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Which Is Better...thai Price Tag Vs British Quality?


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it was more in jest than serious, and it was in the late (mid) 80s. It was orange.

They stopped manufacture of the Marina in 1980.

it wasn't new, it was his old car

Ye gods, tinfoil, he must've really had it in for you.... not only a Marina, but not even a new one!! whistling.gif

and it was orange.


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It seems I'm getting in trouble for asking a simple question.

When was the last time you bought a poorly manufactured British product?

It seems to be the case that rather than answer just stick out a petted lip and talk crap about flag waving.

ps The NHS would collapse if it wasn't for immigrant staff. I don't care what nationality the Doctor is, to suggest otherwise is puerile.

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Not a brit ashing thread but a flag waving one. The Brits were just lucky with their language, if it was not English it would have been an other language. Wow big accomplishment.

Brits are not renowned for their quality the Germans (the guys who almost conquered the world in recent history because of their superior quality in design) and the Japanese. Those two are the ones who deliver great quality. The Brits, never been famous for it as far as i know.

I am not looking down on the Brits at all, i just look at what is quality and if its made in the UK so be it if its made in Thaland so be it. I just prefer quality over crap if it justifies the extra cost.

As for the decline in producing stuff, (Netherlands / UK / ect) its because the people living there wanted cheaper goods so factories went to places with cheap labour. Its our own fault, nobody but yourself and myself to blame for that one.

And when the Allies were on their knees financially at the end of WWII which two countries were swamped with American money to re-build? Countries like UK did not finish repaying the financial debt to the USA until the last decade. Yes the German and Japanese engineering marvels were built on US Dollars. Uncle Sam deliberately wanted to keep the UK on its knees and there are many of the older UK generations who will not forgive or forget this.

no amount of money can buy engineering marvels or ingenuity of brains.

And NO money means no R&D budget, being able to tool up completely new factories at the expense of the USA allowed the would be dictators a huge head start, some punishment.

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There's no flag waving....just pointing out some information that people might not be aware of. Nothing wrong with that.

The best ships ever built were MADE IN SCOTLAND......hey blether?

They had to make ships.....to carry all the scots who wanted to get out of Scotland.

Edited by harrry
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As expected, this has turned into a Brit bashing thread.

It's what's expected of Thaivisa these days smile.png

No, what is expected of Thaivisa these days is that the word bashing is abushed when facts they don't want to be confronted with are made about a certain group or Nationality well presented on this forum, because they know the word has some sensitivity on this forum.

Bigger is not always mean better.

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Not a brit ashing thread but a flag waving one. The Brits were just lucky with their language, if it was not English it would have been an other language. Wow big accomplishment.

Brits are not renowned for their quality the Germans (the guys who almost conquered the world in recent history because of their superior quality in design) and the Japanese. Those two are the ones who deliver great quality. The Brits, never been famous for it as far as i know.

I am not looking down on the Brits at all, i just look at what is quality and if its made in the UK so be it if its made in Thaland so be it. I just prefer quality over crap if it justifies the extra cost.

As for the decline in producing stuff, (Netherlands / UK / ect) its because the people living there wanted cheaper goods so factories went to places with cheap labour. Its our own fault, nobody but yourself and myself to blame for that one.

And when the Allies were on their knees financially at the end of WWII which two countries were swamped with American money to re-build? Countries like UK did not finish repaying the financial debt to the USA until the last decade. Yes the German and Japanese engineering marvels were built on US Dollars. Uncle Sam deliberately wanted to keep the UK on its knees and there are many of the older UK generations who will not forgive or forget this.

That is an interesting thought. Not only is the US responsible for German and Japanese advances but is also responsible for the sorry state of UK technology. I have never read any historical text that proposes a theory that the US wanted to keep the UK on it's knees after WWII. As a matter of fact that is so far fetched to be considered lunacy be any competent historian. Please link your odd Idea or remove the post as it is offensive.

I am shocked!! at you CMK........truly shocked.

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It seems I'm getting in trouble for asking a simple question.

When was the last time you bought a poorly manufactured British product?

It seems to be the case that rather than answer just stick out a petted lip and talk crap about flag waving.

ps The NHS would collapse if it wasn't for immigrant staff. I don't care what nationality the Doctor is, to suggest otherwise is puerile.

You should change your question to " when was the last time you bought a British product " , because all the products I know where Britain was famous for are now owned by big manufacturers from another nationality, hence they have applied their standards to the production.
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It seems I'm getting in trouble for asking a simple question.

When was the last time you bought a poorly manufactured British product?

It seems to be the case that rather than answer just stick out a petted lip and talk crap about flag waving.

ps The NHS would collapse if it wasn't for immigrant staff. I don't care what nationality the Doctor is, to suggest otherwise is puerile.

You should change your question to " when was the last time you bought a British product " , because all the products I know where Britain was famous for are now owned by big manufacturers from another nationality, hence they have applied their standards to the production.

So we adopted best practise and improved our quality. Am I to be sorry for that?

This topic is becoming farcical.

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It seems I'm getting in trouble for asking a simple question.

When was the last time you bought a poorly manufactured British product?

It seems to be the case that rather than answer just stick out a petted lip and talk crap about flag waving.

ps The NHS would collapse if it wasn't for immigrant staff. I don't care what nationality the Doctor is, to suggest otherwise is puerile.

On 22 August 1851, America raced against 15 yachts of the Royal Yacht Squadron in the Club's annual 53-nautical-mile (98 km) regatta around the Isle of Wight. America won, finishing 8 minutes ahead of the closest rival. Apocryphally, Queen Victoria, who was watching at the finish line, asked who was second, the famous answer being: "Ah, Your Majesty, there is no second."

The world's most cheerful loser, Sir Thomas Lipton from Glasgow.

His 5 inferior boats were, Shamrock – Shamrock V.

No, I didn't buy his boats. The last inferior product I purchased was an MG TD and TF. To be fair they were both a little old. I bought them in the late 1960's.

The Titanic was made in Belfast dos that count?

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It seems I'm getting in trouble for asking a simple question.

When was the last time you bought a poorly manufactured British product?

It seems to be the case that rather than answer just stick out a petted lip and talk crap about flag waving.

ps The NHS would collapse if it wasn't for immigrant staff. I don't care what nationality the Doctor is, to suggest otherwise is puerile.

You should change your question to " when was the last time you bought a British product " , because all the products I know where Britain was famous for are now owned by big manufacturers from another nationality, hence they have applied their standards to the production.

So we adopted best practise and improved our quality. Am I to be sorry for that?

This topic is becoming farcical.

Wouldm't it be more correct to say, manufacturers from other countries improved our products ?

As I said in a previous post, because a product is produced in Britain, to the standards and under the supervision of a manufacturer from another country,, doesn't make it a British product.Even if the product was British in earlier periods of time.

Rolls Royce,Bentley, or Mini Cooper for example are no British products anymore to my knowledge.

Edit : lets add Aston martin to the list of None British products.

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Why does it matter where quality is from ? Just buy it where ever its made, if its use or price justifies it. I really like independent tests of goods and then base my purchase on that or base it on previous purchases. I do know often when buying cheap quality you will regret it. Not always of course depending on use and such.

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It seems I'm getting in trouble for asking a simple question.

When was the last time you bought a poorly manufactured British product?

It seems to be the case that rather than answer just stick out a petted lip and talk crap about flag waving.

ps The NHS would collapse if it wasn't for immigrant staff. I don't care what nationality the Doctor is, to suggest otherwise is puerile.

it was last may that i bought a poorly manufactured British product but... i love it! thumbsup.gif


Yours?...you lucky sob.thumbsup.gif

What years that Naam?

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But then it invalidates your whole topic as i thought this was about cheap Thai quality vs expensive (often foreign) quality.

Not really. Depends on the seller's marketing approach.

A grinding disk may sell in Thailand for xx, but when exported sell for double or more because the retailer decided to sell at say, 30% below competitive products rather than 30% above their costs.

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There's no flag waving....just pointing out some information that people might not be aware of. Nothing wrong with that.

The best ships ever built were MADE IN SCOTLAND......hey blether?

They had to make ships.....to carry all the scots who wanted to get out of Scotland.

This thread, which began with a sensible and (I suspect) a well-meant question has been dragged down to the level of stupidity. However, given the suffering of our forebears, (go and research the Clearances if necessary), this post is downright ignorant and offensive. While you're at it, go figure out where many of the pioneering characters were in what was to become the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Rhodesia et alia, originated.

Yes, I know I am off topic, but it is better than reading that moronic cr@p. coffee1.gif

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the fact that its illegal would put me offtongue.png and therfore cannot comment.

Illegal may well be the case, yet its hard to ignore in countries like Thailand. Also just because its a 'knock off' of brand names, does not mean I would buy those big names in place of the knock offs. You must agree if we had a survey/poll of tourists visiting Thailand, what percentage would have shopping on their list? Id dare say 60% minimum. Now lets face it, what do these tourists want to buy whilst out shopping in the many Thai marketplaces?....I'll hand it back to you.
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There's no flag waving....just pointing out some information that people might not be aware of. Nothing wrong with that.

The best ships ever built were MADE IN SCOTLAND......hey blether?

They had to make ships.....to carry all the scots who wanted to get out of Scotland.

This thread, which began with a sensible and (I suspect) a well-meant question has been dragged down to the level of stupidity. However, given the suffering of our forebears, (go and research the Clearances if necessary), this post is downright ignorant and offensive. While you're at it, go figure out where many of the pioneering characters were in what was to become the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Rhodesia et alia, originated.

Yes, I know I am off topic, but it is better than reading that moronic cr@p. coffee1.gif

And I bet the Native Americans, Maoris, Inuit and native people of Rhodesia apreciated them too.

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i am not at all anti-british, im simply annoyed by gormless jingoism of any sort

I can handle you being annoyed by jingoism as the Americans are world leaders at it. It's when you comment about English speakers on Thai visa not being able to spell. You know on "here".

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