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Bangkok Pattaya Hospital


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I'd be surprised if there's not a previous thread on this, and if so please direct me to it. Thanks.

I've heard so many conflicting opions/ reports on Bangkok Pattaya Hospital that I have to say I'm pretty confused. On an ongoing basis, I need two specialists to keep me alive, and a third to stop me going blind. I previously went to Bumrungrad, BHN and lately Samitivet Hospitals in Bangkok, all of which were pretty much OK and not overly expensive.

I have been told that Bkk Pattaya is very expensive, and most of the specialists are not good. Others swear by the place. One guy told me that if he hadn't gone to Bkk to get a second opinion on a prostate cancer problem he would be dead by now. I have also been told that Bkk hospitals will not accept blood tests etc taken in Pattaya. (that may be down to competition/money etc).

Well, in spite of all the negative advice, I thought I see for myself so I went there this morning for a preliminary check up to get the ball rolling. I found the service quite eficient, and very much along the lines I recieved in Bkk. The prices were also similar to Bkk. I have yet to see any specialists.

So while I am awaiting the next appopintments, I would appreciate any comments from those who have had experiences at this hospital. Thanks. :o

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I have suffered from back ache for years.

I went to BP hospital about a year ago and they said they wanted to take my right hip apart and grind the ball joint as it wasn't quite round.

The cost was 110,000 baht.

My insurance said they wouldn't pay it and to get a second opinion.I went to a chiropractor and had massage and accupuncture and after about 8 sessions it was cured.

Just before Christmas my gf had "wimmins problems" and the BP said they wanted to slice her open to cure her.

The cost was 80,000baht and once again the insurance refused to pay and told us to go to Sattahip Naval Hospital for a second opinion.

We went there last week , it turns out the operation the BP wanted to do was pointless .

After 2 consultations and nearly 400 baht in fees I am happy to say the gf is on the mend.

I will not be using the Bangkok Pattaya hospital again :o

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My wife also had some 'wimmin's problems'.

I told her to go to BKK-Pattaya Hospital, which she did for a check-up.

The necessary operation would cost at least 150k baht, so she went to Korat, where the same operation cost half of that. But she still has some minor problems, so who knows which is better?

I'll be taking the family to UK for a year or so when I finish my current posting, so we shall see what Addenbrookes says.

I need cataract surgery - it will be done in Singapore. No Thai surgeon is going anywhere near my eyes.

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Fact, I went last Friday for a consultation nto the BPH's dental clinic, after they've offered me to take it out (a good doctor would never suggest you this treatment unless it's really necessary and find no other alternative), which I have refused and told them I would rather step to toot canal treatment, I have been scheduled for the 25th, even though I told them the pain is untolerable, I've been charged 900 BHT for 2 minutes with the doctor and some paracetamol. I am not sure about what they really are, anyway, my guess is that we are just paying for the aspect of the hospital instead of their doctors, looks fishy to me.

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My Wife had our boy there and I must say I found them very good.I've had surgery in Thailand and will always go to Soi 4 which I think is by far the best, however my wife had a choice and she opted for BPH and says they treated her well and she's more than happy with them.Money doesn't come into it, You can't put a price on your health.

:o EPG

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It's not about money, I totally agree with you, health s much more important than money, but the ideea is that you just need the right doctor and the right treatment...for me, I think they've already planned it: "Why should we do root canl treatment, when we can pull it out and after that recommend and implant and charge him more?" This is the ideea that makes me crazy, I am still young and if I would start replacing my teeth now, what I am going to do when I'll rech 50 or 60???

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I have had only one experience with Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and I can say without hesitation that I found them to be first class and infact better than my experiences in hospitals in the UK.

A few years ago I had recently returned to Pattaya from the Philippinnes and although not feeling well on the journey I carried on to Pattaya to my hotel.

During the night I became so ill that I kept passing out and constantly spewing up fluid. I managed to ring reception and utter enough words for them to understand that I had a major illness.

They contacted Dr Bellen who arrived with an ambulance within minutes....I can vaguely remember her and her assistant finding my insurance papers within my travel pack and then we were off to BPH.

When I arrived I was in a very sorry state indeed spewing up what seemed like gallons of this fluid and passing in and out of conciousness. They took blood samples as I lay in an emergency reception room. Within about 15 minutes they came back and already had the results from the blood test....I had contracted a serious form of typhoid in the Philippines, probably from the water in the hotel where I had stayed over there.

So within say 20 minutes of arriving at the hospital they had diagnosed the problem and were treating me with the correct drugs....I was in the hospital for 7 days until I had fully recovered. I found the nursing staff to be absolutely superb and my treatment was impeccable.

To answer your question Mobi........they saved my life.

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I had a friend admitted to BPH, they gave him O chance of survival - he survived - no thanks to them (it's a long story)

Two years later he was still having treatment, from the bed sores etc that he got when in there, as they left him to die, and never bothered taking care of him :D

I had a minor surgery in BPH - great, excellent throughout :D

If your in the emergency room, look around the top "shelf" they have about 20 species of pickled snakes, you just know why they are there :o

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I was advised by a very respected and educated Thai who ran our company in Thailand, that Bangkok is the beginning and ending of Thailand as far as professional credibility is concerned. Basically what he was saying is that the best of the best will ONLY want to work in Bangkok. He was of the view that you will find the very best of everybody in Bangkok, in the provinces are the second tier of professionals and he spoke as someone from the North originally. My experiences have confirmed this for the most part. Anything important, go and see the best in Bangkok - the costs are comparable but the quality is much higher.

Specifically about BPH, you will find that they do have some good doctors and specialists who all troop down from BKK for one or two days a week. If your lucky you get to see them, if your not lucky, well good luck. For my money, if I was in Pattaya and sick, the first thing I would be doing is arranging an ambulance back up to BKK if at all possible. Having said that if I was in say a car crash at 2am I would elect to go to BKK Pattaya hospital - of all the Pattaya hospitals they have the most doctors on site 24 hrs a day - just hope they can handle your emergency. Forget Pattaya memorial - no where near enough expertise on site and Pattaya International is similar, but in between the two - what worries me is the emergency doctors at all these places that work the night shift - they dont give me any confidence that they can handle real ER situations effectively and for the most part single handedly. Things may improve for BKK Pattaya once they have that massive extension finished and they get better economy of scale and can justify having a larger ER doctor staff but I dont have much faith in any of them, particularly when a lot of their specialists are living in Bangkok, 90 minutes drive away. Thats what re-assures me about places like Bumrungrad, 600 doctors on staff and a very well staffed ER room, 24 hours a day with specialists on call and permanent 24 hr laboratory, theatre and radiology sections.

Incidentally an often overlooked fact is that in many hospitals they cannot operate a lot of equipment such as CT or MRI scans as they do not maintain 24 hr coverage for the radiologists that work the machines and interpret the results. So if u get taken to Bkk Pattaya at 2am odds are they cannot give you a scan as no staff to operate the machines they do already have.

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In Thailand we have some technically advanced hospitals.The problem is the doctors quality.

I just can recommend 2 of them in BPH.Dr Anna dermatologist and Dr Jimmy,urologist.

All the other doctors I saw there in more than 3 years were on or below average.

But as stated in a previous reply,it is the only reasonable option if you have an accident in Pattaya.For minor diagnostic/treatment I continue to go there but if something major happens,I will go to BKK after having asked where the best doctor practice for my illness to expat friends living there long time

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In my experience they are good at determining a cure once they know what the problem is, but diagnosis is not their force. I don't know if that's a specific problem of BP, I think it's probably general for Thailand.

They just need time and your money to determine it, only after that we can talk about professionalism... :o

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Fact, I went last Friday for a consultation nto the BPH's dental clinic, after they've offered me to take it out (a good doctor would never suggest you this treatment unless it's really necessary and find no other alternative), which I have refused and told them I would rather step to toot canal treatment, I have been scheduled for the 25th, even though I told them the pain is untolerable, I've been charged 900 BHT for 2 minutes with the doctor and some paracetamol. I am not sure about what they really are, anyway, my guess is that we are just paying for the aspect of the hospital instead of their doctors, looks fishy to me.

I find your experience strange.

I am a very bad dental patient, I gag very easily, and I was depairing of finding

a dentist who would crown a tooth for me. At BPH they said they could do it, under

IV sedation. They knock me out for 30-60 minutes while the work is done, then

I wake up in the chair and can go home.

No regular Thai dentist would consider the work, but the boss is American trained

so BPH dental clinic will go that extra step.

Edited by astral
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BPH very very expensive, and they want make to much money, I have one friend he go hospital for probleme in stomac they make, XR, egographie, and say him we must make chirugie quickly you have blood in side your body but the cost is 600.000 baths, he dont agree, and he go to Srikit hospital Sattahip for another diagnostic after to see the XR the docteur sais ou have no blood in side you, but you go to Bangkok to make RIM for sure and the result his negatif, and after one half year he ok no probleme.

In january 06 I make vaccine to my baby girl a paye 350 for the doctor, this month for recall I paye 300 why not same ??

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Perhaps one year ago, I took my 12 year old daughter to BPH as she was running fever and I needed an expert opinion.

I checked in and was directed to Pediatrics. Upon arriving in Pediatrics, I noticed perhaps 50 children waiting for a doctor. When I inquired as to the length of waiting time, I was told..."Only 1 doctor now. Maybe long time."

We left, went to my friendly little doctor on Central Road and all was taken care of in 10 minutes.

I probably won't go back to BPH, but I have heard some good reports about the Royal Thai Navy hospital in Sattahip.

Edited by chuckd
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I had a friend admitted to BPH, they gave him O chance of survival - he survived - no thanks to them (it's a long story)

Two years later he was still having treatment, from the bed sores etc that he got when in there, as they left him to die, and never bothered taking care of him :D

I had a minor surgery in BPH - great, excellent throughout :D

If your in the emergency room, look around the top "shelf" they have about 20 species of pickled snakes, you just know why they are there :o

The reason they have the pickled snakes is to help snake bite victims identify the snake that bit them so they can then use the correct antivenom.

My own opinion is that as an institution it is incredibly money grabbing. They will always look to give you to most expensive cure and will try to admit you or your children for the most minor complaint, even when you have little more than a bad cold. It is as expensive as hospitals in Hong Kong, yet their overheads are a fraction of what they are in HK. Nevertheless, in Pattaya, I think it is the best of a bad bunch in relation to quality of treatment, which, when it comes to your health or that of your family, is the only important benchmark.

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I'd be surprised if there's not a previous thread on this, and if so please direct me to it. Thanks.

I've heard so many conflicting opions/ reports on Bangkok Pattaya Hospital that I have to say I'm pretty confused. On an ongoing basis, I need two specialists to keep me alive, and a third to stop me going blind. I previously went to Bumrungrad, BHN and lately Samitivet Hospitals in Bangkok, all of which were pretty much OK and not overly expensive.

I have been told that Bkk Pattaya is very expensive, and most of the specialists are not good. Others swear by the place. One guy told me that if he hadn't gone to Bkk to get a second opinion on a prostate cancer problem he would be dead by now. I have also been told that Bkk hospitals will not accept blood tests etc taken in Pattaya. (that may be down to competition/money etc).

Well, in spite of all the negative advice, I thought I see for myself so I went there this morning for a preliminary check up to get the ball rolling. I found the service quite eficient, and very much along the lines I recieved in Bkk. The prices were also similar to Bkk. I have yet to see any specialists.

So while I am awaiting the next appopintments, I would appreciate any comments from those who have had experiences at this hospital. Thanks. :)

Shortly after arriving in Pattaya (about 5 years ago) I had gallbladder surgery at Pattaya International. I have worked within the medical field in the U.S. for 20 years. 1) the technique the surgeon used was about 20 years old, 2) half the nursing staff failed to follow proper procedures to avoid cross-contamination infection during bandage changes, 3) the surgeon botched the surgery and made an attempt to "correct" his error; the correctional surgery failed, 4) the total cost jumped from 50,000 B to 110,000 B! And I still had problems...

I then went to Bangkok-Pattaya. The surgeon made a prompt diagnosis correctly; I was certain of this based on my own medical knowledge (the surgeon at Pattaya International told me I didn't know what I was talking about!) The estimated cost was 50,000 baht. I spent three days in the hospital following the surgery. The total cost was 30,000 baht! The staff of BKK-PTY performed almost perfectly in all areas.

Several times over the past 5 years my wife has needed medical attention and gone there. Always receiving proper treatment and the cost has always been most reasonable.

In the future, I will return to BKK-PTY.

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I'd be surprised if there's not a previous thread on this, and if so please direct me to it. Thanks.

I've heard so many conflicting opions/ reports on Bangkok Pattaya Hospital that I have to say I'm pretty confused. On an ongoing basis, I need two specialists to keep me alive, and a third to stop me going blind. I previously went to Bumrungrad, BHN and lately Samitivet Hospitals in Bangkok, all of which were pretty much OK and not overly expensive.

I have been told that Bkk Pattaya is very expensive, and most of the specialists are not good. Others swear by the place. One guy told me that if he hadn't gone to Bkk to get a second opinion on a prostate cancer problem he would be dead by now. I have also been told that Bkk hospitals will not accept blood tests etc taken in Pattaya. (that may be down to competition/money etc).

Well, in spite of all the negative advice, I thought I see for myself so I went there this morning for a preliminary check up to get the ball rolling. I found the service quite eficient, and very much along the lines I recieved in Bkk. The prices were also similar to Bkk. I have yet to see any specialists.

So while I am awaiting the next appopintments, I would appreciate any comments from those who have had experiences at this hospital. Thanks. :o

Shortly after arriving in Pattaya (about 5 years ago) I had gallbladder surgery at Pattaya International. I have worked within the medical field in the U.S. for 20 years. 1) the technique the surgeon used was about 20 years old, 2) half the nursing staff failed to follow proper procedures to avoid cross-contamination infection during bandage changes, 3) the surgeon botched the surgery and made an attempt to "correct" his error; the correctional surgery failed, 4) the total cost jumped from 50,000 B to 110,000 B! And I still had problems...

I then went to Bangkok-Pattaya. The surgeon made a prompt diagnosis correctly; I was certain of this based on my own medical knowledge (the surgeon at Pattaya International told me I didn't know what I was talking about!) The estimated cost was 50,000 baht. I spent three days in the hospital following the surgery. The total cost was 30,000 baht! The staff of BKK-PTY performed almost perfectly in all areas.

Several times over the past 5 years my wife has needed medical attention and gone there. Always receiving proper treatment and the cost has always been most reasonable.

In the future, I will return to BKK-PTY.

I agree 100%.

For those who complain about the pricing,

They have a four tier pricing structure. The Tourist being the highest, and the Thai that is registered in Chonburi being charged the lowest. for the long stays or for people that live here, have Rayna from the International Dept. have the receptionist enter your Visa information in the computer, and for your Thai wife if she is registered in chonburi have her info entered. this will ensure the lowest pricing possible.

I find BPH the best hospital in Pattaya.


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They have a four tier pricing structure. The Tourist being the highest, and the Thai that is registered in Chonburi being charged the lowest. for the long stays or for people that live here, have Rayna from the International Dept. have the receptionist enter your Visa information in the computer, and for your Thai wife if she is registered in chonburi have her info entered. this will ensure the lowest pricing possible.

I find BPH the best hospital in Pattaya.


Interesting info, Barry.

Would you happen to know what the differential pricing levels are in terms of percentages?

Thanks :o

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It's not about money, I totally agree with you, health s much more important than money, but the ideea is that you just need the right doctor and the right treatment...for me, I think they've already planned it: "Why should we do root canl treatment, when we can pull it out and after that recommend and implant and charge him more?" This is the ideea that makes me crazy, I am still young and if I would start replacing my teeth now, what I am going to do when I'll rech 50 or 60???

IT IS about money with the Bangkok Pattaya. :o

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It's not about money, I totally agree with you, health s much more important than money, but the ideea is that you just need the right doctor and the right treatment...for me, I think they've already planned it: "Why should we do root canl treatment, when we can pull it out and after that recommend and implant and charge him more?" This is the ideea that makes me crazy, I am still young and if I would start replacing my teeth now, what I am going to do when I'll rech 50 or 60???

IT IS about money with the Bangkok Pattaya. :D

Whilst the BKK-P is currently my hospital of choice in Pattaya, I have to agree with Simbo.

They are a business first, a hospital second... :o

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They have a four tier pricing structure. The Tourist being the highest, and the Thai that is registered in Chonburi being charged the lowest. for the long stays or for people that live here, have Rayna from the International Dept. have the receptionist enter your Visa information in the computer, and for your Thai wife if she is registered in chonburi have her info entered. this will ensure the lowest pricing possible.

I find BPH the best hospital in Pattaya.


Interesting info, Barry.

Would you happen to know what the differential pricing levels are in terms of percentages?

Thanks :o

I don't know the pricing breaks, but before I was charged about 1200 to 1500 baht to see a specailist. Now I am charged under a thousand baht with medication. My wife and son used to get charged about 1200 baht. Now that she is registered in Chonburi they are cheged about 800 baht with and injection and medication. With a tourist visa you are charged three and four times this amount.


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They have a four tier pricing structure. The Tourist being the highest, and the Thai that is registered in Chonburi being charged the lowest. for the long stays or for people that live here, have Rayna from the International Dept. have the receptionist enter your Visa information in the computer, and for your Thai wife if she is registered in chonburi have her info entered. this will ensure the lowest pricing possible.

I find BPH the best hospital in Pattaya.


Interesting info, Barry.

Would you happen to know what the differential pricing levels are in terms of percentages?

Thanks :o

I don't know the pricing breaks, but before I was charged about 1200 to 1500 baht to see a specailist. Now I am charged under a thousand baht with medication. My wife and son used to get charged about 1200 baht. Now that she is registered in Chonburi they are cheged about 800 baht with and injection and medication. With a tourist visa you are charged three and four times this amount.


Thanks Barry.

What I find interesting is that they have never asked me about my visa status.

Perhaps it is one of those 'if you don't ask, you don't get' situations where you are automatically charged the maximum?

Shoddy business practice if that is the case.

I have a follow up appointment next week, so I will make further enquiries then.

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They have a four tier pricing structure. The Tourist being the highest, and the Thai that is registered in Chonburi being charged the lowest. for the long stays or for people that live here, have Rayna from the International Dept. have the receptionist enter your Visa information in the computer, and for your Thai wife if she is registered in chonburi have her info entered. this will ensure the lowest pricing possible.

I find BPH the best hospital in Pattaya.


Interesting info, Barry.

Would you happen to know what the differential pricing levels are in terms of percentages?

Thanks :o

I don't know the pricing breaks, but before I was charged about 1200 to 1500 baht to see a specailist. Now I am charged under a thousand baht with medication. My wife and son used to get charged about 1200 baht. Now that she is registered in Chonburi they are cheged about 800 baht with and injection and medication. With a tourist visa you are charged three and four times this amount.


Thanks Barry.

What I find interesting is that they have never asked me about my visa status.

Perhaps it is one of those 'if you don't ask, you don't get' situations where you are automatically charged the maximum?

Shoddy business practice if that is the case.

I have a follow up appointment next week, so I will make further enquiries then.

Hey Noel,

When you registered didn't they ask for your passport?


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They have a four tier pricing structure. The Tourist being the highest, and the Thai that is registered in Chonburi being charged the lowest. for the long stays or for people that live here, have Rayna from the International Dept. have the receptionist enter your Visa information in the computer, and for your Thai wife if she is registered in chonburi have her info entered. this will ensure the lowest pricing possible.

I find BPH the best hospital in Pattaya.


Interesting info, Barry.

Would you happen to know what the differential pricing levels are in terms of percentages?

Thanks :D

I don't know the pricing breaks, but before I was charged about 1200 to 1500 baht to see a specailist. Now I am charged under a thousand baht with medication. My wife and son used to get charged about 1200 baht. Now that she is registered in Chonburi they are cheged about 800 baht with and injection and medication. With a tourist visa you are charged three and four times this amount.


Thanks Barry.

What I find interesting is that they have never asked me about my visa status.

Perhaps it is one of those 'if you don't ask, you don't get' situations where you are automatically charged the maximum?

Shoddy business practice if that is the case.

I have a follow up appointment next week, so I will make further enquiries then.

Hey Noel,

When you registered didn't they ask for your passport?


No. I was issued with a card showing my Hospital Number etc over ten years ago.

I can recall the registration process and no request to see my passport was made. All they wanted was the usual Name, D.O.B., address etc.

I know I am on their database as they call up my details every time I go. As a matter of fact, they always make a point of confirming that the information is correct, yet make no mention of current visa status.

The plot thickens... :o

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Firtsly may I thank all the contibutors to this thread. Your input has been interesting and extremely informative.

I doubt that there's a hospital anywhere in the world that wouldn't have good and bad comments, based on individual experiences so trying to make sense of the pros and cons on this thread is a little difficult, but I guess what most of you are saying is: undoubtedly the best hospital in Pattaya; they have some good (and bad) doctors; they have a propensity for chasing cash; I shouldn't agree to any major surgery or life threatening treatment without getting a second opinion, probably from Bangkok.

As I said oin original post. I have previously attended 3 different top class hospitals in Bangkok, so I am now in a position to start comparing. (inceidentally, I wonder what comments would arise if there were a similar threads devoted to discussing Samitivet, or Bungrumrad etc?)

I have now attended the BPH twice, have seen a general GP and 2 specioalists and had a multitude of tests. One specialist charged 600 baht and the other 400 Baht - possibly slightly cheaper than the going rate in BKK. Other charges were reasonable and comensurate with what I would be charged inn BKK.

The service was excellent, and I didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes at any of my appointmnets/tests. I was escorted by lovely little girls in white, who had everything under control and spoke passable English. This was much beter than any of the BKK hospitals, where Englsih is sometimes a problem, and they often leave you stranded and/or waiting for ages all over the place , and rarely escort you to your next port of call, just leaving you to figure it out for yourself. (I once stormed out of BNH after waiting more than 2 hours for a scheduled appointment, and without a word of apology. Samitivej had me waiting for an hour at the wrong place for an appointment which I missed. :o )

The doctors were quite young but seemd to know their stuff. The heart guy didn't try to push for surgery, even thoughn there is a marked deterioration in my condition. He is happy to monitor it for a while and see if medcation can keep it under control for a while longer. The other specialist could have also called for more expensive tests and treatment, but she didn't. :D

Maybe it's all due to the fact that I brought a photo copy of my medical file from Bangkok, and they put it in my new file at BPH. Whatever the reason - so far, so good. But I'll certainly watch them closely. Maybe they just rip off tourists!

So many thanks one and all, I really apopreciate it. :D

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