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If You Think Thai Judicial Syatem Is Arbitrary...

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*Maybe a Mod can move to International News*

Former US Marine Jon Hammer was enroute to Costa Rica when he was arrested at the US- Mexican border for trying to register an antique shot gun. Mr. Hammer stopped at the US Customs and cleared his shotgun with authorities and was trying to register it with Mexican authorities; however, he was arrested because the gun was one inch too short per their regulations.

This guy has been incarcerated in a Mexican prsion since August, 2012 and was even chained to his prison bed for several days.

Full story here: http://www.salem-news.com/articles/december132012/marine-mexico-prison.php


I can believe the story. The Mexican authorities are extremely tough about gun law enforcement (not that it helps reduce their gun crime rate). There are so many stories of U.S. Police (San Diego Police) making a wrong turn into Mexico and being arrested for bringing in a gun. Or the occasional visitor to Mexico forgetting a dropped bullet inside the car and being arrested.


How is that arbitrary ? His gun was illegal and he was arrested doesn't seem arbitrary to me.

His intent was to use the gun to hunt ducks and he made full disclosure to the Mexican authorities. Couldn't the Mexcian border agents simply deny him entry?


I can believe the story. The Mexican authorities are extremely tough about gun law enforcement (not that it helps reduce their gun crime rate). There are so many stories of U.S. Police (San Diego Police) making a wrong turn into Mexico and being arrested for bringing in a gun. Or the occasional visitor to Mexico forgetting a dropped bullet inside the car and being arrested.

Yeah, the US and Mexico have a lot of history- and not all of it good :) I certainly understand that Mexico has weapons/gand/drug violence problems but this is a bit over the top.

But this incident does not exactly enhance Mexicos image, no? :)

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How is that arbitrary ? His gun was illegal and he was arrested doesn't seem arbitrary to me.

His intent was to use the gun to hunt ducks and he made full disclosure to the Mexican authorities. Couldn't the Mexcian border agents simply deny him entry?

They could simply deny entry to drug trafficers as well whats your point ? Arbitrary would be deciding to only arrest a few people here and there, the policy of the mexican border agents as already pointed out is the opposite of arbitrary they arrest everyone who has illegal firearms.

I can believe the story. The Mexican authorities are extremely tough about gun law enforcement (not that it helps reduce their gun crime rate). There are so many stories of U.S. Police (San Diego Police) making a wrong turn into Mexico and being arrested for bringing in a gun. Or the occasional visitor to Mexico forgetting a dropped bullet inside the car and being arrested.

Yeah, the US and Mexico have a lot of history- and not all of it good smile.png I certainly understand that Mexico has weapons/gand/drug violence problems but this is a bit over the top.

But this incident does not exactly enhance Mexicos image, no? smile.png

Actually this incident is pretty typical of anyone bringing any illegal firearm into mexico ..... their whole policy is over the top not this particular incident. They are trying to keep out illegal guns not enhance their image.

OP: Methinks you need to get a dictionary and look up "arbitrary"...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Thats my story and I'm stickin to it :) Just refusing the guy entry would have saved the Mexican tax payers some money...


How is that arbitrary ? His gun was illegal and he was arrested doesn't seem arbitrary to me.

His intent was to use the gun to hunt ducks and he made full disclosure to the Mexican authorities. Couldn't the Mexcian border agents simply deny him entry?

They could simply deny entry to drug trafficers as well whats your point ? Arbitrary would be deciding to only arrest a few people here and there, the policy of the mexican border agents as already pointed out is the opposite of arbitrary they arrest everyone who has illegal firearms.

Ummm, how many drug dealers/smugglers stop and disclose their intent to smuggle drugs?


Don't get me wrong I feel kind of bad for the dude but he should have known better than to bring an illegal wepon to mexico. They have 0 tolerance and pretty much everyone knows that.



Just the newbies ! LOL

My second thought is about as many people as go duck hunting in mexico with antique shotguns ! LOL

You may laugh, but try Googling "Duck Hunting in Mexico." It's a big tourist draw and lucrative for our neighbors to the south.

The gun in question was a 100 year old 410 shot gun. barrel length 24 inches. Mexican regulations specify 25 inches, so yes, he was technically in violation but his intent was to comply with Mexican laws and could have been refused entry. Again, he disclosed that he was in posession of a gun to bioth the US and Mexican border agents.

All governemnts have limited resources and chaining this guy to a prison bed (he was moved to a solitary cell because of death threats from other inmates) is not the best use of the Mexican governments attempts to combat illegal weapons.

I wish the poor guy luck :)

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