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Soft Drink Cartel


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We need variety in our diets and the more options the manufacturers give us the better.

Every other animal and plant specie on the planet thrive on drinking water exclusively (except for baby mammals) so why should it be any different for humans?

Because humans are smarter than other animals and can make tastier drinks? Fruit bats absolutely love drinking orange Fanta given half a chance.

Oh, and some adult animals do drink things other than water. For example, badgers will drink milk from sleeping cows, and vampire bats drink blood.

And it is well known, that if you aren't very carefully monkeys steal coke, beer, fanta, ice cream, ice tea etc etc from the fridges in the national parks.

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Check with Dr. Google on those fine health products....sugar, aspartame, saccharin and the devastating effects on the brain and reproductive system and of splenda on ones liver. You cannot fool mother nature.

devastating?? Brain OK....evidence confirms that, but reproductive system?

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