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Australia Day Saturday 26Th Jan. 2013


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Why not join us at The Olde Bell anytime between 5pm until 10pm to celebrate Australia’s National Day with the folks from the Old Country? We’ll have an evening of Australian songs by John Williamson, Goanna, Redgum, Slim Dusty and the rest.

We’ve got Chicken Parmy and Aussie meat pie on special offer. We’ve got VB and Cooper’s Pale to wash it down and a craic as good as anywhere in town.

Whether you can join us or not we’d like to wish all Australians a Happy Australia Day!

To find us, wander down Loi Kroh Rd about 300m from the moat. We’re on the left hand side, next to the Raming lodge hotel and behind the yellow exchange booth.

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Just read an article in the Sydney Morning Herald basically saying that Oz Day should be a day of shame for the whites raping and pillaging the country and stealing it from the Aboriginees (before the Indonesians got the idea). Most of the readers seemed to agree that we are a shameful and loathesome race of murdering sociopathic mysoginists who should all go back wher we came from.

Grew up in Sydney but been away for a long time, but reading that rag is like reading something from a foreign culture. Places change I suppose, or maybe I'm just an insensitive Neanderthal.

Happy Australia Day!

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I'm certainly not qualified to comment on the Aboriginal situation, although I can't imagine white Australians raping their women. I'm just offering a few beers, a few Slim Dusty songs and a Chicken Parmigiana. to celebrate the National Day of a country whose people I have a lot of time for. You do the politics. I'll keep the beer cold!

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Chicken parmigiana is about as Australian as chicken chow mein. I suppose next St David's Day Pedr will be offering kangaroo tail soup instead of leek soup.

So what would you say is the quintessential Australian dish? Leaving out marsupials cooked in a variety of ways!

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Chicken parmigiana is about as Australian as chicken chow mein. I suppose next St David's Day Pedr will be offering kangaroo tail soup instead of leek soup.

So what would you say is the quintessential Australian dish? Leaving out marsupials cooked in a variety of ways!


That is, after they've been tossed around a bit to tenderize them.

Jes' kiddin' mates.

Happy Australia Day!

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Chicken parmigiana is about as Australian as chicken chow mein. I suppose next St David's Day Pedr will be offering kangaroo tail soup instead of leek soup.

So what would you say is the quintessential Australian dish? Leaving out marsupials cooked in a variety of ways!

Chiko rolls and party pies

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Well, we served a load of Chicken Parmigianas - they may be 'about as Australian as Chow Mein', but they are very popular with Aussies and other nationalities alike. In all it was a great night with lots of people attending and positive feedback. Of course, the armchair critics on here will find that difficult to understand. Some of you really should try giving your typing fingers a rest and get out a bit more!

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Well, we served a load of Chicken Parmigianas - they may be 'about as Australian as Chow Mein', but they are very popular with Aussies and other nationalities alike. In all it was a great night with lots of people attending and positive feedback. Of course, the armchair critics on here will find that difficult to understand. Some of you really should try giving your typing fingers a rest and get out a bit more!

Good on you for you for trying to make every post a winner.

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