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Yingluck: We Will Seek Consensus On Constitution


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If the dynamic behind changes to the constitution were specifically that of democratisation then everybody would be happy, but they are not. The waffle about democracy is purely a mirage of mealy-mouthed cover designed to provide cover for wiping out Thaksin's convictions and restoring his monies. The desperate wrapping of arguments in the democracy flag are thoroughly threadbare and the Thaksin apologists know it. However many cabinet reshuffles and insertion of family members into positions of power take place the attempts to restore Thaksin to a position of legitimacy repeatedly break down as they are exposed for what they are. Even crude intimidation has been tried with putting an armlock on Abhisit to support the failed initiatives and have it all waved through. Every time the question is asked as to the detail of the specific amendments the Thaksin crew go red-faced and retreat accordingly. The reds on the other hand aren't bothered by constitutional niceties and just think something can be rammed through, but all of this exposes the fact that Thaksin doesn't yet have untrammeled state power. So Yingluck plays nice about 'consensus'. As if we have seen any of that recently.

Have you read any of this thread and the way constitutional change is carried out?

"is carried out" ? Surely that is a slip of the pen, you probably meant "should be", "might be" or even "will be" ermm.gif

The OP starts with "... efforts will be made in the coming year to engage the public to reach a consensus ahead of the actual rewriting.". PM yingluck is also quoted saying ""At this juncture, the government-appointed working group is conducting a review before recommending a best option on how to amend the charter," she said." She also mentions a few options. Very explicitly decisive in her statementswink.png

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