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Farang Begging For Money At Skytrain Stop..


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technically nothign illegal about it; if the beggar wants to sue one of us, we can test the truth behind the comment in a court of law if you would like.

Or we could have a dance off.

Interesting idea. How can we let him know about it?

I will ask him next time I walk past, right before I get the police to take him away (his little payouts probably won't help him, the police here are actually obligated to do something about this). Lately I've been taking another way home though.

Actually, I studied IP law, that is close enough to privacy law. I might offer to take him on retainer, with a share of er, 9,000baht as my fee.

If he doesn't pay, then we can sit side by side:

'9,000b for trip home'

'9,000b for representing this deadbeat in court for invasion of privacy'

I might wear some smart clothes though, much like the scene in Fun with Dick and Jane when he complains how can you live on this wage, as he is getting into the 7 series BMW... you know the one.

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There is clearly Good Money to be made in this line of "work"

Can anybody spare 50 baht so I can buy a pen and some cardboard to make a sign :o

You can rent out one of my signs for only 19baht per day.

A popular one at the moment that is available reads:

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Please spare some money

For a starving Poet.

It comes pre sun-bleached to give it an authentic well-used look to it, and also has a light coating of beeswax for weather protection during rainy seasons. The reverse side has a wipe-clean spreadsheet to help keep track of one's daily accounts. Folds up to approx. 9x5 inches and comes in a waterproof imitation leather wallet.

Another popular sign is one that reads "9000 baht short of an airplane ticket" but this is booked out for the next 8 months.


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Do you think he has a work permit?

I don't know. That's why I think we should hear from the "horse's mouth" directly. Steveromagnino seems to be working on it.

Jeeez! Of course he doesn't have a work permit!

Do you really think a foreigner can get a work permit for begging?

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It's all starting to make sense now.

This CMCool character (the one who defends the indefensible) IS the beggar.

He's on his break in a nice air-conditioned internet cafe which only costs 10 baht per hour. The sign is probably propped up at the side of the monitor.

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Do you think he has a work permit?

I don't know. That's why I think we should hear from the "horse's mouth" directly. Steveromagnino seems to be working on it.

Jeeez! Of course he doesn't have a work permit!

Do you really think a foreigner can get a work permit for begging?

I'm not pulling your leg or anything, but is begging considered as "work" in the first place?

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I'm not pulling your leg or anything, but is begging considered as "work" in the first place?

anything that earns you money here is classed as work.

I would imagine that you would class begging as performance art and therefore need to meet the same requirements for a work permit as a actor would

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Do you think he has a work permit?

I don't know. That's why I think we should hear from the "horse's mouth" directly. Steveromagnino seems to be working on it.

Jeeez! Of course he doesn't have a work permit!

Do you really think a foreigner can get a work permit for begging?

I'm not pulling your leg or anything, but is begging considered as "work" in the first place?

it is in the UK - big issue sellers (but they have dogs not donkeys or horses)

Edited by markuk
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Can anybody here make a good pic of him (200 dpi) and send it to me...As I work as a journalist in Holland I can forward it to my colleagues at the biggest newspaper here....I am sure they will publish it on the front page and make an absolutely fool of him..

come on guys, give him a break ! He must be mentally ill or something..


Edited by kaisaigai
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Do you think he has a work permit?

I don't know. That's why I think we should hear from the "horse's mouth" directly. Steveromagnino seems to be working on it.

why do you have to bring horses into it? :o

Same species, isn't it? :D

dont know.

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Ebonics has been discarded and discredited long ago as an accepted 'dialect' in the US education system. Quite right too, it is colloquialism, not a language.

I remember meeting this black guy (he refused to be labelled African-American as there is only one type of American - it's a nationality) from Harrisburg while I was at Northwestern and he was really upset about all the ebonics crap as it marginalises an already marginalised segment of the population and gives bigots even more ammo to make fun and discriminate.

Couldn't agree more.

It might be just the thing for street cred and muscle flexing but in the real world it's a negative.

My sentiments exactly, it's just a dialect and has NO place in the educational system as it puts students at a disadvantage when entering into the work place and integrated society. And yes Black is perfect I don't like being called African-American either, American is what I proudly am. But that being said the colloquialism is harmless when spoken in casual context like we all are doing here BS’ing on the forums. Now would I ever word a thesis in slang? Of course not, but I won't drop it all together from my vocabulary. Though I am taking this a bit off topic, sorry :o

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I'm not pulling your leg or anything, but is begging considered as "work" in the first place?

anything that earns you money here is classed as work.

I would imagine that you would class begging as performance art and therefore need to meet the same requirements for a work permit as a actor would

I see your point. Like the guy who's been caught jamming without a WP (I wonder what happened to him eventually). Now, the big question is: Does he have one? Sir Burr thinks he doesn't and likely most of us do. But if there is a chance of 0.1% that he has one, shall we accept to remove his picture and post an apology in this forum? Now we would like to hear from Steveromagnino after meeting the guy in person. It that OK, Steve?

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I'm not pulling your leg or anything, but is begging considered as "work" in the first place?

anything that earns you money here is classed as work.

I would imagine that you would class begging as performance art and therefore need to meet the same requirements for a work permit as a actor would

I see your point. Like the guy who's been caught jamming without a WP (I wonder what happened to him eventually). Now, the big question is: Does he have one? Sir Burr thinks he doesn't and likely most of us do. But if there is a chance of 0.1% that he has one, shall we accept to remove his picture and post an apology in this forum? Now we would like to hear from Steveromagnino after meeting the guy in person. It that OK, Steve?


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It's all starting to make sense now.

This CMCool character (the one who defends the indefensible) IS the beggar.

He's on his break in a nice air-conditioned internet cafe which only costs 10 baht per hour. The sign is probably propped up at the side of the monitor.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not him :o


I understood from spog that begging is considered as work. Right? So why you can't get a wp for it? Please do you have any reference from the law to support that? Thanks.

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To get a work permit you have to apply for a profession that's not prohibited, and you need to be employed by a company. So unless you set up a company with a begging business model, I don't think the labour dept will grant you a WP. :o

And TAX / VAT needs to be paid on the income... I think that would be tough in the current scenario.

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I understood from spog that begging is considered as work. Right? So why you can't get a wp for it? Please do you have any reference from the law to support that? Thanks.

Instead of a reference, how about using plain ol' common sense?

Do you seriously think that there is a snowball's chance in hel_l of getting a work permit for begging?

What colour is the sky on your planet?

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To get a work permit you have to apply for a profession that's not prohibited, and you need to be employed by a company. So unless you set up a company with a begging business model, I don't think the labour dept will grant you a WP. :o

And TAX / VAT needs to be paid on the income... I think that would be tough in the current scenario.

So it is illegal after all. Then why the autorities are not dealing with? And any idea about what kind of punishement is expected for this "line of business"? Thanks.

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Instead of a reference, how about using plain ol' common sense?

Do you seriously think that there is a snowball's chance in hel_l of getting a work permit for begging?

What colour is the sky on your planet?

When I said there is a chance of 0.1%, I knew what I was talking about. I give you an example:

The guy could be a sociology professor (with a WP of course) at the university X doing research on the socio-cultural effects on the Thai population exposed to the highly unusual situation of a needy and begging farang. Don't you think this is a very interesting and original topic?

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Instead of a reference, how about using plain ol' common sense?

Do you seriously think that there is a snowball's chance in hel_l of getting a work permit for begging?

What colour is the sky on your planet?

When I said there is a chance of 0.1%, I knew what I was talking about. I give you an example:

The guy could be a sociology professor (with a WP of course) at the university X doing research on the socio-cultural effects on the Thai population exposed to the highly unusual situation of a needy and begging farang. Don't you think this is a very interesting and original topic?

IN that scenario, he would not be getting a work permit for begging, he already had a work permit for research... so er, not in that example.

presumably he is sufficiently transient to avoid authorities for the most part, and probably cough up an bribe to not get into too much trouble. A few police may even pity him.

but at some point, we need some sort of test, either 'a reasonable person' test or 'beyond reasonable doubt' test regarding the work permit and whether he is a legitimate beggar. Based on the data presented; that he has been consistently asking for money for a period it seems at least a year, based on the fact that there seems to be little evidence that he has a company or employees, and thus would not meet the criteria of a company able to issue a work permit and pay the minimum of about 50k a month to him as an employee.

Incidentally, if he DID have a work permit for this, then he has no privacy protection as a company employee working as privacy law would not apply in the course of business. he would also be earning about 50k a month, enough to pay his 9k airfare.

Therefore, we can conclude, pretty safely I think, that the odds of him having a work permit are in the realm of less than er, 40% likely. If you believe otherwise, I'll have a bet with youf 1000 baht, if he has one, I'll give you 1000 and if he doesn't, you can give me 1000.

I am sure a few other posters, Sir Burr and the like, may also be interested in your 'action' for this bet too. :o

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Therefore, we can conclude, pretty safely I think, that the odds of him having a work permit are in the realm of less than er, 40% likely. If you believe otherwise, I'll have a bet with youf 1000 baht, if he has one, I'll give you 1000 and if he doesn't, you can give me 1000.

I am sure a few other posters, Sir Burr and the like, may also be interested in your 'action' for this bet too. :o

Great idea...Then Mr begger would be laughing at us from the right side of the jail!

Incidentally, if he DID have a work permit for this, then he has no privacy protection as a company employee working as privacy law would not apply in the course of business. he would also be earning about 50k a month, enough to pay his 9k airfare.

Where did that come from? Any references? I am sure privacy laws exist within companies.

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Hmmm, I haven't found "begging" listed as one of the occupations foreigners are barred from.

And, if he's got a workpermit, he must be employed on an income of 55.000+ per month. Anyone know who his boss is?

Time to franchise this business out to choice locations? :o

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Can anybody here make a good pic of him (200 dpi) and send it to me...As I work as a journalist in Holland I can forward it to my colleagues at the biggest newspaper here....I am sure they will publish it on the front page and make an absolutely fool of him..

come on guys, give him a break ! He must be mentally ill or something..


WHY must he be mentally ill? I lived in Vegas 18 years. You would not believe the number of physically healthy, mentally balanced people who make a living begging year after year. They just have no pride/shame.

Obviously 'begging farang' has no pride. Mentally ill? I doubt it.

Most likely scenerios. He wants to stay in Thailand for the cheap/easy sex, booze, etc. but doesn't have a unique skill which would allow him to get a WP. Or he's making more cash with the begging routine than at a 'real' job.

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