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How about something a little different for a change?

A field of Carnations Marigolds

(got it right this time Jim thumbsup.gif)




Hi Shaggy,

Just curious, are the marigolds grown for the cut flower industry or is to combat nematodes before they plant another crop ,do you know?

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Hi Shaggy,

Just curious, are the marigolds grown for the cut flower industry or is to combat nematodes before they plant another crop ,do you know?

Hi xen

According to the Missus the marigolds have grown there for quite some time now.I am not sure if they are grown for the open market or for use at a nearby temple.

My guess would be for the Temple use because the ashes of one of the Highest Monks (หลวงปู่บุญรอด Grandfather Bunrod)are held there in a special building.

Ermmmm ....nematodes,hang on a minute (Google,google,google),Oooh didn't expect that ,pretty disgusting looking things !!!

None the less, thank you xen for a new word and meaning wai.gif

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