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Sunsets And Sunrises

Kan Win

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Just before dawn, Rayong

BTW, despite this being a 30 second exposure, the fisherman isn't photoshopped in. He really was that still for the entire exposure!

Well that's pretty awesome. Love the tones. Did you alter the white balance in post-processing or was that the as-shot tones?

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Just before dawn, Rayong

BTW, despite this being a 30 second exposure, the fisherman isn't photoshopped in. He really was that still for the entire exposure!

Well that's pretty awesome. Love the tones. Did you alter the white balance in post-processing or was that the as-shot tones?

Cheers, @forethat

I used a Lee 'little-stopper' 6-stop neutral density filter, to restrict the light entering the lens and hence lengthening the exposure. This filter does have a blue-sh cast, which I could easily have corrected in post, but since I rather liked these tones, I left pretty much as is.

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