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Sorry Seonai, I don't discuss bollotix for the UK let alone Thailand. IMO all bolloxticians are liars in one form or another, it's just a case of finding the one who lies most sincerely & voting for them :o

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Im with Boo on this one Seonai.

But I will have to vote Chuwit the most colourful Thai politician. That man is hysterical.

Imagine if he got in:

Bars open 24/7

A massage parlour on every corner (just like 7-11) (Maybe they will call the chain "Massages 'r' Us")

Many great campaign posters of him wielding his sledgehammer

Corruption being beaten...with corruption

the mind boggles!

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I discuss politics, but find the thai situation too depressing.

Personally, I believe the snap elections have been called so that he could possibly buy his way back in, thus convinced he has a mandate, he could possibly turn Thailand into a tightly controlled organization bent on perhaps enriching himself, his friends and his family.

edited: better watch out for slander!

Anyway, I'm with HarryHerb on this one, makeup, hair and relationship topics are much easier to deal with, and usually solvable problems, as opposed to this one :o

Edited by sbk
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No need to apologize, I do enjoy a nice political discussion myself, just find this whole thing bringing out the cynic in me.

And, to be honest, it does make me a bit depressed. I don't see any real reformative change happening in the political system in this country and find it sad that the people just keep getting screwed over by the politicians.

But then, I'm American, you'd think I'd be used to it by now :o

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take a look at -


The march begins at midnight.

[Click here to read the report of the rally on the second day]

12:06 am: Channel 9 reports the march.

The march continues peacefully. The march is led by a vehicle on which announcer Suwit Watnoo is. The Dharma Army forms the second line of the march. Protesters make the third line after the Dharma Army.

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I find the current situation very interesting, and am following it as much as I can in the papers and on the box. I also enjoy having something a little more serious to chat about with my Thai friends, other than the usual old day to day stuff.

I think it will be a very interesting few months and it feels funny that I will be back in the UK and there is the potential for so many changes to come about here, and I will miss these things.

But other than skimming the surface, I find politics pretty boring and usually a load of crap. And thats about as far as it goes for me :o

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No need to apologize, I do enjoy a nice political discussion myself, just find this whole thing bringing out the cynic in me.

And, to be honest, it does make me a bit depressed. I don't see any real reformative change happening in the political system in this country and find it sad that the people just keep getting screwed over by the politicians.

But then, I'm American, you'd think I'd be used to it by now :o

If you are an Amercian at heart, you'll never get used to it.

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"Anyway, I'm with HarryHerb on this one, makeup, hair and relationship topics are much easier to deal with, and usually solvable problems, as opposed to this one "

Ah SBK, you've never seen my hair!

Okay, I posted something on the General site. Never particularly liked Mr. Thaksin, but I do respect that politicians as a group can be less than savory. Still, I have had a lot of respect for certain ones, including former PMs Prem, Anand, and Chuan. :o Sadly, I think PM Thaksin has really blown an opportunity--so much wealth, he could have done a lot of good. If he must still enjoy status, why not set up a "Thaksin Foundation," a la Bill Gates? Even if the only purpose is to stroke his ego and keep his kids employed, it could do a lot of good. Special project: Thai education.

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"Anyway, I'm with HarryHerb on this one, makeup, hair and relationship topics are much easier to deal with, and usually solvable problems, as opposed to this one "

Ah SBK, you've never seen my hair!

Okay, I posted something on the General site. Never particularly liked Mr. Thaksin, but I do respect that politicians as a group can be less than savory. Still, I have had a lot of respect for certain ones, including former PMs Prem, Anand, and Chuan. :D Sadly, I think PM Thaksin has really blown an opportunity--so much wealth, he could have done a lot of good. If he must still enjoy status, why not set up a "Thaksin Foundation," a la Bill Gates? Even if the only purpose is to stroke his ego and keep his kids employed, it could do a lot of good. Special project: Thai education.

Well, shaving ones head bald is always an option :D

Anyway, I never got the feeling he went into politics out of a deep and abiding need to help the Thai people or the nation as a whole. If his goal was to enrich himself then he certainly didn't miss any opportunities at all, did he?

Like I said, the topic brings out the cynic in me :o

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