thaksin paid posters like to suggest how you would have restored law and order to bangkok given the the behavior of the protestors (and I use that word lightly) and the serious lack of police response

I leave this thread open to any solutions that may have resolved the situation in a peaceful manner

waiting.........and uderstanding that there were people in Bangkok that were trying to get on with their lives while the thugs (not all) preceeded to try and thwart law and order and the police stood by and did nothing......................go for it

The completely missing in action police force is a serious Achilles' Heal for the red apologists. They either don't like talking about it or resort to the usual deny and lie. The suggestion that the police force was/is in Thaksin's pocket makes them extremely uncomfortable and is not a part of the story of the day.

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Nice to see you back WB, care to address the earlier points I raised ???

I did. You even scored it.

It's interesting that you readily accept that the army shot everyone even though no individual soldier has been identified, but then deny that the red shirts burnt down Central World because no individual has been found guilty.

Where do i readily accept the army shot everyone ??

Please don't put words in my mouth or continue your innuendo.

Arrested, charged and put through due process is what should happen and that is what is now happening.

Since you can't even accept that Arisman urged the burning down of Bangkok mostly everything else looks wonky as well.

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I have not read all the verbal sh##t on this thread for about 5 pages

would any of you 3 Thaksin paid posters like to suggest how you would have restored law and order to bangkok given the the behavior of the protestors (and I use that word lightly) and the serious lack of police response

I leave this thread open to any solutions that may have resolved the situation in a peaceful manner

waiting.........and uderstanding that there were people in Bangkok that were trying to get on with their lives while the thugs (not all) preceeded to try and thwart law and order and the police stood by and did nothing......................go for it

Well instead of subjecting us to your verbal diarrhea go back and read post #67 where I explained both the cause of the problem and AV's appropriate response to the reds turning up in Bangkok.

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I have not read all the verbal sh##t on this thread for about 5 pages

would any of you 3 Thaksin paid posters like to suggest how you would have restored law and order to bangkok given the the behavior of the protestors (and I use that word lightly) and the serious lack of police response

I leave this thread open to any solutions that may have resolved the situation in a peaceful manner

waiting.........and uderstanding that there were people in Bangkok that were trying to get on with their lives while the thugs (not all) preceeded to try and thwart law and order and the police stood by and did nothing......................go for it

Well instead of subjecting us to your verbal diarrhea go back and read post #67 where I explained both the cause of the problem and AV's appropriate response to the reds turning up in Bangkok.

Pot ... Kettle ... Black

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I have not read all the verbal sh##t on this thread for about 5 pages

would any of you 3 Thaksin paid posters like to suggest how you would have restored law and order to bangkok given the the behavior of the protestors (and I use that word lightly) and the serious lack of police response

I leave this thread open to any solutions that may have resolved the situation in a peaceful manner

waiting.........and uderstanding that there were people in Bangkok that were trying to get on with their lives while the thugs (not all) preceeded to try and thwart law and order and the police stood by and did nothing......................go for it

The completely missing in action police force is a serious Achilles' Heal for the red apologists. They either don't like talking about it or resort to the usual deny and lie. The suggestion that the police force was/is in Thaksin's pocket makes them extremely uncomfortable and is not a part of the story of the day.

Not a problem Yoshiwawa. The police force rightly agreed with the red shirts and the majority of the country that TS was vilified and persecuted by the army, Dems and bent courts. It was touch and go whether the army would follow Dem orders also. They only scraped home after bringing in foreign soldiers (see tape of soldiers at lumpinipark speaking Cambodian) and embarking on a daily brainwashing program at the barracks where it was instilled in them that the reds were out to overthrow certain establishments. A majority of army conscripts are poor red supporters.

If the police did not support AV's illegitimate government it is no different than when Anupong refused Somchai 's orders to clear out the airport and told him he should stand down as PM.

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I have not read all the verbal sh##t on this thread for about 5 pages

would any of you 3 Thaksin paid posters like to suggest how you would have restored law and order to bangkok given the the behavior of the protestors (and I use that word lightly) and the serious lack of police response

I leave this thread open to any solutions that may have resolved the situation in a peaceful manner

waiting.........and uderstanding that there were people in Bangkok that were trying to get on with their lives while the thugs (not all) preceeded to try and thwart law and order and the police stood by and did nothing......................go for it

Well instead of subjecting us to your verbal diarrhea go back and read post #67 where I explained both the cause of the problem and AV's appropriate response to the reds turning up in Bangkok.

Pot ... Kettle ... Black

Another intellectual reply. Sigh

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I have not read all the verbal sh##t on this thread for about 5 pages

would any of you 3 Thaksin paid posters like to suggest how you would have restored law and order to bangkok given the the behavior of the protestors (and I use that word lightly) and the serious lack of police response

I leave this thread open to any solutions that may have resolved the situation in a peaceful manner

waiting.........and uderstanding that there were people in Bangkok that were trying to get on with their lives while the thugs (not all) preceeded to try and thwart law and order and the police stood by and did nothing......................go for it

Well instead of subjecting us to your verbal diarrhea go back and read post #67 where I explained both the cause of the problem and AV's appropriate response to the reds turning up in Bangkok.

Pot ... Kettle ... Black

Another intellectual reply. Sigh

And another intellectual put down by you by anyone who doesn't agree with the party line. Next.

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I have not read all the verbal sh##t on this thread for about 5 pages

would any of you 3 Thaksin paid posters like to suggest how you would have restored law and order to bangkok given the the behavior of the protestors (and I use that word lightly) and the serious lack of police response

I leave this thread open to any solutions that may have resolved the situation in a peaceful manner

waiting.........and uderstanding that there were people in Bangkok that were trying to get on with their lives while the thugs (not all) preceeded to try and thwart law and order and the police stood by and did nothing......................go for it

Well instead of subjecting us to your verbal diarrhea go back and read post #67 where I explained both the cause of the problem and AV's appropriate response to the reds turning up in Bangkok.

I read your post #67 and it doesn't explain at all. The protests only began after half of Thaksin assets had been seized, Apisit had been in power since December 2008, 17 months previously.

Thaksin used the red shirts, violence and riots to try to force an election.

It was good to see the Appeal court uphold the jail sentence of two and a half years on Kwanchai, the so called lover of Udon.

Only the Supreme Court now, he should be in jail before Christmas next year

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I can't speak for anyone else here, but as I've said many times I'm not on any "team". I'm neither a supporter of the reds or the yellows and I think that both/all are as bad as each other.

I do dislike it when people talk crap however whilst either ignoring or misunderstanding the blatantly obvious.

By any stretch of the imagination, it was not a peaceful protest. It caused untold problems and chaos and damage and went on far too long. Thaksin initiated this, Arisman promoted it including inciting his followers to riot and burn. Which they did.

The criticism I have of Abhisit is that he let it go too far for too long. In any other western country, things would have been stopped far quicker before they escalated and got entrenched.

For those that don't remember or choose to ignore, the rioters burned buildings, burned cars, threatened people, prevented businesses and a huge section of central Bangkok to operate normally, they stormed buildings, the list goes on.

Apologies for any mis-spellings, the keyboard is rather small, it auto-corrects badly sometimes and I have big fingers.

Where is your evidence that 'Thaksin initiated this'? The Dems tried hard but could pin nothing on him. Most of the violence you report remains unsolved, including the identity of the black-shirts, and could certainly be the work of the authorities looking for an excuse to end the protests. The great majority of the reds were peaceful and justified to be protesting against what was for all purposes a military-installed administration thanks to the explicit influence of the Army chief.

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I can't speak for anyone else here, but as I've said many times I'm not on any "team". I'm neither a supporter of the reds or the yellows and I think that both/all are as bad as each other.

I do dislike it when people talk crap however whilst either ignoring or misunderstanding the blatantly obvious.

By any stretch of the imagination, it was not a peaceful protest. It caused untold problems and chaos and damage and went on far too long. Thaksin initiated this, Arisman promoted it including inciting his followers to riot and burn. Which they did.

The criticism I have of Abhisit is that he let it go too far for too long. In any other western country, things would have been stopped far quicker before they escalated and got entrenched.

For those that don't remember or choose to ignore, the rioters burned buildings, burned cars, threatened people, prevented businesses and a huge section of central Bangkok to operate normally, they stormed buildings, the list goes on.

Apologies for any mis-spellings, the keyboard is rather small, it auto-corrects badly sometimes and I have big fingers.

Where is your evidence that 'Thaksin initiated this'? The Dems tried hard but could pin nothing on him. Most of the violence you report remains unsolved, including the identity of the black-shirts, and could certainly be the work of the authorities looking for an excuse to end the protests. The great majority of the reds were peaceful and justified to be protesting against what was for all purposes a military-installed administration thanks to the explicit influence of the Army chief.

I don't disagree that the large majority of the reds were peaceful, but it's the minority that caused all the problems and made the overall impression of the "occupation" to be non-peaceful.

As for your evidence that Thaksin initiated this, well I would have thought the statements he made that were reported, the fact that all his top cronies that lead the protests visited with him before and during the protests, and his constant phone-ins whilst it was going on would answer that question.

Or because it never went to Court, that means it didn't happen?

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I can't speak for anyone else here, but as I've said many times I'm not on any "team". I'm neither a supporter of the reds or the yellows and I think that both/all are as bad as each other.

I do dislike it when people talk crap however whilst either ignoring or misunderstanding the blatantly obvious.

By any stretch of the imagination, it was not a peaceful protest. It caused untold problems and chaos and damage and went on far too long. Thaksin initiated this, Arisman promoted it including inciting his followers to riot and burn. Which they did.

The criticism I have of Abhisit is that he let it go too far for too long. In any other western country, things would have been stopped far quicker before they escalated and got entrenched.

For those that don't remember or choose to ignore, the rioters burned buildings, burned cars, threatened people, prevented businesses and a huge section of central Bangkok to operate normally, they stormed buildings, the list goes on.

Apologies for any mis-spellings, the keyboard is rather small, it auto-corrects badly sometimes and I have big fingers.

Where is your evidence that 'Thaksin initiated this'? The Dems tried hard but could pin nothing on him. Most of the violence you report remains unsolved, including the identity of the black-shirts, and could certainly be the work of the authorities looking for an excuse to end the protests. The great majority of the reds were peaceful and justified to be protesting against what was for all purposes a military-installed administration thanks to the explicit influence of the Army chief.

So while soldiers in green are being attacked (I refer you to the video where soldiers who refused to drive over or shoot protesters were dragged from their truck and badly beaten, one shot), you suggest that others put on black and suddenly get a free pass to wander through the red ranks? Is that likely or rational?

Is it not more likely that the protesters had been told they had "protectors" dressed in black and not to hinder them?

In Thailand it is legal for lobbyists to attempt to sway an MPs stance (short of outright bribery), it is legal for Thaksin to literally buy minor parties after elections - but if the military influence an MPs decision it is "for all purposes a military-installed administration thanks to the explicit influence of the Army chief." Wake up.

The military should play no part in politics full stop. You defending it is wrong. Wake up.

And for what is 'likely' or not regarding the unsolved elements during the protests, it it pure speculation.

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I can't speak for anyone else here, but as I've said many times I'm not on any "team". I'm neither a supporter of the reds or the yellows and I think that both/all are as bad as each other.

I do dislike it when people talk crap however whilst either ignoring or misunderstanding the blatantly obvious.

By any stretch of the imagination, it was not a peaceful protest. It caused untold problems and chaos and damage and went on far too long. Thaksin initiated this, Arisman promoted it including inciting his followers to riot and burn. Which they did.

The criticism I have of Abhisit is that he let it go too far for too long. In any other western country, things would have been stopped far quicker before they escalated and got entrenched.

For those that don't remember or choose to ignore, the rioters burned buildings, burned cars, threatened people, prevented businesses and a huge section of central Bangkok to operate normally, they stormed buildings, the list goes on.

Where is your evidence that 'Thaksin initiated this'? The Dems tried hard but could pin nothing on him. Most of the violence you report remains unsolved, including the identity of the black-shirts, and could certainly be the work of the authorities looking for an excuse to end the protests. The great majority of the reds were peaceful and justified to be protesting against what was for all purposes a military-installed administration thanks to the explicit influence of the Army chief.

There is a lot of evidence that Thaksin paid for and incited the rioters. Here are just two: Money openly handed out to p.u. drivers and protesters in the provinces - to pay them to attend the rallies. Many large money transfers from Thaksin's overseas accounts to Red coordinators in Thailand. Granted, many protesters appeared peaceful, though they chanted encouragement to trouble-makers. Sae Daeng (the head of MIB was killed, we don't know by whom) which is sad because he can't be hauled before a tribunal to tell his story. Even though several MIB were ID'd by photos, none will venture to tell the truth, which is keeping with their paymaster, Thaksin, who couldn't tell the truth if he tried.

As for Reds being peaceful - how peaceful is it to launch a grenade to a BTS platform and kill an innocent woman? How peaceful is it to torch large department stores, or raid hospitals?

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