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Anyone Knows Mystery Shopping In Thailand?


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I always thought it was some kind of myth/scam myself.

It is not, i have had clients who were mystery shoppers (in the Netherlands). I don't know about Thailand, but they got paid to shop certain shops and evaluate them.

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Indeed there are such companies in Thailand.

I signed up with them many years ago out of curiosity, and until today, I get emails from them.

But nowadays 90% of the "mystery sale" is to check some petrol-stations, and as I don't have a car anymore since a couple of years, it's useless for me.... cannot judge if this company is reputable, but at least such thing does exist in the LOS for sure

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I always thought it was some kind of myth/scam myself.


There are probably more scam operations out there than real ones, but there are real ones. A real one would employ you like a regular job though, a scam would ask youto submit your details on a website, then spam your email and try to sell you more scam products.

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90% of this in states is a scam, imagine 110% in Thailand. Why would a company need a farang to mystery shop? Thailand I find has great service. In fact, I have expat friends visiting from their homebase in Himachal India. They looooove the service here. So it just sounds like another scam. Lets see...it involves you paying a fee to get started right? Does it come with a wp? thumbsup.gif

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It's quite common for franchisors to employ mystery shoppers in western countries. The shopper buys goods or services at franchise outlets and reports the quality and standards back to head office. There is no scam involved .... it's a performance check.

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I do it here - it is something of a scam though, as the reports are often doctored in the office to make it look good enough so the shop/eatery/whatever will ask for it to be done again.

I've put some somewhat scathing ones in - more bad than good things - and was told they couldn't go in like that & had to be changed.

It doesn't really pay, either. We might get $50 to check a bistro/restaurant, with a list of what we are to have, but it comes out of what we are paid. By the time we travel to get there & spend the time filling in the forms after...

Some don't pay for the time, you pay the meal & get the cost back to a certain amount. Go over that & it's your bill.

The mystery of shopping in TH is wether you get what you paid for. :-)

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